Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Mathieu Benoit, CNCF Ambassador

KubeCon NA 2024 in Salt Lake City was a blast!

Like always, I met with old friends, I made new friends and I had deep conversations about Platform Engineering and Cloud Native in general. I did my booth duties at the Humanitec booth, delivered a workshop and presented a few talks (Cloud Native Rejekts and TAG App Delivery Kiosk). This community has so much energy, it’s so inspiring.

Like after KubeCon Chicago and KubeCon Paris, I like capturing most, if not all the sessions and announcements around Platform Engineering at KubeCon. Here we are for the Salt Lake City edition!

Bear with me, here is what we will cover throughout this blog post:


First, some general announcements

Here are some announcements around the Platform Engineering space that I captured:

Cloud Native Rejekts

Photo of cloud native rejekts NA attendees
Cloud Native Rejekts NA 2024 | Flickr

KubeCon definitely starts with the Cloud Native Rejekts conference, right before the main conference. It’s 2 days. A good warm-up for the main KubeCon conference happening right after.

This was my first Cloud Native Rejekts as both an attendee and speaker. What an experience! Smaller audience than KubeCon, with great opportunities to have technical and deep conversations with folks in there. I really loved it!

The full schedule can be found here. And here are the associated videos:

Photo taken by Chris Plank (thank you!) during of my talk with Maxime Coqueral about Security and Platform Engineering.
Photo taken by Chris Plank (thank you!) during of my talk with Maxime Coqueral about Security and Platform Engineering.

I captured 4 talks related to Platform Engineering:

Photo taken by Marino Wijay (thank you!) during my lightning talk about Score
Photo taken by Marino Wijay (thank you!) during my lightning talk about Score

TAG App Delivery

I cannot talk about Platform Engineering at KubeCon without mentioning the TAG App Delivery, they are doing so much in that space.

The TAG App Delivery put in place different activities throughout KubeCon, you can find more details here. That’s always great activities with people involved in the Platform Engineering space.

They got a Kiosk in the Project Pavillon, they organized lightning talks, every morning was the “Platform Coffee Meetup”, and they had talks to present the activities of the different WGs: AppDev, Platforms, Infra, etc.

I recently translated the Platforms Glossary in French, and got the opportunity to collaborate with Stéphane Este-Gracias and Antoine Bermon by having their reviews on this. You can contribute there too!
I recently translated the Platforms Glossary in French, and got the opportunity to collaborate with Stéphane Este-Gracias and Antoine Bermon by having their reviews on this. You can contribute there too!

I got the opportunity to re-deliver my Cloud Native Rejekts talk about Score during one of the lightning talks at the TAG App Delivery’s Kiosk. Very grateful for the opportunity!

Photo taken by Abby Bangser (thank you!)
Photo taken by Abby Bangser (thank you!)

Next to this TAG App Delivery Kiosk was the CNCF Projects Stickers Wall, and look at what I found printed by the CNCF!

Official sticker for Score, now a CNCF Sandbox project
Official sticker for Score, now a CNCF Sandbox project

That’s also in this Projects Pavillon that I got interviewed by Julia, check this out, 1 min to pitch Score, good exercise!

PE Day

The entire list of talks at the Platform Engineering (PE) Day is available here. Here are 9 talks I want to highlight:

Be humble and unbiased, don’t assume you know. Talk to your customers!

Innovating at Scale: Building and Managing Modern Developer Platform in U.S. Bank
Innovating at Scale: Building and Managing Modern Developer Platform in U.S. Bank

By providing an abstract platform API with standardized components we can limit the choice of configuration values, provide compliance by default and simplify operations.


Here are 6 talks related to Platform Engineering during ArgoCon NA 2024 I captured:

Engineers want rapid feedback as they iterate on their changes.

As an NYT Engineer, PR-based ephemeral environments are provided by default for my application launched on the shared platform.

More from WasmCon, OpenTofu Day and BackstageCon

Here are 6 talks related to Platform Engineering during AppDeveloperConWasmConOpenTofu Day and BackstageCon I captured:

Know your value stream: Invest time to understand how value is created, the domains your teams operate in and how they interact.

