Slack is giving back to the Kubernetes and CNCF communities with free access as part of their not for profit program. We are also thrilled that they have extended their not for profit program to include 501(c)(6) organizations like CNCF:
How long ago did you put in the request? We recently opened it up to 501(c)(6)s.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) February 18, 2017
Like many projects, companies and foundations, CNCF is a very active Slack user, leveraging the tool to communicate with members, ambassadors, and our larger cloud native community. Additionally, we have Slack channels for many of our projects like OpenTracing and Prometheus, while Kubernetes has its own channel with 8,062 registered users.
We’re excited about this move from Slack – and certainly appreciate improved archiving at no extra cost. Even more importantly, free Slack frees up CNCF to invest more in the k8s community for things like better documentation, continuous integration and scholarships and to attend community events.
Insert your favorite Slack emoji here: !!!