Now Open: CNCF Community Store, Ambassador Program, and Meetup Community

Today’s cloud native ecosystem is growing at an incredibly rapid pace – as new technologies are continuously introduced and current applications are ever-evolving.
Our new Cloud Native Ambassador Program will help spread cloud native practices and technology across the world. Cloud Native Ambassadors are individuals who are passionate about cloud native technology and are recognized for their expertise and willingness to help others learn about the wider CNCF community. Our Ambassadors are experts working at CNCF member organizations.
Follow Chuck Svoboda @CharlesRishard
Pretty excited about the #CNCF Ambassador program.@CloudNativeFdn #Kubernetes
7:44 PM – 17 Jun 2016 · SBIC, Baltimore, United States
“CNCF Ambassadors are uniquely positioned as advocates to support both developers and operators in not only defining tomorrow’s infrastructure, but also how applications natively leverage this infrastructure,” said Lee Calcote, technology leader in Clouds, containers and their management. “Functioning as an underground conference scene, meetups are surprisingly refreshing in their candidness, content, and convenience – three C’s that deliver value to me as an organizer.”
We are also launching a meetup program to help support our CNCF community and related meetups across the world. CNCF covers meetup costs and more for qualifying meetups. To start your own CNCF meetup, email us at
We currently have CNCF meetups all over the world, providing the ongoing education and community gathering space needed to navigate this new computing paradigm. Starting today, we have more than 41 meetups, representing more than 11,409 members across the globe. Go to to keep up-to-date on future CNCF meetups like “Kubernetes deep dive and anniversary celebration” in Bagalore on August 27th and “Kubernetes with Weaveworks and Apcera” in San Francisco on September 7th.
“The number of meetups focused on cloud computing, containers, cloud native, CNCF’s projects and related open source technologies continues to grow on a global scale. There’s major interest among developers to learn more about any facet of open source, cloud native technologies from our very own subject matter experts,” said Chris Aniszczyk, COO of Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
“I am honored to participate in this program as a Cloud Native Ambassador and I look forward to hosting our first Canada Cloud Native meetups with my co-organizer Todd Wilson from the Office of the CIO for the Province of British Columbia in both Vancouver and Victoria,” said Diane Mueller, Director Community Development at Red Hat. “Community-based meetup programs combine all the topics that are part of the Cloud Native’s new computing paradigm under a single umbrella and allow developers to gain a better understanding of how to optimize them for modern distributed systems environments, and focus on the advancement of and innovation within promising technologies in context, this was unified approach – until now – noticeably missing from the tech community.”
The meetups discuss CNCF related technology like Kubernetes and Prometheus; topics range from container networking and application services to multi-cloud engineering, scalability, microservices, and much more.
Popular meetups include The Bay Area Kubernetes Meetup, which has an impressive 1,675 members; the Cloud Computing Meetup, based in Madrid, which gathers more than 800 members; and Kubernetes and Cloud Native New York, which has more than 530 “Kubelets” discussing how to push the boundaries of what K8S can do.
The CNCF is also excited to announce the launch of a new community store, featuring items including stickers, tees, hoodies, and more. Fans of CNCF, Kubernetes, and Prometheus can gear up to show their support at

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