
Cloud native and business value: you need to talk the language 
Ambassador Post Cloud native and business value: you need to talk the language 
Community post by Danielle Cook and Simon Forster, CNCF Ambassadors and members of the Cartografos Working Group The last year has seen cloud native projects put on hold, layoffs announced, budget cuts and more. It’s been a wild...
January 23, 2024

Top 8 cloud computing trends to look for in 2024
Member Post Top 8 cloud computing trends to look for in 2024
Member post originally published on DZone’s blog by Sameer Danave In this article, learn about the influence of AI, key tech predictions, and the evolving landscape in cloud infrastructure. Did you know that worldwide spending on cloud computing...
January 23, 2024 | By Sameer Danave

Kubernetes and beyond: a year-end reflection with Kelsey Hightower
Community Post Kubernetes and beyond: a year-end reflection with Kelsey Hightower
Ambassador post originally published on’s blog by Dotan Horovits With 2023 drawing to a close, the final OpenObservability Talks of the year focused on what happened this year in open source, DevOps, observability and more, with an...
January 22, 2024

GitOpsCon Europe 2023 and beyond!
Community Post GitOpsCon Europe 2023 and beyond!
Community post by Christian Hernandez, head of community, Akuity GitOpsCon Europe 2023 took place, virtually, on December 5th and 6th. It took place as multiple tracks, spread over two half days. There were multiple talks spanning all user...
January 19, 2024

Xline command deduplication mechanism (part one) — introduction to RIFL
Member Post Xline command deduplication mechanism (part one) — introduction to RIFL
Member post by DatenLord Why is deduplication of commands necessary?  In a system that receives external commands, it is common for a command to be executed at least once, which we refer to as at-least-once semantics. If a...
January 19, 2024 | By DatenLord

After the inauguration in Chicago, MultiTenancyCon now heading to City of Light in 2024
Ambassador Post After the inauguration in Chicago, MultiTenancyCon now heading to City of Light in 2024
Ambassador post by Saim Safdar Implementing Multi-tenancy patterns is becoming increasingly prominent helping drive maximizing resource utilization, reducing operational overhead , and enabling seamless collaboration—all while ensuring the isolation and performance required by each tenant.  Unwavering support for...
January 19, 2024 | By Saim Safdar

GitOps and mutating policies: the tale of two loops
Member Post GitOps and mutating policies: the tale of two loops
Member post originally published on Nirmata’s blog by Jim Bugwadia Do policies that mutate or generate resources violate GitOps principles? In this blog post, I will show you how policy-based resource management can be complementary to GitOps, what...
January 18, 2024

New year, new skills: kick off 2024 with CNCF
Staff Post New year, new skills: kick off 2024 with CNCF
By Christophe Sauthier, Cloud Native Training and Certification Lead, CNCF A recent CNCF micro-survey focused on training and certification revealed that the vast majority of IT professionals are eager to take new training courses or certifications. Respondents noted...
January 18, 2024 | By Christophe Sauthier 

Time-series data ingestion from Rust WebAssembly application, leveraging GreptimeDB and WasmEdge
Member Post Time-series data ingestion from Rust WebAssembly application, leveraging GreptimeDB and WasmEdge
Member post originally published on Medium by Greptime What is WebAssembly WebAssembly is a new instruction format that offers cross-platform compatibility and execution speeds close to native machine code. By compiling C/C++ or Rust code into WebAssembly, program...
January 17, 2024

A look back at CNCF, Linux Foundation, and top 30 open source project velocity in 2023 
Staff Post A look back at CNCF, Linux Foundation, and top 30 open source project velocity in 2023 
By Chris Aniszczyk  We have been tracking open source project velocity over the last several years and wanted to share the latest update highlighting open source project velocity over the last 12 months. With these charts, we can...
January 17, 2024