November 11-12, 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah
WasmCon is a two-day event focused on all things Web Assembly. This is the first time WasmCon is being held in conjunction with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024, and the second time it’s happened on its own.
From performance optimization to security to integration, a wide range of sessions, workshops and keynotes offer content for everyone. Discover the best practices and latest insights from the industry’s leading experts, developers, and users, and have unparalleled opportunities for networking and relationship-building in between sessions.
WasmCon is part of the All Access Pass for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 or attendees can register separately.
Who will get the most out of attending WasmCon?
A wide variety of technical and business professionals will benefit from attending WasmCon including web developers, tech developers and engineers wanting to build faster and more secure applications, software architects seeking to understand how to build Wasm into their roadmap, and business leaders and professionals exploring the potential business value.
What is new and different this year?
Expect a variety of exciting new offerings at WasmCon this year including workshops, a track devoted solely to “Practical Wasm” and another that is called “Powered by Wasm.” Attendees will also be able to take a deep dive into the Wasm ecosystem with 9 different presentations focusing just on that topic.
What will the days look like?
Day one starts with workshops, including what promises to be an invigorating Wasm-spin on “choose your own adventure.” Attendees should expect to have plenty of in-depth sessions to choose from as well as time to network in between sessions and during lunch. Keynotes will be interspersed through the two days, and the always popular lightning talks will wrap up the conference at the end of the second day.
Should I do a bit of homework first?
It *never* hurts to make sure you’re up to date with the latest in the Wasm community. Beginners can get a great overview, while developers can check out the comprehensive guide.
Find your community!
Need more information? Check out the YouTube playlist from WasmCon 2023.
CTA: Register for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 today!