All posts by CNCF

EnterpriseAI: "Kubernetes tools keep coming"
EnterpriseAI: "Kubernetes tools keep coming"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) said it has accepted Project Argo as a hosted incubator project, the interim step toward “graduation.” Argo was launched in 2017 by the Bay Area startup Applatix, which had been...
April 7, 2020

We're all in this together: a wellness guide from the CNCF well-being working group
We're all in this together: a wellness guide from the CNCF well-being working group
This article was contributed by: Chris Lentricchia, Sara E. Davila, Rin Oliver, Jennifer Lankford, Andrew Randall, Shea Stewart, and Dave McAllister. The ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19 and social distancing as much of a mental health issue...
April 3, 2020

CNCF projects surpass one billion lines of code: A Q&A with DevStats creator Łukasz Gryglicki
CNCF projects surpass one billion lines of code: A Q&A with DevStats creator Łukasz Gryglicki
Some of you may not be aware that the CNCF community has access to an incredibly valuable reporting tool – DevStats. CNCF began developing DevStats in 2017 to provide the Kubernetes community with timely and relevant...
March 31, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation adds 81 members to reach new heights
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation adds 81 members to reach new heights
Foundation welcomes new members including Cyber Armor, Monzo, Twitter and Ubisoft to help define the future of the cloud native ecosystem SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – March 31, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which...
March 31, 2020

How Vodafone leverages Kubernetes to meet its digital strategy goals across 25 countries
How Vodafone leverages Kubernetes to meet its digital strategy goals across 25 countries
With users in 25 different countries, the telecommunications giant Vodafone launched a new digital strategy in 2016 with the goal of creating the #1 customer experience in each of those markets. Historically, the telecom industry in...
March 30, 2020

The New Stack: "Kubernetes 1.18 brings Kubectl debugging, ingress improvements"
The New Stack: "Kubernetes 1.18 brings Kubectl debugging, ingress improvements"
With the release of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Kubernetes 1.18, the open source container orchestration platform has achieved an optimal balance between new experimental “alpha” features, those in the testing stages (“Beta”) and those that...
March 25, 2020

TechRepublic: "Kubernetes version 1.18 has 38 enhancements"
TechRepublic: "Kubernetes version 1.18 has 38 enhancements"
Popular container orchestration platform Kubernetes has released version 1.18, its first release of the year. The Kubernetes team is calling version 1.18 “fit and finish,” which commonly refers to a completed product with all its parts...
March 25, 2020

Deployment Bottlenecks and how to tame them
Member Post Deployment Bottlenecks and how to tame them
Guest post originally published on by Liran Haimovtich is the Co-Founder and CTO of Rookout If you take a long hard look at the DevOps movement, you will find it actually divides neatly into two...
March 23, 2020

Security Boulevard: "What’s new in Kubernetes 1.18? Enhancements and feature updates"
Security Boulevard: "What’s new in Kubernetes 1.18? Enhancements and feature updates"
The release of Kubernetes version 1.18 comes at an interesting time, to say the least. The Kubernetes release team has done an amazing job of pushing out the new version despite all the turmoil and uncertainty...
March 23, 2020

My Internship with Thanos: A CNCF Project
Community Post My Internship with Thanos: A CNCF Project
Originally published on Medium by Khyati Soneji My Internship experience with Thanos, a project aimed at unlocking highly available and long term Prometheus storage capabilities. This article is about my whole journey as an Intern working on Thanos project with...
March 20, 2020