
KubeWeekly #110
Published: October 31, 2017
- Deploy a scalable Apache Cassandra database on Kubernetes (https://medium.com/cri-o/cri-o-1-0-is-here-d06b97b92a98)
- By Animesh Singh (https://twitter.com/AnimeshSingh) , Anthony Amanse (https://twitter.com/AnthonyAmanse) , Ishan Gulhane (https://github.com/igulhane)
- MongoDB on Kubernetes 1.8 (https://ygrene.tech/mongodb-on-kubernetes-1-8-e4d5f74b3710)
- By Austin Adams (https://twitter.com/_austbot)
- Deploy Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry with ease in your data center (https://medium.com/ibm-cloud/deploy-kubernetes-and-cloud-foundry-with-ease-in-your-data-center-a19a6eb56ed2)
- By Michael D. Elder (https://twitter.com/mdelder)
- Kubernetes Initializers Deep Dive and Tutorial (https://medium.com/ibm-cloud/kubernetes-initializers-deep-dive-and-tutorial-3bc416e4e13e)
- By Guang Ya Liu (https://twitter.com/gyliu513)
- Configure Ingress on Kubernetes using Azure Container Service (https://pascalnaber.wordpress.com/2017/10/27/configure-ingress-on-kubernetes-using-azure-container-service/)
- By Pascal Naber (https://twitter.com/pascalnaber)
- Containerize Existing and Cloud Native Apps with Apprenda & Oracle Cloud (https://apprenda.com/blog/containerize-existing-cloud-native-apps-apprenda-oracle-cloud/)
- By Rakesh Malhotra (https://twitter.com/rakeshm)
- Glowing Bear and Weechat in Kubernetes with Helm (https://medium.com/@knobby/glowing-bear-and-weechat-in-kubernetes-with-helm-b150a0eb28b8)
- By Mike Wilson (https://github.com/hyperbolic2346)
- IBM Cloud Private V2.1 – Deploy Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry with ease in your data center (https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/2017/10/ibm-cloud-private-deploy-kubernetes-and-cloud-foundry-with-ease/)
- By Michael Elder (https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/author/michael-elder/)
- Kubernetes: A Pod’s Life (https://blog.openshift.com/kubernetes-pods-life/)
- By Michael Hausenblas (https://twitter.com/mhausenblas)
- Heptio Ark is a utility for managing disaster recovery (https://github.com/heptio/ark)
- By Andy Goldstein (https://twitter.com/andygoldstein)
- Introducing AKS (managed Kubernetes) and Azure Container Registry improvements (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-azure-container-service-aks-managed-kubernetes-and-azure-container-registry-geo-replication/)
- By Gabe Monroy (https://twitter.com/gabrtv)
- Speed deployment on Kubernetes with Helm Chart – Quick YAML example from scratch (https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/2017/10/quick-example-helm-chart-for-kubernetes/)
- By Rick Osowski (https://twitter.com/rosowski)
- Brigade: Event-based Scripting for Kubernetes. (https://github.com/Azure/brigade)
- By Matthew Fisher (https://twitter.com/bacongobbler)
- First encounters with creating a Managed Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) on Azure (https://roadtoalm.com/2017/10/25/create-a-managed-kubernetes-cluster-aks-on-azure/)
- By René van Osnabrugge (https://twitter.com/renevo)
- Cost-effective Kubernetes on Google Cloud (https://medium.com/redpoint/cost-effective-kubernetes-on-google-cloud-61067185ebe8)
- By June Rhodes (https://twitter.com/hachque)
- Fun with kubectl aliases (https://ahmet.im/blog/kubectl-aliases/)
- By Ahmet Alp Balkan (https://twitter.com/ahmetb)
- Running Kubernetes on Travis CI with minikube (https://blog.travis-ci.com/2017-10-26-running-kubernetes-on-travis-ci-with-minikube)
- By Lili Cosic (https://twitter.com/LiliCosic)
- Interactive Debugging Python Code In (Mini) Kubernetes (https://derpops.bike/2017/10/26/interactive-debugging-python-kubernetes/)
- By Jesse Keating (https://twitter.com/iamjkeating)
- nghttpx ingress controller for Kubernetes (https://github.com/zlabjp/nghttpx-ingress-lb)
- By Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa (https://twitter.com/tatsuhiro_t)
- Understanding kubernetes networking: pods (https://medium.com/@betz.mark/understanding-kubernetes-networking-pods-7117dd28727)
- By Mark Betz (https://twitter.com/markbetz)
- How to develop Kubernetes-friendly containerised applications, part 3 (https://blog.kumina.nl/2017/10/how-to-develop-kubernetes-friendly-containerised-applications-part-3/)
- By Tim Stoop (https://twitter.com/timstoop)
- Kubernetes: Up & Integrated — Authentication (https://medium.com/@tristan_96324/kubernetes-up-integrated-authentication-5d2c908c2810)
- By Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (https://twitter.com/t_colgate)
- First steps with Istio on Kubernetes on Minikube on Windows 10 (https://technology.amis.nl/2017/10/25/first-steps-with-istio-on-kubernetes-on-minikube-on-windows-10/)
- By Lucas Jellema (https://twitter.com/lucasjellema)
- Kubernetes Introduction for VMware Users – Part 1: The Theory (https://blogs.vmware.com/cloudnative/2017/10/25/kubernetes-introduction-vmware-users/)
- By Hany Michaels (https://twitter.com/hany_michael)
- Securing Kubernetes: Going from k8s to k8sec (https://nvisium.com/blog/2017/10/24/securing-kubernetes-going-from-k8s-to-k8sec/)
- By Jack Mannino (https://twitter.com/jack_mannino)
- How to Build a Kubernetes Cluster with ARM Raspberry Pi then run .NET Core on OpenFaas (https://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToBuildAKubernetesClusterWithARMRaspberryPiThenRunNETCoreOnOpenFaas.aspx)
