Originally posted August 9, 2018 by Richard Hartmann on Prometheus.io

We are happy to announce that as of today, Prometheus graduates within the CNCF.


Prometheus is the second project ever to make it to this tier. By graduating Prometheus, CNCF shows that it’s confident in our code and feature velocity, our maturity and stability, and our governance and community processes. This also acts as an external verification of quality for anyone in internal discussions around choice of monitoring tool.

Since reaching incubation level, a lot of things happened; some of which stand out:

Especially the last point is important as we currently enter our fourth phase of adoption. These phases were adoption by

  1. Monitoring-centric users actively looking for the very best in monitoring
  2. Hyperscale users facing a monitoring landscape which couldn’t keep up with their scale
  3. Companies from small to Fortune 50 redoing their monitoring infrastructure
  4. Users lacking funding and/or resources to focus on monitoring, but hearing about the benefits of Prometheus from various places

Looking into the future, we anticipate even wider adoption and remain committed to handling tomorrow’s scale, today.