Search results for: argo

Unlocking ArgoCD: your complete guide to declarative installation and management with the App of Apps approach

Posted on March 7, 2024

Community post originally published on Medium by Maryam Tavakkoli This article outlines my hands-on experience with implementing ArgoCD in our project. Drawing from these experiences, I’ve tried to simplify the process of declarative installation and efficient management using…

Flagger vs Argo rollouts vs service meshes: a guide to progressive delivery in Kubernetes

Posted on February 27, 2024 | By Scott Rigby

Member post originally published on Bouyant’s blog by Scott Rigby Progressive delivery is a vital tool for ensuring that new code is deployed safely to production with automated protections if things go wrong. But how do we accomplish…

Co-located event deep dive: ArgoCon Europe 2024

Posted on February 15, 2024

Happening on 19 March 2024 in Paris Co-chairs: Dan Garfield, Christian Hernandez, Carlos Santana ArgoCon is the best place to meet Argo maintainers and fellow end users to swap stories, strategies, and implementation details. Improve your software delivery,…

Setting up a GitOps workflow with Argo CD and GitHub actions

Posted on November 15, 2023 | By Arsh Sharma

Community post originally published on a personal blog by Arsh Sharma GitOps is gaining increasing popularity these days, and for good reason. The principles of GitOps promote the use of Git repositories as the ultimate source of truth…

Coming soon! Certified Argo Project Associate

Posted on November 6, 2023

Cloud Native Computer Foundation and Linux Foundation Training and Certification today announced the new Certified Argo Project Associate (CAPA) certification. Argo Project, an open-source, container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes, is an increasingly in-demand skill…

Using GitHub apps with ArgoCD

Posted on October 27, 2023 | By Mitch Connors

Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Mitch Connors In preparation for my upcoming talk with Christian Hernandez, I’m setting up an ArgoCD instance which pulls config from a private GitHub repository. While this is my first time using Argo…

Argo rollouts 1.6 release

Posted on September 7, 2023

Project post originally published on the Argo blog by Zach Aller Welcome Argo Rollouts 1.6! This release had 33 contributors, of which 22 were first-timers, and includes 134 commits. Thank you all for your contributions! This release is a…

Argo CD end user threat model: security considerations for hardening declarative GitOps CD on Kubernetes

Posted on April 21, 2023 | By Andres Vega + Michael Crenshaw

Community post by Andres Vega from ControlPlane and Michael Crenshaw from Argo CD Argo CD provides deployment flexibility, which enables operators to configure it to varying situations. The new report by ControlPlane provides a comprehensive threat modeling analysis…

Argo and Flux: grown-up GitOps for cloud native generation

Posted on December 27, 2022 | By Chris Aniszczyk

It’s a watershed moment in the evolution of cloud native: Argo and Flux, which let teams declaratively deploy and run applications and workflows on Kubernetes using GitOps, have left CNCF’s incubation phase. In graduating, the pair demonstrated advanced…

Progressive delivery with service mesh – Argo Rollouts with Istio

Posted on December 16, 2022 | By Atulpriya Sharma

Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Atulpriya Sharma We’ve all heard the phrase – Change is the only constant. That holds true for everything around us. Traditionally applications were released in a waterfall-based model where…