
KCD Washington DC rolls for a third year: a celebration of Kubernetes community and collaboration
KCD Post KCD Washington DC rolls for a third year: a celebration of Kubernetes community and collaboration
By Matthew Cascio, lead organizer, KCD Washington DC *Kubernetes Community Days Washington DC* (KCD DC) recently celebrated its third consecutive year with great success, leaving attendees inspired and the Kubernetes community buzzing with energy. For the second year...
October 10, 2023

Keeping secrets secure on Kubernetes
Member Post Keeping secrets secure on Kubernetes
Member post originally published on the CyberArk blog by John Walsh Handling secrets in cloud-native environments is a challenge for many organizations. Virtually any application requires some sort of secret, such as a database password, a service token,...
October 10, 2023 | By John Walsh

Reducing your environmental impact with the Linkerd service mesh
Community Post Reducing your environmental impact with the Linkerd service mesh
Community post by Catherine Paganini Overview Since its inception, Linkerd has always focused on having the smallest possible resource footprint. That makes it not only the most efficient and cost-effective service mesh on the market, but also the...
October 10, 2023

Secure your Kubernetes environment with OPA and Gatekeeper
Member Post Secure your Kubernetes environment with OPA and Gatekeeper
Guest post originally published on SighUP’s blog by Simone Ragonesi We will introduce you to the powerful combination of Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Gatekeeper for Kubernetes security. In this article, we will introduce you to the powerful combination...
October 9, 2023

Welcome to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community Post Welcome to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community post by Michel Murabito Today, on the 9th of October, the CNCF Cloud Native Sustainability Week kicks off with a series of global events organized by the cloud native community, dedicated to highlighting the importance of environmental...
October 9, 2023 | By Michel Murabito

IstioCon China 2023 wrap-up
Project Post IstioCon China 2023 wrap-up
Project post originally published on Istio’s blog A quick recap of Istio at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China in Shanghai. It’s great to be able to safely get together in person again. After two years...
October 6, 2023

A three-stage approach to multi-architecture migration
Member Post A three-stage approach to multi-architecture migration
Member post by Cheryl Hung, Senior Director, Infrastructure Ecosystem, at Arm A recent trend in cloud-native development is the use of multi-architecture infrastructures, which can run workloads on either x86 or Arm architectures. At a high level, the...
October 6, 2023 | By Cheryl Hung

Unveiling LitmusChaos 3.0: embracing evolution in chaos engineering
Project Post Unveiling LitmusChaos 3.0: embracing evolution in chaos engineering
Project post by Saranya Jena, Maintainer @Litmuschaos We are thrilled to announce the release of LitmusChaos 3.0, signifying a remarkable advancement in the field of Chaos Engineering. This release is packed with exciting new features and enhancements that...
October 5, 2023

Workshop Recap: A closer look at flat-network multicluster and HTTPRoute timeouts with Linkerd 2.14
Project Post Workshop Recap: A closer look at flat-network multicluster and HTTPRoute timeouts with Linkerd 2.14
Project post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by Flynn Linkerd’s edge releases are a big part of our development process, and there have been a lot of them – five! – since our last edge-release roundup. The plan...
October 5, 2023 | By Flynn

Using IOMesh for persistent storage in KubeVirt
Member Post Using IOMesh for persistent storage in KubeVirt
Guest post by Dong Zhu, IOMesh On July 11, the KubeVirt community officially announced the release of KubeVirt v1.0. As a fully matured Virtual Machine Management solution for Kubernetes, KubeVirt provides VM users another option to modernize IT...
October 4, 2023 | By Dong Zhu