- By Scott Hanselman (https://twitter.com/shanselman)
- Shaving yak with K8S and Draft Part 1 . Local draft with minikube. (https://medium.com/@vittore/draft-on-k8s-part1-e5b046857df4)
- By Victor Evdokimov (https://twitter.com/ojosdegris)
Blogs / Articles
- How to make the case for Kubernetes (https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2017/10/how-make-case-kubernetes?sc_cid=7016000000127eyAAA)
- By Kevin Casey (https://twitter.com/kevinrcasey)
- Why is Kubernetes so popular? (https://opensource.com/article/17/10/why-kubernetes-so-popular)
- By Anurag Gupta (https://twitter.com/Anurag_Gup)
- It Takes a Village to Raise a Kubernetes (http://blog.kubernetes.io/2017/10/it-takes-village-to-raise-kubernetes.html)
- By Jaice Singer DuMars (https://twitter.com/jaydumars)
- kubeadm v1.8 Released: Introducing Easy Upgrades for Kubernetes Clusters (http://blog.kubernetes.io/2017/10/kubeadm-v18-released.html)
- By Lucas Käldström (https://twitter.com/kubernetesonarm)
- AT&T Bolsters AIC Platform with Kubernetes, Containers and OpenStack-Helm (https://www.thefastmode.com/technology-solutions/11499-at-t-bolsters-new-aic-container-platform-with-kubernetes-containers-and-openstack-helm)
- By Ray Sharma (https://twitter.com/Policy_Control)
- These two vendors are most likely to bring Kubernetes containers to the enterprise (https://www.techrepublic.com/article/these-two-vendors-are-most-likely-to-bring-kubernetes-containers-to-the-enterprise/)
- By Matt Asay (https://twitter.com/mjasay)
- Kubernetes is Revolutionizing how you manage microservices (http://techgenix.com/kubernetes-manage-microservices/)
- By Twain Taylor
- Rancher 2.0 is coming, and it’s amazing. (http://rancher.com/two-dot-awesome/?utm_content=62224271&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)
- By Adrian Goins (https://github.com/oskapt)
- Protect Containers running in Kubernetes on Metacloud with Cisco Contiv (https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC-76138?dysig_tid=46ccb2109df644dea2feb239c2231507&&DTID=esosah000746&REFERRING_SITE=Twitter&CREATIVE=31649+SAH&POSTID=56292382-c872-4302-bad8-61429ae5680b)
- By andubiel (https://github.com/andubiel)
- Google and Cisco announce hybrid cloud partnership (https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/25/google-and-cisco-announce-hybrid-cloud-partnership/)
- By Frederic Lardinois (https://twitter.com/fredericl)
- Google And Cisco Join Forces To Bring Kubernetes Container Tech To The ‘Hybrid Cloud’ (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexkonrad/2017/10/25/google-and-cisco-partner-up-to-bring-kubernetes-container-tech-to-the-hybrid-cloud/#4ae9c7c711ab)
- By Alex Konrad (https://twitter.com/alexrkonrad)
- Google Partners with Cisco for Hybrid Cloud Powered by Kubernetes (http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/datacenter/google-partners-with-cisco-for-hybrid-cloud-powered-by-kubernetes.html)
- By Sean Kerner (https://twitter.com/TechJournalist)
- Microsoft Launches Brigade: An Event-Driven Scripting Tool for Kubernetes (https://thenewstack.io/microsoft-launches-brigade-event-driven-scripting-tool-kubernetes/)
- By Michelle Gienow (https://twitter.com/michellegienow)
- Microsoft is now trying to use Google’s secret cloud weapon against it (http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-launches-managed-azure-kubernetes-service-2017-10)
- By Matt Weinberger (https://twitter.com/gamoid)
- Microsoft previews pay-for-use Kubernetes on Azure (http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450428847/Microsoft-previews-pay-for-use-Kubernetes-on-Azure)
- By Cliff Saran (https://twitter.com/cliffsaran)
- Microsoft’s rebranded Azure Container Service shifts its focus to Kubernetes (https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/24/microsoft-new-azure-kontainer-service-puts-its-focus-on-kubernetes/?utm_content=bufferc8de1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Frederic Lardinois (https://twitter.com/fredericl)
- Choosing the right Kubernetes object for deploying workloads in Azure (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azurecat/2017/10/24/choosing-the-right-kubernetes-object-for-deploying-workloads-in-azure/?utm_content=bufferf8704&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Mahesh M Kshirsagar (https://github.com/Mahesh-MSFT)
- Best Kubernetes books, tutorials & courses 2017 (https://reactdom.com/blog/kubernetes-books)
- By ReactDOM (https://twitter.com/ReactDOM)
- Cloud, Containers, and Kubernetes over Coffee with Carter Morgan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P3h6-_UJAQ&feature=youtu.be&a=)
- Cloud, containers, comedy, and more as Laurence Moroney (https://twitter.com/lmoroney) catches up with Carter Morgan (https://twitter.com/_askcarter) to talk about the role of a Developer Programs Engineer at Google. We also learn about his famous application letter that included Google Colors, haikus, and more
- 6 Pitfalls of Developing your own Kubernetes Solution (https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/14601/283439?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic)
- What does “enterprise Kubernetes” mean? How is it different from a DIY install of Kubernetes? Paul Burt (https://twitter.com/thatmightbepaul) aims to answer these questions and detail common pitfalls you’re likely to encounter when trying to deploy your own Kubernetes environment.
