Guest post by Prithvi Raj, Community Lead for LitmusChaos
“One of the best things KubeCon offered was the opportunity to meet several contributors, maintainers, and users of LitmusChaos in person. I can vouch for the fact that the brainstorming exercises with these amazing folks have enriched the project roadmap and increased our motivation levels! It was also amazing to see the level of acceptance chaos engineering has gained amongst organizations of all sizes across domains.”
Karthik S, Maintainer for LitmusChaos
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 saw an amazing turnout both in-person and virtually! The event was a plethora of grandeur for the cloud-native community and had some amazing keynotes, talks, and learnings on offer alongside a stupendous showcase pavilion with great offerings from sponsor companies and CNCF projects.
One such amazing project included the CNCF incubating project, LitmusChaos, which had the maintainers and contributors in us attending the grandest stage to amplify the word about cloud-native Chaos Engineering and resiliency. We were keen and excited to mark the project’s presence and inculcate the audience with learnings, updates, demos, and much more on the Litmus project which made this year’s KubeCon an unforgettable experience.
Here’s a rundown of the highlights featuring LitmusChaos from this year’s conference:
LitmusChaos Project Meeting
The project meeting kickstarted our journey at KubeCon this year with unique attendees from various backgrounds filling up a 4-hour affair that commenced with maintainer Uma Mukkara introducing them to the world of Service Reliability, the expense of outages, basics of Chaos Engineering, its principles, its benefits in the DevOps ecosystem followed by a brief introduction of the LitmusChaos tool, the get started guide alongside some deep dive into Chaos orchestration and a summary of all the amazing features the LitmusChaos arsenal possesses.
This was followed by a demo use case on injecting chaos on a sock-shop application alongside multiple chaos scenarios that one can curate using Litmus and a deeper dive into the project by co-maintainer Karthik S who covered details on how one can create new experiments, the LitmusChaos architecture and little on GitOps for Chaos Engineering.
While we were of the belief that 4 hours might be a lot of time to cover the ins and outs of the LitmusChaos project and might end up boring the audience, it was surprisingly otherwise to witness the audience participation and zeal in interacting with the maintainers and asking tons of questions about the project making the project meeting a success.

The LitmusChaos Booth
We spent the majority of the conference around the LitmusChaos booth at the Project Pavilion, which garnered great interest from various attendees and personas of the conference who hopped along with vivid interest for the project and had some great questions in mind that not just turned these encounters into good conversations but also became points to be noted from a community perspective.
LitmusChaos as well as the idea of Cloud-Native Chaos Engineering gaining such massive interest is always a special feeling and testament to the fact that Chaos Engineering has crossed the majority adoption chasm and is becoming a mainstream reality.

Fast forward to the Talk…
Case Study: Bringing Chaos Engineering to the Cloud Native Developers
A massive audience of around 400 beloved folks witnessed co-maintainer Uma Mukkara (Head of Chaos Engineering, Harness) and community member Ramiro Berellezza (CEO, Okteto) discuss how chaos engineering can be brought to the cloud-native developers out there and the crucial role chaos has been playing in stepping up the cloud-native dev experience. How developers can use cloud-native chaos tests to verify the resilience of their application even before the code is merged. The session contained examples of Litmus chaos tests on Okteto and showcased how developers can run them as part of the development process, rather than just on CI.

Check out the recording here:
LitmusChaos Maintainer Track
The Maintainer Track talks are a great opportunity for project maintainers from various incubating and graduated projects to cover the various aspects of the project alongside the journey, the features, the present, the roadmap ahead, and specific use cases.
A similar thought process was followed by the maintainers of the LitmusChaos project (Uma Mukkara, Karthik S, and Udit Gaurav) who focused on the journey of the project till here and the roadmap ahead for the audience alongside specific features of the project that make it community-driven and community-friendly, and the areas of contribution that the community must look forward to in the coming days.
In conclusion, community member Saiyam Pathak from CIVO presented an end-user story on how CIVO as an enterprise is using Litmus to test resiliency and how it is also helping its users use LitmusChaos with the project being up on their marketplace.
Check out the recording here:
CNCF Project Announcement Blog
As much of a celebration as KubeCon is, it is also an opportunity for projects to announce amazing developments happening under their project to the community.
One such massive development that LitmusChaos announced in a blog was how it enhances developer experience to achieve cloud-native reliability and its availability with other CI/CD platforms such as GitLab, CircleCI, Harness CI/CD, Spinnaker and so much more.
Check out the announcement here:
Social Media
We are thankful to the community members who took to social media to talk about the project during the conference and are glad to see the project getting such amazing traction from the larger community.