Updates are coming to the CKA exam after November 25th, 2024

Kubernetes and the rest of the Cloud Native ecosystem are both evolving fast. The velocity report that is conducted by the CNCF each year is a great demonstration of those changes. 

Are you convinced yet? Simply look back 3 years ago: Kubernetes is running on top of Dockershim, Gateway API is not even Beta, and only 16 CNCF projects have graduated (out of 27 now). 

To cope with such evolutions, Platform Engineers and Administrators are updating their Kubernetes platforms and their applications on a regular basis and we, at the CNCF and Linux Foundation Education, will also continue to update our exams. CKS updates are already planned, and the update of our beloved CKA exam is next – but not before November 25th!

As stated in the Linux Education announcement, “The CKA domains (i.e. Storage, Troubleshooting, etc.) will remain unchanged” but “changes to competencies”. 

Here are 2 examples of changes:

The announcement provides the list of all new competencies that will be expected if you want to successfully pass your Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam. 

Please note that the exact date of when the CKA exam will be updated to reflect these changes is not yet confirmed, but we know that it will not take place sooner than November 25th. We wanted to mention the change as early as possible so that you can adapt your plans if you plan to take the exam soon.

We are confident that you will feel it continues to be aligned with the knowledge that a Kubernetes Administrator needs to have. And you can count on us to continue to adapt our certifications to reflect the ongoing evolution of our ecosystem! We welcome your comments to our dedicated email for training and certification: training@cncf.io!