- THE ARCHITECHT SHOW Ep. 41: HashiCorp CEO doing open source in the age of cloud computing and Kubernetes (http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/5880028/tdest_id/502265)
- In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, Hashicorp CEO Dave McJannet (https://twitter.com/davidmcj) discusses his company’s recent $40 million funding round, a result he credits to a maniacal focus on building specific products and making users happy.
- Schuberg Philis’ Journey with CloudStack and Kubernetes (https://thenewstack.io/schuberg-philis-journey-cloudstack-kubernetes/)
- On today’s episode of The New Stack Makers, Schuberg Philis’ Mission Critical Engineer Andy Repton (https://twitter.com/SethKarlo) discusses the company’s start with Apache CloudStack and its current use of Kubernetes. Repton spoke with TNS Founder Alex Williams (https://twitter.com/alexwilliams) during a livestream that took place at Software Circus 2017, touching on the Schuberg Philis CI/CD pipeline and how the use of tools such as Jenkins and GitLab CI are empowering its developer team.
- Pivotal Container Service (PKS), with Cornelia Davis and such (Ep. 81) (https://soundcloud.com/pivotalconversations/pivotal-container-service-pks-with-cornelia-davis-and-such-ep-81)
- There’s a new option for running kubernetes, Pivotal Container Service, or PKS. PKS uses the underlying management layer from Pivotal Cloud Foundry to create a standardized cluster manager. This means you can run your applications in the existing Pivotal Cloud Foundry runtime, the Elastic Run Time (ERT) or PKS.
- Video Walkthrough of the new Azure K(C)ontainer Service — Managed Kubernetes in Azure Container Service (https://medium.com/@edwardvillalba/video-walkthrough-of-the-new-azure-k-c-ontainer-service-managed-kubernetes-in-azure-container-14d3fd0adfa4)
- walkthough of the new Azure Container Service’s Managed Kubernetes Service announced today by Gabe Monroy (https://twitter.com/gabrtv) , PM Lead, Containers @ Microsoft Azure.
- Intro to Kubernetes Tutorial (http://www.codechannels.com/video/ibm/kubernetes/introtokubernetestutorial/)
- In this video, J. Steven Perry (https://twitter.com/jstevenperry) introduces you to kubernetes and shows you how to use the container technology.
- Container Orchestration Simplified with Managed Kubernetes in Azure Container Service (AKS) (https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/Container-Orchestration-Simplified-with-Managed-Kubernetes-in-Azure-Container-Service-AKS?ocid=player)
- Gabe Monroy (https://twitter.com/gabrtv) joins Scott Hanselman (https://twitter.com/shanselman) to discuss Azure Container Service (AKS), Microsoft’s new managed Kubernetes service. Now you can easily manage your Kubernetes environment by simplifying the deployment, management, and operations activities without sacrificing portability. You gain all the benefits of Kubernetes without the complexity and operational overhead.
- [Podcast] PodCTL #12 – Introduction to CRI-O (https://blog.openshift.com/podcast-podctl-12-introduction-to-cri-o/)
- In this week’s episode, we talk with Dan Walsh (https://twitter.com/rhatdan) and Mrunal Patel (https://twitter.com/mrunalp) about the evolution of container standards, and how CRI-O has evolved as an option for simplified, secure interaction with Kubernetes and OCI-compliant container images.
- TGI Kubernetes 014: Serverless with OpenFaaS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMzf_oWsRi0)
- This week Joe (https://twitter.com/jbeda) will be digging into the OpenFaaS serverless framework. This is a continuation from the last two weeks when he looked at kubeless and fission. We’ll be starting from scratch and see how far we can get. We will also compare and contrast approaches.
- Screencast: Using a standalone cinder provisioner in kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKnFpon7l5E&t=1s)
- This video by Adam Litke (https://twitter.com/AdamLitke) demonstrates the use of a kubernetes external provisioner to provide cinder volumes as native PV objects to be directly consumable by pods.
