
How to add observability to your application pipeline
Member Post How to add observability to your application pipeline
Guest post originally published on Snapt’s blog by Iwan Price-Evans In this data-driven world, we capture data for just about everything in our software and hardware. User data, user behaviors, events, data flows, and the inner workings of...
November 23, 2021 | By Iwan Price-Evans

DevOps metrics: how to monitor performances optimally
Member Post DevOps metrics: how to monitor performances optimally
Guest post originally published on Mia-Platform’s blog Implementing a DevOps strategy without being able to measure its effectiveness risks nullifying the investments made. So let’s see the main DevOps metrics that you need to monitor in order to...
November 22, 2021

Kubernetes: what are the key benefits for companies?
Member Post Kubernetes: what are the key benefits for companies?
Guest post originally published on SparkFabrik’s blog by SparkFabrik Team Kubernetes, the open-source container orchestration solution, is gaining an increasing amount of popularity – (recent data in fact shows that, in the AWS cloud, it is used by one in three companies....
November 18, 2021 | By SparkFabrik Team

Meetup EOL, Cloud Native Community Groups expansion
Staff Post Meetup EOL, Cloud Native Community Groups expansion
We first launched Cloud Native Community Groups just over a year ago to help the community stay better connected. Since then, the use of the platform has grown dramatically.  There are now over 300 active chapters, hosting hundreds...
November 17, 2021

Debugging with eBPF Part 1: Tracing Go function arguments in prod
Member Post Debugging with eBPF Part 1: Tracing Go function arguments in prod
Guest post originally published on the Pixie blog by Zain Asgar, GVP/GM at New Relic, Co-Founder/CEO of Pixie Labs This is the first in a series of posts describing how we can debug applications in production using eBPF,...
November 17, 2021

How Linkerd retries HTTP requests with bodies
Project Post How Linkerd retries HTTP requests with bodies
Guest post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by Eliza Weisman Linkerd 2.11 is here and with it are some cool new updates. One I am particularly excited about (full disclosure: I worked on it), is retries for HTTP requests...
November 17, 2021 | By Eliza Weisman

CNCF TOC Elections for 2022
Staff Post CNCF TOC Elections for 2022
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has three main bodies: a Governing Board (GB) that is responsible for marketing, budget, and other business oversight decisions for the CNCF, a Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) that is responsible for defining...
November 16, 2021

Prometheus announces an Agent to address a new range of use cases
Project Post Prometheus announces an Agent to address a new range of use cases
Project post by Prometheus maintainers Prometheus, the leading open source monitoring solution hosted by CNCF, has announced today a new operating mode: the Prometheus Agent. This new way of working enables new workflows such as low-resources environments, edge...
November 16, 2021

How to start your cloud security journey
Member Post How to start your cloud security journey
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Frederick Fernando When you start building your cloud infrastructure, security might not be a top priority as much as getting your project up and running. This might lead you to...
November 15, 2021 | By Frederick Fernando

A first timer’s journey at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
Community Post A first timer’s journey at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
Guest post originally published on by Purneswar Prasad Let’s have some context: KubeCon+CloudNativeCon is one of the biggest conferences in the world where users, developers and companies who have/want to adopt the Cloud Native standard of running applications and...
November 12, 2021