Announcing Linkerd 1.0
Originally published by Oliver Gould.
Today, we’re thrilled to announce Linkerd version 1.0. A little more than one year from our initial launch, Linkerd is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and has a thriving community of contributors and users. Adopters range from startups like Monzo, which is disrupting the UK banking industry, to high scale Internet companies like Paypal, Ticketmaster, and Credit Karma, to companies that have been in business for hundreds of years like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
A 1.0 release is a meaningful milestone for any open source project. In our case, it’s a recognition that we’ve hit a stable set of features that our users depend on to handle their most critical production traffic. It also signals a commitment to limiting breaking configuration changes moving forward.
It’s humbling that our little project has amassed such an amazing group of operators and developers. I’m continually stunned by the features and integrations coming out of the Linkerd community; and there’s simply nothing more satisfying than hearing how Linkerd is helping teams do their jobs with a little less fear and uncertainty.
The service mesh
Linkerd a service mesh for cloud native applications. As part of this release, we wanted to define what this actually meant. My cofounder William Morgan has a writeup in another post we released today, What’s a service mesh? And why do I need one?
New features
Beyond stability and performance improvements, Linkerd 1.0 has a couple new features worth talking about.
This release includes a substantial change to the way that routers are configured in Linkerd. New plugin interfaces have been introduced to allow for much finer-grained policy control.
To read more on pre-service configurations, pre-client configurations, identifier kinds, response classifier kinds, client and service parameters, timeouts, TLS, Metrics, Trace Annotations and HTTP Headers, check out Oliver’s original post at:
Linkerd Videos
For educational, technical and case study presentations about Linkerd, check out:
- CNCF Webinar: Introduction to Linkerd
- CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017 Keynote: Linkerd Project Update
- CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017 Session: When Failure is Not an Option: Processing Real Money at Monzo with Kubernetes and Linkerd
CloudNativeCon + KubeCon North America
Participate in technical sessions, hear case studies and learn more about service mesh for cloud native applications by attending CloudNativeCon + KubeCon North America 2017, December 6-8 at the Austin Convention Center. Speaking submissions close August 21st. Submit here.