- Monitoring Kubernetes v2 (Splunk Application) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCeXVf-J7Ko)
- Splunk Application for Kubernetes Monitoring (Metrics, Stats, Events) by Denis Gladkikh (https://twitter.com/outcoldman)
- Kubernetes in the Cloud w/ Puppet + Google Container Engine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIJ92KZP3pE)
- By Mandy Waite (https://twitter.com/tekgrrl) ; In this talk we’ll look at how easy it is to operationalize your K8s cluster deployments using the new gcontainer puppet module for Google Container Engine
- Kubernetes and containers for your Web application: step by step (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBkp48NXyW0)
- The purpose of this presentation by Alain Regnier (https://twitter.com/altolabs) is to show a concrete case of using Kubernetes and containers for the deployment of a Web application written in Java.
- Serverless for the Cloud Native Era – How Fission uses NATS and Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpHJlki4qLk)
- Soam Vasani (https://twitter.com/soamv) of Fission.io explains how Fission provides serverless computing based on Kubernetes, and where their platform makes use of NATS in this talk, demo, and QnA.
- Kubernetes and Calico (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFsrx5AxgyI)
- Karthik Prabhakar (https://twitter.com/KarthikPrabhakr) discusses how Calico Networking and Network Policy provides the glue that enables pod connectivity and will provide a technical overview, along with a demo of Calico with Kubernetes for connecting and securing pod connectivity across on premise and cloud environments
- gRPC & Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiWgWqOe_PI)
- Video recorded at GDG DevFest Ukraine 2017 – the biggest Google tech conference in CEE. All about Android, Web and Cloud. By Tom Wilkie (https://twitter.com/tom_wilkie)
- HA Kubernetes outside the cloud (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8r0LmbF-rM)
- By Mark Maglana (https://twitter.com/markmaglana) ; deploy and manage Kubernetes and Cloud Native tools at all major cloud providers via a web-app.
- Kubernetes Community Meeting 10-26-2017 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7YBafS9yA8)
- It’s the Kubernetes community meeting! Demos! Discussions! Beards! Something for everyone.
- Kubernetes SIG Storage – CSI Implementation Workgroup 20171024 – Discuss CSI Secrets (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnQxDfv-_e0)
- Meeting Notes/Agenda here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WmRYvqw1FREcD1jmZAOjC0jX6Gop8FMOzsdqXHFoT4/edit#heading=h.eb0z5tracf7r)
- Kubernetes Sig Docs 20171024 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhIRC8AxdAU)
- Meeting notes/Agenda here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ds87eRiNZeXwRBEbFr6Z7ukjbTow5RQcNZLaSvWWQsE/edit)
- Kubernetes SIG Cluster Lifecycle 20171025 Cluster API (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-J0BpJyNKA)
- Highlights:
– Discussed the proposed APIs for Machines & the control plane
– Jacob did a demo of the scaffolding he’s built around the proposed Machines API - Kubernetes SIG Architecture meeting 10 26 2017 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvxZSDrDev4)
- Meeting notes/agenda here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BlmHq5uPyBUDlppYqAAzslVbAO8hilgjqZUTaNXUhKM/edit)
- Kubernetes SIG Storage – CSI Implementation Workgroup 20171024 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SK1VZk9jro)
- Meeting Notes/Agenda here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WmRYvqw1FREcD1jmZAOjC0jX6Gop8FMOzsdqXHFoT4/edit#heading=h.gio315jeoe5y)
- Kubernetes Resource Management WG 20171011 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVTxMrulwEI)
- Meeting Notes/Agenda here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j3vrG6BgE0hUDs2e-1ZUegKN4W4Adb1B6oJ6j-4kyPU/edit)
- Kubernetes SIG Big Data Meeting (Oct 25 2017) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUbqo5-EKTQ)
- Kubernetes SIG Apps 20171023 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gZ7dL6sDgQ)
- Serverless for the Cloud Native Era with Fission (https://www.slideshare.net/nats_io/serverless-for-the-cloud-native-era-with-fission)
- Soam Vasani (https://twitter.com/soamv) of Platform9 shares how Fission.io makes use of NATS and Kubernetes for Serverless workflows
- An introduction to Docker and Kubernetes for Node.js developers (https://speakerdeck.com/georgecrawford/an-introduction-to-docker-and-kubernetes-for-node-dot-js-developers)
- By George Crawford (https://twitter.com/georgeocrawford) ; This talk will introduce containerisation with Docker; how you can use it to make your workflows more predictable and your servers more reliable; and using Kubernetes to spin up your applications in the cloud using nothing but YAML files, with monitoring, logging, scaling and networking all taken care of.
- Overcoming Logging Challenges for Cloud Native Applications at Scale (https://speakerdeck.com/edsiper/overcoming-logging-challenges-for-cloud-native-applications-at-scale)
- By Eduardo Silva (https://twitter.com/edsiper) ; The following presentation was given at Open Source Summit Europe 2017 (Prague) and it have a strong focus on Kubernetes and Docker specifically.
