All posts by Jessie

DevClass: “Kubernetes 1.24 ‘Stargazer’ release removes Dockershim, adds OpenAPI v3 in beta”
DevClass: “Kubernetes 1.24 ‘Stargazer’ release removes Dockershim, adds OpenAPI v3 in beta”
The Kubernetes project has released version 1.24 of its ubiquitous container orchestration system, Stargazer – the first release of 2022 and just ahead of the KubeCon Europe event which begins on 16th May. The Dockershim code,...
May 5, 2022

The New Stack: “Kubernetes 1.24 Drops Dockershim, Makes Space for Stateful Workloads”
The New Stack: “Kubernetes 1.24 Drops Dockershim, Makes Space for Stateful Workloads”
The latest release of the Kubernetes container orchestration engine, nicknamed “Stargazer,” looks out to better support databases, microservices and other emerging use cases, while shedding earlier missteps that have stymied the K8s core developers’ productivity.
May 5, 2022

ZDNet: “Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer: An exceptional release with two major changes”
ZDNet: “Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer: An exceptional release with two major changes”
Kubernetes, everyone’s favorite container orchestrator, in its latest release, Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer, has made two major changes: The developers dropped support for the Docker Engine container runtime and added supply chain security via Sigstore. First, don’t...
May 5, 2022

The Register: “Dockershim deprecated with release of Kubernetes 1.24”
The Register: “Dockershim deprecated with release of Kubernetes 1.24”
The day has come. At long last Dockershim is dead. The removal was one of several notable changes that came with today’s Kubernetes 1.24 release. The shift on Dockershim has broad albeit well-documented implications for those...
May 5, 2022

Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.24 Release Arrives to Finally Deprecate Dockershim”
Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.24 Release Arrives to Finally Deprecate Dockershim”
The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for Kubernetes today announced it released a long-anticipated update that formally removes support for a Dockershim interface that enables Docker, Inc.’s DockerEngine runtime to run on Kubernetes clusters.
May 5, 2022

Flux April 2022 update
Project Post Flux April 2022 update
Project post originally published on the Flux blog by Daniel Holbach As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities...
May 4, 2022

How to write a Fluent Bit Plugin
Community Post How to write a Fluent Bit Plugin
Community post by Victor Chen, Engineer at Nightfall Introduction Fluent Bit is an open source log processor tool that was designed with performance and lower resource consumption than its predecessor FluentD in mind. There are 6...
May 4, 2022 | Victor Chen

Three things to know before debugging your spring application
Member Post Three things to know before debugging your spring application
Guest post originally published on the Rookout blog by Karl Hughes Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,...
May 3, 2022 | Karl Hughes

How to secure deployments in Kubernetes?
Member Post How to secure deployments in Kubernetes?
Guest post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Leonid Sandler CTO & Co-founder at Armo Security is crucial ‌for containerized applications that run on a shared infrastructure. With more and more organizations moving their container workloads...
May 2, 2022 | Leonid Sandler

Importance of baremetal for Kubernetes framework
Member Post Importance of baremetal for Kubernetes framework
Guest post by Vishal Anand, Utpal Mangla, and Luca Marchi, IBM Kubernetes never existed without Baremetals !! If we say that, it would not be incorrect for enterprises at all. It is of no surprise that...
April 29, 2022 | Vishal Anand, Utpal Mangla, and Luca Marchi