Originally published by Richard Li on the Envoy blog, here.

We are thrilled to announce that the first ever EnvoyCon will be held on December 10 in Seattle, WA as part of the KubeCon / CloudNative Con Community Events Day. The community growth since we first open sourced Envoy in September 2016 has been staggering, and we feel that it’s time for a dedicated conference that can bring together Envoy end users and system integrators. I hope you are as excited as we are about this!
The Call For Papers is now open, with submissions due by Friday, August 24.
Talk proposals can be either 30 minute talks or 10 minute lightning talks, with experience levels from beginner to expert. The following categories will be considered:
- Using and Integrating with Envoy (both within modern “cloud native” stacks such as Kubernetes but also in “legacy” on-prem and IaaS infrastructures)
- Envoy in production case studies
- Envoy fundamentals and philosophy
- Envoy internals and core development
- Security (deployment best practices, extensions, integration with authn/authz)
- Performance (measurement, optimization, scalability)
- APIs, discovery services and configuration pipelines
- Monitoring in practice (logging, tracing, stats)
- Novel Envoy extensions
- Porting Envoy to new platforms
- Migrating to Envoy from other proxy & LB technologies
- Using machine learning on Envoy observability output to aid in outlier detection and remediation
- Load balancing (both distributed and global) and health checking strategies
Reminder: This is a community conference – proposals should emphasize real world usage and technology rather than blatant product pitches.
If you’re using or working on Envoy, please submit a talk! If you’re interested in attending, you can register as part of the KubeCon registration process.