- Running Virtual Machines on Kubernetes with Libvirt and KVM (http://redhat.slides.com/fdeutsch/running-virtual-machines-on-kubernetes-with-libvirt-and-kvm-at-kvm-forum-2017#/)
- By Roman Mohr (https://twitter.com/rfenkhuber) & Fabian German (https://github.com/mike-fabian)
- Learn Kubernetes in 90 Minutes (http://www.larrycaiyu.com/codingwithme-k8s/slides.html#1)
- An exercised based training by Larry Cai (https://twitter.com/larrycai) to understand basic concept of K8s
- Building Resilient Microservices with Kubernetes, Docker, and Envoy (https://www.slideshare.net/datawire/building-resilient-microservices-with-kubernetes-docker-and-envoy-81198560?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=1)
- This talk was presented as part of the 2017 O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in London by Phil Lombardi (https://twitter.com/thebiglombowski) and Rafael Schloming (https://twitter.com/rschloming) .
- Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17 (https://www.slideshare.net/RyanJarvinen/handson-introduction-to-kubernetes-at-lisa17?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=2)
- By Ryan Jarvinen (https://twitter.com/ryanj)
- Windows Container 101: dotNET, Container, Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/WillHuangTW/windows-container-101-dotnet-container-kubernetes?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=4)
- By Will Huang (https://twitter.com/Will_Huang) ; 本簡報是 2017/10/25 由 Will 保哥 在【雲的萬物論研討會:跟著 Azure 玩雲端】研討會中所演講的【Windows Container 101: dotNET, Container, Kubernetes】主題,內容介紹 Windows Containers 的現況,以及如何將 Windows 容器整合至 Kubernetes 叢集架構下,現場還搭配 Azure Container Service 示範如何對叢集進行管理與部署。
- Kubernetes Colorado – Kubernetes metrics deep dive 10/25/2017 (https://www.slideshare.net/BobCotton2/kubernetes-colorado-kubernetes-metrics-deep-dive-10252017?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=5)
- A deep dive of the metrics exposed in Kubernetes by Bob Cotton (https://twitter.com/bob_cotton)
- Kubernetes for Serverless – Serverless Summit 2017 (https://www.slideshare.net/CodeOps/kubernetes-for-serverless-serverless-summit-2017-krishna-kumar?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=6)
- Serverless frameworks are changing the way we do computing. In open source container world, Kubernetes is playing a pivotal role in manifesting this. This presentation by Krishna Kumar (https://twitter.com/krish_kumar_11) will go deep into various features of Kubernetes to create serverless functions.
- PuppetConf 2017: Zero to Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/puppetconf-2017-zero-to-kubernetes-scott-coulton-puppet?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=9)
- In this talk by Scott Coulton (https://twitter.com/scottcoulton) we will walk through the offerings Puppet has to help you leap from dev/test to a production-from-scratch environment in the cloud
- CI/CD with Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/harthoover/cicd-with-kubernetes?qid=ab3834b8-033a-4c5f-8eb6-a9cf033c3700&v=&b=&from_search=17)
- Delivered by Hart Hoovcr (https://twitter.com/hhoover) at the Kubernetes San Antonio meetup. Overview of continuous integration & delivery platforms and how to use them with Kubernetes.
Upcoming Events
- Extracting Java Microservices with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Indianapolis-Java-User-Group/events/244451644/)
- October 30, Indianapolis
- Deploy, Troubleshoot and Control Kubernetes Powered Containers and Microservices (https://www.meetup.com/Weave-User-Group/events/244065461/)
- October 31, San Francisco
- Kubernetes on AWS – A Primer (https://www.meetup.com/triangle-devops/events/243142833/)
- November 1, Raleigh
- Kubernetes and Mesosphere (https://www.meetup.com/Metroplex-Mesos-Group/events/243696303/)
- November 1, Addison
- Running NodeJS web-apps on Kubernetes clusters (https://www.meetup.com/Node-js-Madrid/events/244459949/)
- November 2, Madrid
- DeventerPHP – Kubernetes for non-believers (https://www.meetup.com/DeventerPHP/events/243014293/)
- November 2, Deventer
- Meetup and learn about how IBM Cloud Private can be used in your DevOps process! (https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-IBM-Melbourne/events/244498695/)
- November 2, Melbourne
- PyCon India 2017 (https://in.explara.com/e/pycon-india-2017/)
- November 2, New Delhi
- Technical Webinar: Container management with Kubernetes and Helm (https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/11477/284991) ‘
- November 2, Webiner
- Kubernetes, et retour DockerCon EU (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Grenoble/events/243820250/)
- November 6, Grenoble
- DevOpsDays Cape Town 2017 (https://www.meetup.com/Cape-Town-DevOps/events/244088074/)
- November 6-7, Cape Town
- Sabre Polska & Polish JUG Meetup – 8 Steps to Becoming Awesome with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Sabre-Poland/events/244633002/)
- November 7, Krakow
- November 2017 Microservices Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Massachusetts-Microservices-Meetup/events/244484425/)
