All posts by Jessie

TelecomTV: "The Cloud Native Computing Foundation reaches out to Telcos"
TelecomTV: "The Cloud Native Computing Foundation reaches out to Telcos"
In just four years, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has amassed almost 500 member companies, including all the major public clouds, enterprise software companies and over 100 end users. It took Kubernetes into open source...
October 8, 2019

ITOps Times: "ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Envoy"
ITOps Times: "ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Envoy"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is releasing its second Project Journey Report for the graduated project: Envoy, a network proxy that was designed by Lyft and released as open source in 2016.
October 4, 2019

ITOps Times: "Kubernetes 1.16 now available"
ITOps Times: "Kubernetes 1.16 now available"
The latest release of the container orchestration platform Kubernetes is now available. Kubernetes 1.16 is the third release of the project this year, and it includes 31 enhancements.
September 18, 2019

DevClass: "CNCF lights up new SIG targeting application delivery"
DevClass: "CNCF lights up new SIG targeting application delivery"
The Cloud Native Computing Forum (CNCF) has cast its net beyond its core constituency of infrastructure developers with the launch of an Application Delivery Special Interest Group.
September 13, 2019

SDxCentral: "How will open source deal with success?"
SDxCentral: "How will open source deal with success?"
Last week’s Open Source Summit in San Diego was a brilliant display of the ecosystem’s well-deserved success, but that was to be expected. You don’t go to an event with that title and not expect some...
August 28, 2019

Container Journal: "Open service brokers in the cloud services ecosystem"
Container Journal: "Open service brokers in the cloud services ecosystem"
The Open Service Broker API specification is the product of a collaboration by Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Fujitsu, Google, IBM, Pivotal, Red Hat and SAP.
August 15, 2019

SearchITOperations: "Study tips to ace the CNCF's CKA exam"
SearchITOperations: "Study tips to ace the CNCF's CKA exam"
IT certifications are an IT admin’s superpower, lending official credibility to technology expertise. Know what to expect — and practice — to become Kubernetes certified.
May 7, 2019

DevClass: "What’s the point: Cloudflare, CNCF, Qt Design Studio, Cheerp"
DevClass: "What’s the point: Cloudflare, CNCF, Qt Design Studio, Cheerp"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation, the steward of projects such as Kubernetes and Prometheus, has a new member: semiconductor and software design company Arm.
February 21, 2019

InfoWorld: "CoreDNS joins Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy"
InfoWorld: "CoreDNS joins Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy"
CoreDNS, the DNS server created to serve as support infrastructure for Kubernetes, has been “graduated” by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, sustainers of Kubernetes and other open source technology for building modern clouds.
January 24, 2019

The New Stack: "CoreDNS joins the ranks of CNCF graduates"
The New Stack: "CoreDNS joins the ranks of CNCF graduates"
Created just three years ago and admitted to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an incubating project a year later, DNS server CoreDNS has come a long way.
January 24, 2019