Get to know Yongkang

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Yongkang is one of our first Kubestronauts and is based in Singapore and supports a company in the Asia Pacific. He’s shifted his focus to cloud native technologies and is now fully certified on Kubernetes (KCNA, CKA, CKAD, CKS, and KCSA). Dedicated to Open Source, he organizes major Kubernetes Meetups in several countries and provides automation scripts on GitHub for quickly setting up Kubernetes clusters. He also runs a YouTube channel focusing on Kubernetes data management and security. 

Check out Yongkang’s K8s channels here:,,

If you’d like to become a Kubestronaut, get more details on the CNCF Kubestronaut page. 

When did you get started with Kubernetes – what was your first project?

In 2021, I embarked on a project to showcase Kubernetes Backup, Disaster Recovery (DR), and Migration capabilities through automation. This endeavor led me to develop comprehensive automation scripts, which are now accessible on GitHub at

With these scripts, anyone can swiftly deploy a managed Kubernetes environment on platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP, and enable container backups within minutes, facilitating easy experimentation and exploration.

What are the primary CNCF projects you work on or use today? What projects have you enjoyed the most in your career?

My primary focus has been on Kubernetes, which forms the backbone of my work. Among the CNCF projects, I’ve found particular enjoyment in utilizing data management and security tools such as Velero, Falco, KubeArmor, Trivy, Kubescape, and others. These projects have not only enhanced my workflow but have also been instrumental in ensuring data integrity and safeguarding against potential security threats.

What motivated you to get all the Kubernetes certs?

For me, it’s about pushing my boundaries, embracing the challenge of mastering something new, and expanding my knowledge base. Moreover, there’s immense satisfaction in knowing that my journey can inspire others to embark on their own exploration of Kubernetes and the multi-cloud landscape.

How have the certs helped you in your career? 

With over 60 certifications spanning multi-cloud, Kubernetes, Security, DevOps, and related domains, my career has taken off for these reasons:

In summary, my certifications are key to unlocking success in cloud computing, DevOps, and beyond!

What are some other books/sites/courses you recommend for people who want to work with k8s?

When it comes to learning, I personally favor online courses. During my journey to become a Kubestronaut, I experimented with various learning platforms. After comparing them, I found KodeKloud to be the most effective platform for hands-on learning, especially if you’re aiming to gain practical experience and pass hands-on based exams like CKA, CKAD, and CKS. To prepare for KCNA, I utilized Andrew Brown’s free course available on YouTube.

Additionally, I highly recommend trying out for exam simulation. Upon enrollment, you’ll receive 36 hours of access to their online simulation platform, which is invaluable for exam preparation.

As for books, I’ve heard great things about “The Kubernetes Book” by Nigel Poulton and “Acing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam” by Chad M. Crowell. These resources come highly recommended and are known to be helpful for exam preparation.

What do you do in your free time?

I have a passion for travel and enjoy exploring diverse destinations, all while cherishing quality time with my family. Recently, I embarked on an exciting adventure, starting with a visit to the Microsoft MVP Global Summit in Seattle. From there, I continued on to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe in Paris, followed by the Intel Museum in Santa Clara, and then onto Google Next ’24 in Las Vegas. Before heading back home, I made a delightful stopover in Auckland, soaking in the beauty of each location along the way.

As you know Kubernetes is turning 10 this year, what are you most excited about for Kubernetes in the next 10 years?

What would you tell someone who is just starting their K8s certification journey? Any tips or tricks?

It’s never too late to embark on your Kubernetes certification journey. With Kubernetes gaining widespread adoption across on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge environments, the demand for experienced Kubernetes experts will only continue to grow in the coming decade. This presents a fantastic opportunity to advance your career if you possess strong Kubernetes skills. So, if you’re passionate about Kubernetes and eager to excel in this field, now is the perfect time to dive in and seize this opportunity for career growth and development.

Becoming proficient in Kubernetes requires consistent learning; there are no shortcuts. With ongoing education, mastery will follow.

Today the cloud native ecosystem is way more than Kubernetes. Do you plan to get other cloud native certifications from the CNCF ?

If I have the time, I’m eager to pursue the remaining cloud native certifications:

How did you get involved with cloud native and Kubernetes in general?

It all began with a setback: a failed proof of concept (POC) at my previous job, where I struggled to back up containers effectively. This ignited my keen interest in containers and Kubernetes. Coincidentally, around the same time, I parted ways with that employer. Undeterred, I decided to deepen my understanding by pursuing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification. After successfully completing my CKA certification, I seized the opportunity to join a company specializing in container backup, disaster recovery (DR), and migration. This marked the beginning of my journey into the world of Kubernetes and container management.

Any additional thoughts?

Although AI is currently a highly prominent field and undoubtedly a direction worth pursuing, it’s crucial to recognize that Kubernetes serves as its foundational infrastructure. In reality, the majority of AI workloads are operated on Kubernetes. Therefore, mastering Kubernetes is imperative as it stands as a pivotal technology in the landscape

If you’d like to be a Kubestronaut like Yongkang, get more details on the CNCF Kubestronaut page.