- November 7, Boston
- Inaugural Meetup — Kubernetes 101 (https://www.meetup.com/CT-K8s-Meetup/events/243116554/)
- November 7, Hartford
- Stackdriver for Kubernetes and GKE (https://www.meetup.com/GCPonline/events/244496870/)
- November 8, Mountain View
- Come to our upcoming Kubernetes training (https://www.meetup.com/Tampa-and-Orlando-Google-Cloud-Computing-Events/events/244542001/)
- November 8, Tampa
- Elixir on Kubernetes – Cody Roberts (https://www.meetup.com/ChicagoElixir/events/244227439/)
- November 8, Chicago
- CNPDX Nov.: Kubernetes Networking & Calico (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-PDX/events/244525576/)
- November 8, Portland
- IV: Cluster Management Fun with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Mannheim/events/242736667/)
- November 9, Mannheim
- Kubernetes Sydney November meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Kubernetes-User-Group/events/244107944/)
- November 9, Sydney
- Kubernetes: Service Meshes & Spinnaker for CI/CD (https://www.meetup.com/Los-Angeles-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/242332311/)
- November 9, Los Angeles
- Achieving True Agility Through Microservices, Containerization, & APIs (https://www.meetup.com/Red-Hat-Orange-County-CA/events/244550247/)
- November 9, Irvine
- Let’s dig in Docker and discover Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Casablanca-Developers-Meetups/events/244041861/)
- November 11, ad-Dar-al-Bayda
- Kubernetes on Cloud (https://www.meetup.com/Hyderabad-Cognitive-with-Cloud/events/244446480/)
- November 11, Hyderabad
- Clustering Containers with Kubernetes & OpenShift (https://www.meetup.com/TechNext/events/243457277/)
- November 11, Pune
- Meetup #13 @Datadog : Monitoring best practices and Kubernetes onprem (https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/preview/Cloud-Native-Computing-Paris/events/244485672)
- November 16, Paris
- Kubernetes November Meetup – Google Presentation (https://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/244232777/)
- November 16, Melbourne
- Azure ACS and Kubernetes: Microservices On Steroids (https://www.meetup.com/NET-User-Group-Karlsruhe/events/244451653/)
- November 16, Karlsruhe
- CloudNativeCon / KubeCon 2017 North America (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/cloudnativecon-and-kubecon-north-america)
- December 6-8, Austin
- Microservices workshop: REST, Kubernetes, UI and Kafka (https://www.xing.com/events/microservices-workshop-rest-kubernetes-ui-kafka-1845207)
- December 11, Frankfurt
Job Openings
- Container and Kubernetes Solutions Architect (http://apprenda.applytojob.com/apply/twAVQdU8nF/)
- Apprenda; Location: NY, London, Rotterdam, Munich; Full-time
- Principal Software Engineer – Envoy/OSS (https://angel.co/datawire-io/jobs/265354-principal-software-engineer-envoy-oss)
- Datawire; Boston, San Francisco, New Hampshire, Remote · Full Time
- Golang / Go Job: Back-end engineer with a devops focus (Golang, Kubernetes, microservices) (https://www.golangprojects.com/golang-go-job-bws-Back-end-engineer-with-a-devops-focus-(Golang-Kubernetes-microservices)-Rotterdam-Housing-Anywhere.html)
- Housing Anywhere; Rotterdam (relocation compensation available), Full time
- DevOps Engineer – Kubernetes Docker Hashicorp – L (https://weworkcontract.com/contracts/devops-engineer-45bf116b-9937-4aab-bf81-22ce107baa48)
- Hashicorp, London; £550 – £650 a day
- Platform Engineer – Linux, OpenStack, Kubernetes (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=bWlrZS5iZWxtYXIuODg1OTIudHdpQG5ldHdvcmtpbmdwZW9wbGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t)
- Location: Hatfield, UK; full-time
- Solutions Engineer (https://jobs.lever.co/heptio/9b6c7578-b696-4468-859b-a39d58fa0eb8)
- Heptio; Seattle or remote; full-time
- Golang / Go Job: Devops engineer (Go, Kubernetes, microservices) (http://www.golangprojects.com/golang-go-job-bti-Devops-engineer-(Go-Kubernetes-microservices)-Rotterdam-Housing-Anywhere.html)
- Housing Anywhere; Rotterdam (remote NOT possible, relocation compensation available) Full-time
- Senior Software Engineer – Backend (https://www.remotey.com/vacancy/2254?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=August17&utm_medium=Post)
- Close.io | United States | All Time Zones; fully remote, full time
- Principal Software Engineer – Envoy/OSS (https://angel.co/datawire-io/jobs/265354-principal-software-engineer-envoy-oss)
- Datawire; Boston, San Francisco, New Hampshire, Remote · Full time
- DevOps Engineer (https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/skimlinks)
- Skimlinks; London (Relocation offered)
- Sr Software Engineer; Data Engineer; Engineering Manager (https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/nytimes)
- NY Times; NYC
- Dev Ops Engineer (https://krb-sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?PageType=JobDetails&partnerid=26059&siteid=5016&AReq=108976BR#jobDetails=undefined_5016)
