CNCF is excited to announce that the schedules for the CNCF-hosted co-located events at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 are live!
- ArgoCon
- CiliumCon
- Cloud Native Telco Day
- Cloud Native Wasm Day
- Istio Day
- Kubernetes Batch + HPC Day
- Kubernetes on Edge Day
- Linkerd Day
- Observability Day
This year, attendees had the opportunity to register for an In-person All-Access pass, which includes both the co-located events on April 18th as well as the main KubeCon + CloudNativeCon conference. However, this option was limited and now sold out with over 2,500 attendees registered for the In-person All-Access pass.
Within the registration process, you can add yourself to the CNCF-hosted co-located events waitlist.
The KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe ONLY pass is still available. With this pass, you get all the fantastic content you’ve come to expect from the 3 full KubeCon + CloudNativeCon days. Register today!
2023 events
If you are interested in hosting a CNCF-hosted co-located at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 or a stand-alone event later this year, please fill out the proposal form by May 15, 2023.