
Harnessing the power of microservices to overcome an uncertain marketplace
Member Post Harnessing the power of microservices to overcome an uncertain marketplace
Guest post originally published on the Aspen Mesh blog by Shawn Wormke, Incubation Lead at Aspen Mesh According to PwC’s 23rd Annual Global CEO Survey, the outlook for 2020 can be summarized in one word-uncertainty. According to the...
May 4, 2020

PlanetScale migrates open source Vitess test suite from Python to Go
Member Post PlanetScale migrates open source Vitess test suite from Python to Go
Guest blog post originally published on PlanetScale’s blog by Deepthi Sigireddi Over the last three quarters, the team at PlanetScale has focused on the dual goals of making open source Vitess easy to use and easy to contribute...
May 2, 2020

Why Testing is No Longer Sufficient for Cloud-Native Pipelines
Member Post Why Testing is No Longer Sufficient for Cloud-Native Pipelines
Originally published on OverOps blog by Alex Zhitnitsky The move to innovate at speed and scale is stressing software quality and exposing the limitations of testing. Don’t get me wrong – testing in all its forms is inseparable...
April 30, 2020

Announcing Vitess 6
Project Post Announcing Vitess 6
Originally published on by Morgan Tocker I am excited to announce the general availability of Vitess 6, the second release to follow our new accelerated release schedule. While only 12 weeks have elapsed since the previous release,...
April 29, 2020

A complete storage guide for your Kubernetes storage problems
Member Post A complete storage guide for your Kubernetes storage problems
Guest Post by Chad Serino, CEO, AlphaBravo With the rise of Kubernetes as a method for hosting microservice-based processes, data storage is always a concern. Where it’s being stored. How much capacity we have for it. And how...
April 28, 2020

Resolve chart upgrade issues after migrating to Helm v3
Member Post Resolve chart upgrade issues after migrating to Helm v3
Guest post originally published on Bitnami Docs by Vikram Vaswani Introduction Helm v3 was released a few months ago, bringing with a number of architectural changes and new features – most notably, the removal of Tiller and an...
April 27, 2020

Prometheus and Grafana: the perfect combo
Member Post Prometheus and Grafana: the perfect combo
Originally published on the Epsagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CTO at Epsagon In this post, we talk about two of the most popular open-source monitoring solutions available today: Prometheus and Grafana. Monitoring is a crucial feature for any...
April 24, 2020

Chasing away Kubernetes DaemonSet issues with Prometheus & AlertManager
Member Post Chasing away Kubernetes DaemonSet issues with Prometheus & AlertManager
Guest post by Mohammed Naser, CEO of VEXXHOST As we slowly continue our migration to Prometheus alarms with AlertManager, we took a strategy of building out a vague set of alerts and then building more accurate, narrowed down...
April 21, 2020

What if it was a software bug/virus? Cyber vs. COVID-19: A thought experiment
Member Post What if it was a software bug/virus? Cyber vs. COVID-19: A thought experiment
Originally published on the Rookout blog by Or Weis, CEO and Co-Founder of Rookout The metaphor of software viruses to biological ones is deeply ingrained, easily seen in the fact that biological viruses are at least the namesake, if not...
April 20, 2020

Migrating to Kubernetes
Member Post Migrating to Kubernetes
Originally published on the Sensu blog by Todd Campbell, Developer Advocate at Sensu The reasons to move to Kubernetes are many and compelling. This post doesn’t make the case that you should migrate, but assumes you have already decided that...
April 17, 2020