- IBM; No Travel Require; Full time
- Principle Software Engineer – Java, AWS, Kubernetes (http://jobs.jobvite.com/careers/tenable-network-security/job/oNl55fw2?__jvst=Tenable%20Employee&__jvsd=sTVbHfwq&__jvsc=Twitter&bid=nlApBBw1)
- Tenable; Columbia, Maryland; Full time
- Cloud Solution Engineer (https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/154331/cloud-solution-engineer-dito)
- Dito; remote
- Kubernetes Solutions Engineer (m/f) (http://www.visaok.in/job/1220-kubernetes-solutions-engineer-m-f-giant-swarm-gmbh/)
- Giant Swarm GmbH; Cologne, Full time
- Head of devops & cloud operations (Linux) – AWS/Kubernetes (https://www.cv-library.co.uk/job/206599673/Head-of-devops-cloud-operations-Linux-AWS-Kubernetes?s=100818)
- Head of IT operations position; £90,000 – £110,000/annum, London
- Senior Systems / Devops Engineer – Linux Devops Kubernetes – Fi | UAE (http://hiringuae.com/2017/09/29/senior-systems-devops-engineer-linux-devops-kubernetes-fi-uae/)
- Aston Carter; United Arab Emirates
- Software Engineer, Infrastructure (https://www.stackpair.com/thealleninstitute/seattle/software-engineer-infrastructure)
- AI2 (The Allen Institute); Lake Union, Full Time
- Deployment Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/mirantis/jobs/808261?gh_src=6mh8qy1#.WdZLahOPJhE)
- Mirantis; Austin, Full time
- Senior Back End Developer (https://www.teamwork.com/jobs/seniorbackenddev?utm_content=buffer09316&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- Teamwork.com; Cork, Ireland or remote, Full Time
- Kubernetes Support Engineer (m/f) (http://www.visaok.in/job/1377-kubernetes-support-engineer-m-f-giant-swarm-gmbh/)
- Giant Swarm; Angola, Full time
- ENGINEERING MANAGER, PLATFORM SERVICES (https://www.planet.com/company/careers/?office=View%20All&department=Software%20Engineering&job=796048)
- Planet; Bellevue, Full time
- Senior DevOps Engineer – Kubernetes/Docker/Cloud (http://job-openings.local-jobs.monster.com/Senior-DevOps-Engineer-Kubernetes-Docker-Cloud-New-York-NY-US-Kforce-Inc/11/189775700)
- KForce; NYC, Full time
- Backend Developer – NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes & more (http://workinstartups.com/job-board/job/62723/backend-developer-nodejs-docker-kubernetes-more-at-bravocompany-ltd/)
- Bravocompany LTD., London, Full time
- Software Engineer – Originate #660 (https://www.stackpair.com/earnest/san-francisco/software-engineer-originate-sharp660)
- The Conversion Squad at Earnest; San Francisco, Full time
- Data engineer (mid-level) (http://greatplacefortalent.nl/jobs/855771/Data,%20Data%20Engineer,%20Scala,%20Akka,%20cloud/)
- Weeronline; Amsterdam, Full time
- DevOps Specialist (Kubernetes) – SC Cleared (https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=kubernetes%20job&src=typd)
- Whitehall Resources; Hampshire, Full time
- Backend Developer – NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes & more (http://workinstartups.com/job-board/job/62723/backend-developer-nodejs-docker-kubernetes-more-at-bravocompany-ltd/)
- Bravo CO.; London, Full time
- Cloud Solutions Architect (https://boards.greenhouse.io/mirantis/jobs/759034?gh_src=i6nxb51#.Wfdc8hOPKqA)
- Mirantis; Austin, Full time
- Kubernetes Specialist (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=ZWQuNTA1MjkudHdpQG1ici5hcGxpdHJhay5jb20)
- One of the largest companies in the world; Hampshire, £500/d
- Cloud Native Infrastructure (http://www.cnibook.info/)
- This book by Kris Nova (https://twitter.com/Kris__Nova) and Justin Garrison (https://twitter.com/rothgar) will teach you when you should architect your systems to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud. It will give examples of pitfalls to avoid and show you the patterns to embrace to be successful. Running cloud native infrastructure requires different skills and has many benefits over traditional data centers.
- Free eBook: Deploying and Scaling Kubernetes with Rancher (http://info.rancher.com/deploying-scaling-kubernetes-ebook?utm_content=bufferfdaa4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Vishal Biyani (https://twitter.com/vishal_biyani) & Girish Shilamkar (https://twitter.com/shilamkar) ; guidebook provides a detailed introduction to using Kubernetes with the Rancher container management platform.
- Kubernetes Patterns (https://leanpub.com/k8spatterns)
- By Bilgin Ibryam (https://twitter.com/bibryam) & Roland Huß (https://twitter.com/ro14nd) ; A minimalistic and focused guide with common use cases, patterns, principles and practises for developing Cloud Native applications on Kubernetes.
- Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications (https://www.amazon.com/Architecting-Scale-Availability-Growing-Applications-ebook/dp/B01IAK49FS%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01IAK49FS&zpy=1)
- By Lee Atchison (https://twitter.com/leeatchison) ; provides basic techniques for building applications that can handle huge quantities of traffic, data, and demand without affecting the quality your customers expect.
