CloudNative StartupFest North America

Co-chairs: Megan Reynolds, Kelsey Hightower

November 12, 2024

Salt Lake City, Utah

At the Cloud Native StartupFest expect to get inspired by hearing from successful cloud native entrepreneurs, learn about some of the most exciting cloud native and OSS startups in the space, get a glimpse into the current state of fundraising, and receive guidance on how to take your idea from community adoption to success. The Cloud Native StartupFest first happened during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023.

Who will get the most out of attending this event?

It’s for startup builders or anyone considering starting a company in the OSS or cloud native space

What is new and different this year?

Market conditions have become more challenging. Today it’s harder for any company to close customers and raise money so this year we are focusing more on how to navigate this new world as a startup builder. We have an all-star line-up of successful entrepreneurs and executives that will share their guidance.

What will the day look like?

We have an afternoon session of talks and panels guided by our exceptional MC, Kelsey Hightower. We’ll make time for Q&A from the audience after every session to keep the day as interactive as possible.

Should I do any homework first?

Come prepared with any go-to-market challenges you’re facing right now to get feedback in the Q&A segments. It’s likely the speakers have experienced something similar and will be able to share advice.

Find your community!

We’re over the moon about the caliber of speakers that have given their time to join us, there will be a lot to learn from all of them and we expect some spicy discussions!

Submitted by Megan Reynolds, who is looking forward to learning how new startups are adapting to the Generative AI wave and the impact that’s having on core enterprise infrastructure.

Don’t forget to register for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024.