
Square: How Vitess enables ‘near unlimited scale’ for Cash App
Square: How Vitess enables ‘near unlimited scale’ for Cash App
Four years ago, Square branched out into peer-to-peer transactions via its Cash App. After doing so, users started increasing by the minute and they needed to come up with a long term solution for scalability. Vitess was the...
June 10, 2019

Reflections on the Fifth Anniversary of Kubernetes
Reflections on the Fifth Anniversary of Kubernetes
Guest post from the Kubernetes Project Five years ago, Kubernetes was released into the world. Like all newborns, it was small, limited in functionality, and had only a few people involved in its creation. Unlike most newborns, it...
June 6, 2019

A look back at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona 2019
A look back at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona 2019
Hot off an amazing three days in Barcelona, here is a snapshot into some of the key highlights and news from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019! This year we welcomed more than 7,700 attendees from around the world...
May 31, 2019

Observability should not slow you down
Observability should not slow you down
Originally published on Medium by Travis Jeppson, Sr. Director of Engineering, Nav Inc In any application, the lack of observability is the same as riding a bike with a blindfold over your eyes. The only inevitable outcome is...
May 30, 2019

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is now valid for 3 years
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification is now valid for 3 years
In 2017, CNCF launched the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam which has become one of the most popular Linux Foundation certifications to date. Over 9,000 individuals have registered for the exam and over 1,700 have achieved the certification....
May 28, 2019 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

Intuit wins CNCF End User Award
Intuit wins CNCF End User Award
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced Intuit as the winner of the top end user award. Thanks to our contributions to the cloud native community, Intuit is being recognized for how we leverage cloud native technologies...
May 21, 2019

A brief history of OpenTelemetry (So Far)
A brief history of OpenTelemetry (So Far)
by Ben Sigelman, co-creator of OpenTracing and member of the OpenTelemetry governing committee, and Morgan McLean, Product Manager for OpenCensus at Google since the project’s inception After many months of planning, discussion, prototyping, more discussion, and more planning, OpenTracing...
May 21, 2019

Going Big: Harbor 1.8 takes security and replication to new heights
Going Big: Harbor 1.8 takes security and replication to new heights
By Michael Michael, Harbor Core Maintainer, Director of Product Management, VMware (Twitter: @michmike77) Happy release day everyone! We are very excited to present the latest release of Harbor. The release cycle for version 1.8 was one of our longest...
May 21, 2019

TOC votes to move TiKV into CNCF Incubator
TOC votes to move TiKV into CNCF Incubator
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation‘s (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept TiKV as an incubation-level hosted project. TiKV, which entered the CNCF Sandbox in August 2018, is an open source distributed transactional key-value database built...
May 21, 2019

Cloud Native logging with Fluentd: New online course available on Linux Foundation training
Cloud Native logging with Fluentd: New online course available on Linux Foundation training
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation and The Linux Foundation have designed a new, self-paced and hands-on course to introduce individuals with a technical background to the Fluentd log forwarding and aggregation tool for use in cloud native logging. Available starting...
May 21, 2019