OpenShift Commons

Here are 4 talks related to Platform Engineering during the OpenShift Commons co-located event that I captured:

Operators make it easy for IT staff to build out enterprise grade services and let our users focus on their code and research.

Keep all teams engaged throughout. Leverage a full-time PM or PO. Constant communication with leadership and stakeholders.


You can find all the recordings here.

Here are 13 talks related to Platform Engineering during KubeCon I captured:

When companies reach a certain maturity, they need platform abstractions to operate efficiently, especially as they grow.

Product Engineers focus on abstract Kubernetes away, business logic and deployment simplicity.

Platform engineers provide capabilities with wasmCloud host plugins, developers don’t know nor care.

Abstraction for user to focus on app instead of infrastructure.

Score & Humanitec

House of Kube — Cloud Native Party Salt Lake City
House of Kube — Cloud Native Party Salt Lake City

Like I did in Paris last time, I ran my Workshop to 40+ people about Backstage, Score, Humanitec, Kubernetes and Terraform, just before the House of Kube party. The goal of this workshop is to see in action how these tools complete each others. I really love this in-person format, allowing to have great interactions with the participants.

My Backstage, Score, Humanitec and Terraform workshop.
My Backstage, Score, Humanitec and Terraform workshop.

For Score, as one of the core maintainer, and Cloud Native Ambassador, I was able to show and demo updates that the community was able to bring recently. At SLC, this was the first KubeCon since Score became a CNCF Sandbox projectScore sits very well between the two Platforms WG and Application Development WG in the TAG App Delivery. It was so exciting to connect with the community, and get inspirations for the future of this project. Can’t wait to show more progress at the next KubeCon in London!

For Humanitec, as Customer Success Engineer, I was also at the Humanitec booth to meet with the community, prospects, future and current customers. I’m gaining so much inspirations and energy from these discussions. I was also invited to do a lot of live demos in order to show the great stuffs we do with our customers and what our products and engeneering teams have been working on. Checkout the latest announcements in our blog or change logs around: the integration with Port, the resource graph in the UI, the new resource classes feature, the improvements with the GitOps mode, etc.

Resource Graph visualisation through Humanitec Portal
Resource Graph visualisation through Humanitec Portal

Learning by doing

After any KubeCon I attend, I go back home with plenty of inspirations and ideas for new projects integrations, proof-of-concepts, etc.

In the past, that’s how I started to learn and play with KyvernoSigstorePSS and Chainguard.

This KubeCon NA 2024 was no exception. I took the time to speak directly with speakers and project maintainers about specific questions I had.

First, I wanted to integrate Sigstore with Score in order to improve its CNCF’s CLOMonitor posture. For example, I was able to sign the score-k8s’s container image and its Go packagesI got the inspiration from Adrian Mouat and his talk during Cloud Native Rejekts!

Second, I wanted to support arm64 for my sample .NET containerI also got the inspiration from Adrian Mouat and his talk during Cloud Native Rejekts!

Third, I wanted to improve my Backstage demo with Humanitec to run it as readOnlyRootFilesystem: true. For this part, I met with Patrik Oldsberg to chat about this associated issue he was literraly working on it at the Backstage Kiosk. Now released with Backstage 1.33!

Fourth (and last for now), I met with Solomon Hykes and the Dagger team, where I learned more about Dagger. They also gave me insights about how I can create Dagger Modules for both Score and Humanitec. More to come soon about this!

That’s what I love about KubeCon, meeting with people and the community, talking about concrete technical needs, and go home with concrete next steps, inspired by others.

What’s next?!

Drumroll, please… announcing the CNCF 2025 event lineup: London (UK), Honk Kong (China), Tokyo (Japan), Hyderabad (India) and Atlanta (USA). Without forgeting about the KCDs in 2025. Then, in 2026: Amsterdam (Holland) and Los Angeles (USA).

Some recaps about KubeCon SLC from others

Hope you enjoyed that one! Happy sailing, happy platforming! 🙂