KubeWeekly #127
Published: March 8, 2018
Highlights From the Links
- First Beta Version of Kubernetes 1.10 is Here – Your Chance to Provide Feedback, Kubernetes.io (http://blog.kubernetes.io/2018/03/first-beta-version-of-kubernetes-1-10.html)
The Kubernetes community has been hard at work on the first beta version on Kubernetes 1.10. The March release is targeting over a dozen new alpha features, and over two dozen mature features including production-ready versions of Kubelet TLS Bootstrapping, API aggregation, and more detailed storage metrics. Nick Chase (https://twitter.com/NickChase?lang=en) of Mirantis put together this sneak peek of what’s included in 1.10, and how you can provide your feedback during beta testing. - How to know if Kubernetes is right for your SaaS, freeCodeCamp (https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-know-if-kubernetes-is-right-for-your-saas-315dfffe0a25)
Kubernetes is a great tool to scale, deploy, and manage SaaS applications. But it’s important to know if and when Kubernetes is a good fit for your current situation before investing the time and resources. If you’re currently deciding whether or not to adopt Kubernetes, check out this overview by Ben Sears (https://twitter.com/bsears_) of ServiceBot.io. Walk through what you should know about the benefits of containers, if Kubernetes will solve your current problems, and if it fits into your future plans for your application architecture. - Ensure High Availability and Uptime With Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Prometheus, Weaveworks (https://www.weave.works/blog/kubernetes-horizontal-pod-autoscaler-and-prometheus)
Autoscaling in Kubernetes allows you to automatically scale workloads up or down based on resource usage. In this post, Stefan Prodan (https://twitter.com/stefanprodan?lang=en) of Weaveworks explains how to use Cluster Autoscaling and the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to optimize for availability and uptime, including how to set up Prometheus to expose the right metrics for autoscaling. - On Securing the Kubernetes Dashboard, Heptio (https://blog.heptio.com/on-securing-the-kubernetes-dashboard-16b09b1b7aca)
Recently, Tesla’s Kubernetes infrastructure was compromised and used by attackers to mine cryptocurrency. Tesla’s Kubernetes dashboard was exposed with to the internet, including visible AWS API keys and secrets. In this post, Joe Beda (https://twitter.com/jbeda) of Heptio explains how to secure your Kubernetes Dashboard to prevent this from happening including RBAC configurations, per-user credentials, and a full tutorial on screening with oauth2_proxy.
- Kubernetes sidecar pattern: nginx ssl proxy for nodejs (https://vorozhko.net/kubernetes-sidecar-pattern-nginx-ssl-proxy-for-nodejs)
- By Yaroslav Vorozhko (https://twitter.com/vorozhko) , HungryHouse
- Deploying Ruby on Rails application using HAProxy Ingress with unicorn/puma and websockets (https://blog.bigbinary.com/2018/02/28/using-haproxy-ingress-with-rails-uniconrn-and-websockets.html)
- By Rahule Mahale (https://twitter.com/Rahul_Mahale) , BigBinary
- Rook: Cloud Native On-Premises Persistent Storage for Kubernetes on Kubernetes (https://akomljen.com/rook-cloud-native-on-premises-persistent-storage-for-kubernetes-on-kubernetes/)
- By Alen Komljen (https://twitter.com/alenkomljen) , Sematext
- Bringing Cloud Provider Support to Kubernetes on DC/OS (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/cloud-provider-support-kubernetes-dcos/)
- By Chris Hein (https://twitter.com/christopherhein) , AWS
- Kubernetes Hardening (https://itnext.io/kubernetes-hardening-d24bdf7adc25)
- By Moshe Roth (https://twitter.com/mozesr) , ITNext
- Deploying the Kubernetes ACI connector on Kubernetes on Docker for Windows (https://www.danielstechblog.info/deploying-kubernetes-aci-connector-kubernetes-docker-windows/)
- By Daniel Neumann (https://twitter.com/neumanndaniel) , Microsoft
