Guest post by Rakesh Girija Ramesan Nair, Senior Technology Architect with Infosys Limited, and Gourishankar ValsalakumariNeelakantapillai, Technology Lead with Infosys Limited

Abstract: This blog is envisaged to explain the integration challenges that technologies like gRPC and REST bring into E2E microservices architecture. It summarizes the problems evident currently while implementing microservices which needs to primarily 

  1. communicate internally between services and
  2. externally to user or 3rd party systems

It also provides distinct insights on the absence of a standardized solution across the technology stack from any of the available open-source frameworks.  


Adoption of microservices architecture is on the rise and is being widely accepted for the flexibility including maintainability and scalability that it brings to the table. With containerization, microservices architecture becomes even more powerful allowing users to create applications focusing on their capabilities rather than solving the dependencies. Cloud native application development is powered by microservices architecture using containers.

Distributed systems are complex to design and becomes even more complicated with the varying nature of business requirements For achieving E2E business capability multiple microservices need to be interconnected or invoked. Choice of integration technologies become critical, the common approach being followed currently is for any inter-service communication leverage gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) and for any client facing services leverage REST (Representational State Transfer) API.

gRPC – follows RPC API implementation leveraging HTTP 2.0 protocol and protocol buffers for message exchange.

REST – architecture follows HTTP protocol and data format used for messaging is JSON or XML

Problem statement

The challenge in designing and developing a capability which need to be consumed internally by other services and exposed to 3rd party systems or users 

Let us consider a sample scenario, of an order management system consisting of an order manager and product inventory microservice. 

In the current scheme of things there are multiple approaches possible where we could address such a requirement, few such options are detailed below: –

Option 1:

Following an approach where any inter-service communication leverage gRPC and for any client-facing services leverage REST.

Diagram flow shows REST/GraphQL
code to xpose the Product Inventory service via gRPC for inter-service communication 
code to expose the Product Inventory service via gRPC for inter-service communication 

We have used Protobuf definition for the contract and used java to generate server-side implementation.

code to create a rest controller and translation of response
code to create a rest controller and translation of response
code to create a rest controller and translation of response

Additional coding complexity and dependency management for handling both gRPC and REST.

Follow microservices aggregator pattern,

Option 2:

Microservices aggregator platform diagram with REST/GraphQL and gRPC
code to create an aggregator service

gRPC and protocol buffer forces developers to strictly adhere to a contract ensuring that messages are secure and not lost between communications. While the contract first nature and co-developed approach of defining RPC is good between related services, the aggregator service brings an overhead.


Architects put a lot of thought into designing distributed systems. Having an efficient integration pattern defined is key to the success of the solution.  

Below is a summarized view of the various integration options and the challenges: –

It is important to think through and consider these various integration patterns while we consider designing our next microservices based solutions.