
Kyverno — verify Kubernetes control plane images
Project Post Kyverno — verify Kubernetes control plane images
Guest post originally published on Medium by Charles-Edouard Brétéché In this story we are going to deploy a local Kubernetes cluster using kind, then we will deploy Kyverno and use it to verify Kubernetes control plane images signature. What is Kyverno ? Kyverno is an open-source policy engine for Kubernetes that allows you to...
May 1, 2023 | By Charles-Edouard Brétéché

Ant Group security technology’s Nydus and Dragonfly image acceleration practices
Project Post Ant Group security technology’s Nydus and Dragonfly image acceleration practices
Guest post by Dragonfly maintainers Introduction ZOLOZ is a global security and risk management platform under Ant Group. Through biometric, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence technologies, ZOLOZ provides safe and convenient security and risk management solutions for...
May 1, 2023

7 core components of an Internal Developer Platform
Member Post 7 core components of an Internal Developer Platform
Guest post originally published on Mia-Platform’s blog by the Mia-Platform team The world of software development is constantly and rapidly changing. New technologies emerge every day to solve problems that slow down the daily work of IT departments....
April 28, 2023

Announcing Linkerd 2.13 with circuit breaking, dynamic request routing, FIPS, health monitoring, and more
Member Post Announcing Linkerd 2.13 with circuit breaking, dynamic request routing, FIPS, health monitoring, and more
Guest post originally published on Buoyant’s blog by William Morgan Today we’re thrilled to announce the release of Linkerd 2.13, a significant milestone for the CNCF’s only graduated service mesh! This release introduces dynamic request routing based on the Gateway...
April 27, 2023 | By William Morgan

Introducing Sessionize: a new CFP platform for CNCF events
Staff Post Introducing Sessionize: a new CFP platform for CNCF events
By CNCF Staff  We’re well on the way to CNCF’s goal of making cloud native ubiquitous. Today, there are 190,000 contributors to CNCF-hosted projects, and more than 53,000 community group members, alongside 805 CNCF Members and 160 End...
April 26, 2023

Istio Ambient waypoint proxy made simple
Project Post Istio Ambient waypoint proxy made simple
Guest post originally published on Istio’s blog by Lin Sun,, and John Howard, Google Introducing the new destination oriented waypoint proxy for simplicity and scalability. Ambient splits Istio’s functionality into two distinct layers, a secure overlay layer...
April 26, 2023 | By Lin Sun and John Howard

PromptOps in application delivery: empowering your workflow with ChatGPT
Member Post PromptOps in application delivery: empowering your workflow with ChatGPT
Guest post by Fog Dong, Engineer at Alibaba Cloud, and Maintainer of KubeVela  ChatGPT is taking the tech industry by storm, thanks to its unparalleled natural language processing capabilities. As a powerful AI language model, it has the...
April 25, 2023

How to use Weave GitOps as your Flux UI
Project Post How to use Weave GitOps as your Flux UI
Guest post originally published on Flux’s blog by Daniel Holbach Here comes the newest blog post in our ecosystem category. One of the key reasons to rewrite Flux was to break up the former monolith solution into separate controllers...
April 24, 2023 | By Daniel Holbach

Argo CD end user threat model: security considerations for hardening declarative GitOps CD on Kubernetes
Community Post Argo CD end user threat model: security considerations for hardening declarative GitOps CD on Kubernetes
Community post by Andres Vega from ControlPlane and Michael Crenshaw from Argo CD Argo CD provides deployment flexibility, which enables operators to configure it to varying situations. The new report by ControlPlane provides a comprehensive threat modeling analysis...
April 21, 2023 | By Andres Vega + Michael Crenshaw

LitmusChaos 3.0 Beta Rolls On With Multiple Enhancements 
Project Post LitmusChaos 3.0 Beta Rolls On With Multiple Enhancements 
During KubeCon Detroit 2022,the maintainers of LitmusChaos announced the start of 3.0 Beta, with several planned enhancements to make the chaos platform more robust, leaner and developer-friendly. In short, make it more effective and helpful for teams trying...
April 21, 2023