- Custom vNet on Kubernetes on Azure with acs-engine (https://cwienczek.com/custom-vnet-kubernetes-azure-acs-engine/)
- By Michal Cwienczek (https://twitter.com/cwienczek) , Suitsupply
- Building a ToDo API with Golang and Kubernetes! – Part 1 – Introduction (https://keiran.scot/2018/03/02/building-a-todo-api-with-golang-and-kubernetes-part-1-introduction/)
- Building a ToDo API with Golang and Kubernetes! – Part 2 – CRUD (https://keiran.scot/2018/03/04/building-todo-api-golang-kubernetes-part-2-crud/)
o By Keiran Smith (https://twitter.com/cli) - IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1: Kubernetes support (https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2018/03/intellij-idea-2018-1-kubernetes-support/)
- By Zlata Kalyuzhnaya (https://twitter.com/ZlataKalyuzhnay) , IntelliJ IDEA
- A Kubernetes quick start for people who know just enough about Docker to get by (https://blog.sourcerer.io/a-kubernetes-quick-start-for-people-who-know-just-enough-about-docker-to-get-by-71c5933b4633)
- By Adnan Rahić (https://twitter.com/adnanrahic) , Bookvar
- Is Kubernetes All You Need For Continuous Delivery? (https://harness.io/2018/03/kubernetes-need-continuous-delivery/)
- By Steve Burton (https://twitter.com/BurtonSays) , Harness
- Use Helm to create a persistent Jenkins master with dynamic slaves on Minikube (https://lvthillo.com/helm-persistent-jenkins-dynamic-slaves-minikube/)
- By Lorenz Vanthillo (https://twitter.com/LorenzVth) , Mazda Motor Belux
- Prometheus: K8s Cronjob alerts (https://medium.com/@tristan_96324/prometheus-k8s-cronjob-alerts-94bee7b90511)
- Prometheus: Apdex alerting (https://medium.com/@tristan_96324/prometheus-apdex-alerting-d17a065e39d0)
o By Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (https://twitter.com/t_colgate) , Qubit. - Infrastructure as Code: Kubernetes (https://medium.com/@setyven/infrastructure-as-code-kubernetes-a2f050389f26)
- By Setyven (https://www.linkedin.com/in/setyven/) , Style Theory
- Monitoring On-Demand Kubernetes Clusters with Prometheus (https://blog.giantswarm.io/monitoring-on-demand-kubernetes-clusters-with-prometheus/)
- By Joe Salisbury (https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-salisbury-5715b242/) , Giant Swarm
- How-To: Deploy web applications on Kubernetes with Heptio Contour and Let’s Encrypt (https://blog.heptio.com/how-to-deploy-web-applications-on-kubernetes-with-heptio-contour-and-lets-encrypt-d58efbad9f56)
- By Dave Cheney (https://twitter.com/davecheney) , Heptio
- Getting started with the Lightbend Orchestration for Kubernetes on the IBM Cloud (https://developer.ibm.com/code/2018/03/02/lightbend-orchestration-ibm-cloud/)
- By Jeremy Hughes (https://twitter.com/jpjhughes) , IBM
- Get going with Project Fn on a remote Kubernetes Cluster from a Windows laptop–using Vagrant, VirtualBox, Docker, Helm and kubectl (http://orana.info/2018/03/04/get-going-with-project-fn-on-a-remote-kubernetes-cluster-from-a-windows-laptop-using-vagrant-virtualbox-docker-helm-and-kubectl/)
- By Lucas Jellema (https://twitter.com/lucasjellema) , Oracle
- kube-alive: Some tools to experiment with Kubernetes to observe it’s real-life behavior (https://github.com/daniel-kun/kube-alive)
- By Daniel Albuschat (https://github.com/daniel-kun) , Gira
- kubectl-plugin-demo (https://github.com/tamalsaha/kubectl-plugin-demo)
- By Tamal Saha (https://twitter.com/tsaha) , Appscode
- OpenFaaS – Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker & Kubernetes (https://github.com/openfaas/faas)
- By Alex Ellis (https://twitter.com/alexellisuk) , VMware
- kube-cfg: a Kubernetes config generator (https://github.com/marcel-dempers/kube-cfg)
- By Marcel Dempers (https://github.com/marceldempers) , Webjet
- k8vent: Emit kubernetes pod events to a webhook (https://github.com/atomist/k8vent)
- By David Dooling (https://github.com/ddgenome) , Atomist