- Kubernetes: Up and Running (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920043874.do)
- Authors Kelsey Hightower (https://twitter.com/kelseyhightower) , Brendan Burns (https://twitter.com/brendanburns) , and Joe Beda (https://twitter.com/jbeda) —who’ve worked on Kubernetes at Google—explain how this system fits into the lifecycle of a distributed application. You will learn how to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems, whether it is for online services, machine-learning applications, or a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.
- Kubernetes Definitive Guide: Keys from Docker to Kubernetes Practice (2nd Edition) – Kubernetes权威指南 (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Definitive-Guide-Docker-Practice/dp/7121299410%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D7121299410&zpy=1)
- Kubernetes Microservices with Docker (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Microservices-Docker-Vohra-ebook/dp/B01FXJ9OB8%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01FXJ9OB8&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; This book on Kubernetes, the container cluster manager, discusses all aspects of using Kubernetes in today’s complex big data and enterprise applications, including Docker containers.
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS (https://www.amazon.com/Deploying-Rails-Docker-Kubernetes-ECS/dp/1484224140%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1484224140&zpy=1)
- By Pablo Acuña (https://twitter.com/pabloacunar) ; shows you how to set up the project, push it to DockerHub, manage services and set up an efficient continuous integration environment.
- Everything Kubernetes; The ultimate guide to deploying, managing and scaling Kubernetes (https://www.stratoscale.com/resources/ebook/everything-kubernetes-5/?utm_medium=social)
- Kubernetes provides a complete set of building blocks that allow the automation of many operations for managing development, test, and production environments. This simple yet comprehensive guide offers you and your team everything you need to know on deploying, managing and scaling Kubernetes. It’s great for those experimenting with Kubernetes for the first time but also for Kubernetes rockstars.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; The atomic unit of modular container service in Kubernetes is a Pod, which is a group of containers with a common filesystem and networking. The Kubernetes Pod abstraction enables design patterns for containerized applications similar to object-oriented design patterns. Containers provide some of the same benefits as software objects such as modularity or packaging, abstraction, and reuse
- Technical Guide to Creating and Accessing a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack (https://content.mirantis.com/Kubernetes-on-OpenStack-eBook-Landing-Page.html?utm_campaign=Kubernetes&utm_content=39244676&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)
- As Kubernetes gains popularity, many people are asking: “How can Kubernetes and OpenStack be used together?” In this eBook, get a technical walkthrough on how to deploy Kubernetes on OpenStack and start running containerized apps on your Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms 1st ed. Edition (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- Take container cluster management to the next level; learn how to administer and configure Kubernetes on CoreOS; and apply suitable management design patterns such as Configmaps, Autoscaling, elastic resource usage, and high availability. Some of the other features discussed are logging, scheduling, rolling updates, volumes, service types, and multiple cloud provider zones.
- Mastering CoreOS (https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-CoreOS-Sreenivas-Makam/dp/1785288121%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1785288121&zpy=1)
- By Sreenivas Makam (https://twitter.com/srmakam) ; This book covers the CoreOS internals and the technologies used in the deployment of container-based distributed applications. It starts with an overview of CoreOS and distributed application development while sharing knowledge on related technologies. Critical CoreOS services and networking and storage considerations for CoreOS are covered next.
- DevOps with OpenShift (https://www.openshift.com/promotions/devops-with-openshift.html)
- For many organizations, a big part of DevOps’ appeal is software automation using infrastructure-as-code techniques. This book presents developers, architects, and infra-ops engineers with a more practical option.
- The Kubernetes Book (https://leanpub.com/thekubernetesbook)
- By Nigel Poulton (https://twitter.com/nigelpoulton) ; Containers are here and resistance is futile! Now that people are getting their heads around Docker, they need an orchestration platform to help them manage their containerized apps. Kubernetes has emerged as one of the hottest and most important container orchestration platforms in the world. This book gets you up to speed fast!
- Kubernetes for Java Developers (http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/kubernetes-for-java-developers.csp)
- Author Arun Gupta (https://twitter.com/arungupta) —Principal Open Source Technologist at Amazon Web Services—demonstrates how Kubernetes orchestration simplifies the plumbing needed to get containers up and running at all times. Although the examples in this report use Java, the concepts are applicable for anybody interested in getting started with Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Cookbook: Building Cloud Native Applications (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1491979682/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BUwczb09YK4P5)
- By Sebastien Goasguen (https://twitter.com/sebgoa)
- Introduction to Kubernetes Using Docker (https://www.skillwise.com/sales/introduction-to-kubernetes-using-docker?aid=a-jydho314&utm_content=bufferbf967&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- Docker is a transcendent tool for those who transfer, install, and manage software applications on a regular basis. The advent of Kubernetes, however, has somehow made containerizing and automating applications even easier. In this course designed for students of all skill levels, you’ll learn Docker, the world’s leading software containerization platform, and become a master of automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications using Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Cookbook (https://www.packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning)
- Learn how to automate and manage your Linux containers and improve the overall performance of your system
- Kubernetes SWAG Via CNCF (https://store.cncf.io/collections/kubernetes)
- The most comfortable clothes on earth!
- Get your RUN K8S Shirt (https://teespring.com/runk8s#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front)
- If you want to motivate other people to run Kubernetes, this is your Shirt!