Guest post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by Flynn

This blog post is based on a workshop I recently delivered at Buoyant’s Service Mesh Academy. If this seems interesting, check out the full recording!
No matter what you’re working on in the cloud-native world, you will always start by needing to solve the Ingress Problem: how do you give users outside your cluster a way to use (some of) the services inside your cluster? There’s a whole class of tools that exist to solve this problem, collectively called ingress controllers, so let’s take a quick look at them – and at how Linkerd works with them.
Ingress Controllers
“Ingress controller” is a broad term for software running in Kubernetes that mediates access from the outside world coming in to the cluster. There are a lot of different ingress controllers, with different strengths and weaknesses, but all of them have to provide certain basic functionality:
- First, they all sit at the very edge of a cluster and are exposed directly to the Internet. This implies that they all have to be very careful about security.
- A common model here is that the ingress controller will be associated with a Kubernetes Service of type
, providing a way for the cluster to route traffic from outside the cluster directly to the ingress controller while still blocking traffic to other services.
- A common model here is that the ingress controller will be associated with a Kubernetes Service of type
- Second, they all provide a way to control how requests from outside the cluster are routed. Typically, they support sophisticated controls at layer 7; many of them also support some layer 4 routing as well.
- An example at layer 7 might be something like “route any HTTP request where the
starts with/foo/
to myfoo
service”. - An example at layer 4 might be something like “route any incoming TCP traffic on port 1234 to my
- An example at layer 7 might be something like “route any HTTP request where the
The way the user configures routing can vary widely between ingress controllers.
- Third, ingress controllers typically also have the capability of terminating and originating TLS connections. This gives them an important role in bridging the security domains outside and inside the cluster.
- Finally, the most popular ingress controllers also offer features like user authentication, rate limiting, circuit breaking, etc., and you may hear such ingress controllers referred to as API Gateways.
Ingress Controllers and Linkerd
Linkerd generally works well with most ingress controllers – you’re free to use whichever one is the best fit for your users and application. This is because to Linkerd, the ingress controller is just another meshed workload, and to the ingress controller, Linkerd is (usually) invisible.
The Ingress Controller Is Just Another Meshed Workload
A significant difference between Linkerd and some other meshes is that there’s almost nothing special about an ingress controller from Linkerd’s perspective: it’s just a workload that’s part of the mesh. The fact that it’s a workload that can receive traffic from the outside world is almost irrelevant: you’ll still inject it into the mesh, it will still get automatic mTLS and metrics from Linkerd, and all the usual Linkerd features will still work.
The one way that it is likely to be different from other workloads is that you’ll probably want to tell Linkerd to skip the incoming ports for the ingress controller. If you don’t do this, the ingress controller won’t be able to see the IP address of incoming connections: every connection will appear to originate with the Linkerd proxy.
To skip incoming ports, use the
annotation. Note that you need to use the port on which the ingress controller is listening, not the port that the client will see! So, for example, if your ingress controller is behind a Service like
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myservice
type: LoadBalancer
- name: http
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
then you would need to use 8080
– trying to skip incoming port 80 wouldn’t do anything.
Linkerd Is (Mostly) Invisible
From the ingress controller’s perspective, Linkerd is mostly invisible, with one very important caveat: the ingress controller should route to Services, not the endpoints of Services. Kubernetes terminology here can be confusing, so bear with me for a moment.
A Kubernetes Service resource – glossing over a lot of details – associates a name in the cluster’s DNS with a set of Pods. Each Pod has an IP address, and the Service itself has its own IP, different from that of any of the Pods. Collectively, the IP addresses of the Pods are called the endpoints of the Service associated with them.
(To further confuse things, there are Kubernetes resources called Endpoints and EndpointSlice, but here we’re talking about “endpoints” as the set of Pod IP addresses.)
Linkerd expects that a connection to a given Service will be sent to the Service’s IP address, not directly to one of its endpoints. Your ingress controller might need to be configured specifically to do this. Some ingress controllers can only route to endpoints: those will have to be injected with ingress
rather than enabled
– if possible, though, it’s much better to configure the ingress controller to route to the Service instead.
Some Specific Examples
We’ll talk briefly about using three specific ingress controllers with Linkerd: Emissary-ingress, NGINX, and Envoy Gateway.
Emissary-ingress is an open-source, Kubernetes-native, self-service API Gateway. It’s a CNCF Incubating project, configured using its own CRDs (such as the Mapping
CRD), and has been widely adopted since its humble beginnings in 2017.
There’s honestly not a lot to say about setting up Emissary with Linkerd: it basically Just Works. Install Emissary, inject it into the mesh, and… you’re done. Since Emissary defaults to routing to Services, there’s nothing special to do there. About the only thing to consider is that you’ll need to be sure to skip Emissary’s incoming ports if you want Emissary to pay attention to client IP addresses.
NGINX is an open-source API Gateway and Web server that actually predates Kubernetes, and served as the basis for one of the first Kubernetes ingress controllers, called ingress-nginx
. ingress-nginx
is configured using the Kubernetes Ingress resource, and is still very widely used in the Kubernetes world.
When deploying ingress-nginx
with Linkerd, the most important thing to realize is that it will route to endpoints by default, which is not what you want. To make ingress-nginx
route to Services, you’ll need to include an annotation on the Ingress resource: "true"
After that’s done, installing and meshing ingress-nginx
should be straightforward. Again, you’ll probably want to skip incoming ports, too.
Envoy Gateway
Envoy Gateway is an extremely new ingress controller. It’s part of the Envoy proxy CNCF project, which is the core of two distinct CNCF API gateways (Emissary and Contour). In 2021, people from Emissary, Contour, and Envoy got together and agreed that it would be better for all concerned to pool their efforts into a single extensible system that could be used as the basis to build on: that single extensible system is Envoy Gateway, which first shipped in late 2022.
More accurately, Envoy Gateway will be that single extensible system. At the time of this writing, Envoy Gateway has just hit version 0.3.0, and it still has a ways to go to be feature-complete with Emissary and Contour. But it’s evolving quickly, and 0.3.0 is definitely complete enough to see how it works with Linkerd.
Envoy Gateway is configured using Gateway API CRDs. There’s an interesting implementation detail about Gateway API ingress controllers: rather than the user directly installing by hand, the Gateway API spec divides installation into a control plane part installed by the user, and a data plane part created by the control plane.
In Envoy Gateway’s case, the control plane watches for Gateway resources and creates a data-plane Deployment for each of them. Whenever a Gateway resource changes, its data-plane Deployment is restarted. These ephemeral Deployments can be challenging to inject into the Linkerd mesh: the most effective way to do it is to put the
annotation on the envoy-gateway-system
Namespace, since that’s where the ephemeral Deployments are created. (You can put the
annotation there too.)
Once you know about that, Envoy Gateway works just fine with Linkerd.
Linkerd and Ingress Controllers
As I said at the beginning, you will need to solve the ingress problem when you work in the cloud-native world. Linkerd’s ability to be agnostic about how exactly you do so leaves you free to choose an ingress controller that works well for your situation and your application, reducing your operational complexity and reducing the effort needed to get you application launched.
If you want more on this topic, check out the Service Mesh Academy workshop on Linkerd and ingress controllers: Bringing the outside world in for hands-on exploration of everything I’ve talked about here! And, as always, feedback is always welcome – you can find me as @flynn
on the Linkerd Slack.