- brigade-k8s-gateway: Send Kubernetes events into a Brigade pipeline (https://github.com/Azure/brigade-k8s-gateway)
- By Matt Butcher (https://twitter.com/technosophos) , Microsoft
Blogs / Articles
- The Kubernetes Lesson (http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2018/03/02/the-kubernetes-lesson/)
- By Stephen O’Grady (https://twitter.com/sogrady) , Redmonk
- How to make your first upstream Kubernetes contribution (https://opensource.com/article/18/2/step-step-guide-becoming-kubernetes-contributor)
- By Guinevere Saenger (https://twitter.com/guincodes) , SamsungSDSA
- Elephant in the Room – K8s (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/elephant-room-k8s-lawrence-manickam/)
- By Lawrence Manickam (https://twitter.com/LarryManickam) , Kuberiter
- Kops vs. Kubeadm: What’s the difference? (https://www.weave.works/blog/kops-vs-kubeadm)
- By Anita Buehrle (https://github.com/abuehrle) , WeaveWorks
- Docker is dead long live Kubernetes (http://www.reactjunkie.com/docker-is-dead/)
- By Yusinto Ngadiman (https://twitter.com/yusinto) , Qantas
- Mesosphere’s Data Center Operating System Will Soon Offer a Managed Kubernetes (https://thenewstack.io/mesospheres-data-center-operating-system-will-offer-managed-kubernetes/)
- ByJoab Jackson (https://twitter.com/Joab_Jackson) , The New Stack
- Introducing Tarmak — the toolkit for Kubernetes cluster provisioning and management (https://medium.com/@JetstackHQ/introducing-tarmak-the-toolkit-for-kubernetes-cluster-provisioning-and-management-9d793395dac8)
- By Christian Simon (https://twitter.com/simonswine) , Jetstack
- CloudBees invests in Kubernetes technology for enterprise DevOps (https://sdtimes.com/devops/cloudbees-invests-kubernetes-technology-enterprise-devops/)
- By Jenna Sargent (https://sdtimes.com/author/jennifer-sargent/) , SD Times
- A Trifecta of Technologies for Cloud-Native Applications: Cisco ACI, Kubernetes, Apprenda (https://blogs.cisco.com/datacenter/a-trifecta-of-technologies-for-a-cloud-native-applications-world-cisco-aci-kubernetes-apprenda)
- By Ravi Balakrishnan (https://twitter.com/RaviBala8) , Cisco
- Kubernetes and you (https://digitalkungfu.wordpress.com/2018/03/03/kubernetes-and-you/)
- By Digital KUNG-FU (https://twitter.com/digitalkungfu)
- Kubernetes February Round Up (https://www.hidefsoftware.co.uk/2018/02/02/kubernetes-february-round-up/)
- By Robert Stiff (https://twitter.com/UatecUK) , JUST EAT
- Last Week in Kubernetes Development; Week Ending March 4, 2018 (http://lwkd.info/2018/20180305)
- By Josh Berkus (https://github.com/jberkus) , Red Hat
- Datacenter Orchestration Security and Insecurity: Assessing Kubernetes, Mesos, and Docker at Scale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXggHTqznOI&feature=youtu.be&a=)
- Your datacenter isn’t a bunch of computers, it is a computer. While some large organizations have over a decade of experience running software-defined datacenters at massive scale, many more large organizations are just now laying the foundations for their own cloud-scale platforms based on similar ideas. By Dino Dai Zovi (https://twitter.com/dinodaizovi) , Capsule8
- EPISODE 5 The Containers_Derby (https://www.redhat.com/en/command-line-heroes/the-containers-derby?sc_cid=7016000000127eyAAA)
- The rise of containers opens a new frontier for developers, simplifying the movement of work from machine to machine. As they become more popular, though, a new battle emerges. The race is on for the control of container orchestration and it involves the industry’s fastest, strongest players. Containers are one of the most important evolutions in the open source movement. In this episode featured guests, includingKelsey Hightower (https://twitter.com/kelseyhightower) and Laura Frank (https://twitter.com/rhein_wein) , and Clayton Coleman (https://twitter.com/smarterclayton) , explain how this new technology is the building block of the future and why orchestration is so crucial.
- GitOps for Kubernetes: A DevOps Iteration Focused on Declarative Infrastructure (https://thenewstack.io/gitops-kubernetes-devops-iteration-focused-declarative-infrastructure/)
- GitOps is an iteration of DevOps as applied to cloud native and in particular Kubernetes which has a strong emphasis on declarative infrastructure, said Weaveworks CEO Alexis Richardson (https://twitter.com/monadic) in this episode of The New Stack Makers podcast. Richardson said the Weaveworks team got excited about the concept of GitOps through the ongoing management of Weave Cloud, the company’s deployment, monitoring and management SaaS for containers and microservices.
- TGI Kubernetes 028: Exploring CockroachDB on Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMCCeAb9eY4&feature=youtu.be)
- Stateful service and applications are a hot topic in the Kubernetes world. In this episode Joe Beda (https://twitter.com/jbeda) (Heptio) will talk in general about how he views state on Kubernetes and then we’ll explore a system built for a dynamic Kubernetes like environment — CockroachDB
- The Women in Tech Show: Learning Kubernetes with Amy Chen (https://thewomenintechshow.com/2018/02/26/learning-kubernetes-with-amy-chen/)
- As software engineers we are constantly updating our skills and learning about new tools and technologies. Amy Chen (https://twitter.com/TheAmyCode) , Systems Software Engineer at Heptio explains how she learned to use Kubernetes by building helm charts. We talked about common ways to learn Kubernetes by using the command line interface and later discussed the benefits of learning Kubernetes by building Helm Charts. We also talked about Amy’s side projects which include a YouTube channel called Amy Codes (https://www.youtube.com/AmyCodes) and Ladies Storm Hackathons (https://www.facebook.com/groups/LadiesStormHackathons/about/) .
- Automation Broker on Minikube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jlGY65lHbI&feature=youtu.be)
- Running the Automation Broker on plain Kubernetes is easy using Minikube. Michael Hrivnak (https://twitter.com/michael_hrivnak) (Red Hat) walks through the installation of the broker and the deployment of a service bundle.
- Install and Run Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JEF43qXJKw)
- Mete Atamel (https://twitter.com/meteatamel) shows how you install and run Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine.
- Understanding VMware Kubernetes Orchestration (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJY4m1ATMJI)
- Keith Townsend (https://twitter.com/CTOAdvisor) had the opportunity to sit down with VMware Cloud-Native Business Unit GM Paul Fazzone (https://twitter.com/pfazzone) . Keith wastes no time getting to understand first, why does VMware have a Cloud-Native BU, what is the focus and why organizations looking to deploy containers should even consider VMware
- Containerized App Deployment on Kubernetes (K8s) w/ Nutanix Calm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcglfYDOzqo)
- This is the second demo in our Nutanix Calm series. In this demo, Dave Keefe (https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-keefe-02228911/) show you how to deploy K8s on Nutanix using the sample blueprint published to the Calm Marketplace.
- Kubernetes Deployments: A “Hands-Off” Approach (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0DruWvY-ME)
- Rodrigo Reis (https://twitter.com/rodrigoreis22) describes Zalando’s Kubernetes Deployments using their self-made CDP (Continuous Delivery Platform), a CI/CD solution to automate all of it, so developers can focus more on the software they’re building, and less on how to build / deploy.
- Kubernetes Operations with Kops (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwU6mOjK3c0)
- Kops allows deployment of highly available Kubernetes clusters on AWS and Google (GCP) clouds.. It includes features such as dry-runs and automatic idempotency, terraform config generation making KOps a great option for do-it-yourself (DIY) developers and for deploying small production grade clusters. But factors such as deployment of large production-grade clusters, managing complex network and storage configurations and enabling on-premise multi-tenancy deployments make DIY Kubernetes with Kops very complex and slow. By Arun Sriraman (https://twitter.com/arun_sriraman) , Platform9
- Koffee With Kubernetes #4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ikqZv-S5CU)
- 1. Brief into to Drone CI/CD on a Kubernetes cluster by Joy (https://twitter.com/hashfyre)
- Using Bootkube to create a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster by Rahul Menon (https://twitter.com/rmenn)
- Tech Preview: Kubernetes on DC/OS 1.10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDPjkhwiLNE)
- In this webinar, Amr Hamed Abdelrazik (https://twitter.com/Amr_I_Hamed) & Sebastien Pahl (https://twitter.com/sebp) demo how to install and run Kubernetes in under 10 minutes on DC/OS. They walk you step-by-step through installing and running Kubernetes on Mesosphere DC/OS 1.10, discuss the benefits of container orchestrators, and answer frequently asked questions.
- Common Problems Running Kubernetes in Production – Ralph from Heptio (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei4iu_hYlUc)
- At the Orchestructure February meetup, Ralph Bankston (https://twitter.com/ralphbankston) from Heptio talks about and fields questions relating to running Kubernetes in Production. In addition, Jeffrey Sica (https://twitter.com/jeefy) presents on his home infrastructure run entirely in Kubernetes! Plus, Steve Coffman (https://github.com/StevenACoffman) talks about why Fluentbit is great and how to follow the 12factorapp collection principal.
- Microsoft, Linux, Open Source, Cloud + DevOps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw_YqR6WMfs)
- Jessica Deen (https://twitter.com/jldeen) (Microsoft) presents this session at Index – San Francisco 2018.
- Using buildah + podman + skopeo in a container workflow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR2kae40k_I)
- By Seth Jennings (https://twitter.com/sjenninglinux) (Red Hat)
- buildah: https://github.com/projectatomic/buildah (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=VR2kae40k_I&redir_token=UMJTl7ngj_O_hIMWJmE94hMN4VB8MTUyMDM0NjA1N0AxNTIwMjU5NjU3&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fprojectatomic%2Fbuildah)
podman: https://github.com/projectatomic/libp… (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=VR2kae40k_I&redir_token=UMJTl7ngj_O_hIMWJmE94hMN4VB8MTUyMDM0NjA1N0AxNTIwMjU5NjU3&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fprojectatomic%2Flibpod%2Ftree%2Fmaster%2Fcmd%2Fpodman)
skopeo: https://github.com/projectatomic/skopeo (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=VR2kae40k_I&redir_token=UMJTl7ngj_O_hIMWJmE94hMN4VB8MTUyMDM0NjA1N0AxNTIwMjU5NjU3&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fprojectatomic%2Fskopeo)
libpod: https://github.com/projectatomic/libpod (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=VR2kae40k_I&redir_token=UMJTl7ngj_O_hIMWJmE94hMN4VB8MTUyMDM0NjA1N0AxNTIwMjU5NjU3&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fprojectatomic%2Flibpod)
- Live Coding creating a Kubernetes Cluster in DigitalOcean with Packer and Terraform – Part 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzoWs3-JwUU)
- This video is part two of n where Nic Jackson (https://twitter.com/sheriffjackson) introduces Terraform, Packer and the concepts of Infrastructure as Code to create a Kubernetes cluster in Digital Ocean.
- Kubernetes 1.10 release burndown meeting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HRpZ8TLUlg)
- Agenda / notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/11u91ypj8Gt8PlTincWuQ3iB2X3tITBxqn6JMkTduEZw/edit)
- Kubernetes 1.10 release burndown meeting 20180302 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeuMd3UDut8)
- Agenda / notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/11u91ypj8Gt8PlTincWuQ3iB2X3tITBxqn6JMkTduEZw/edit#heading=h.2lpu4vhkd9b3)
- Kubernetes Happy Hour : Dockerfiles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtWyKzLMTcY)
- Kubernetes 1.10 release burndown meeting 20180228 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx9bdcKY3jw)
- Agenda / notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/11u91ypj8Gt8PlTincWuQ3iB2X3tITBxqn6JMkTduEZw/edit#heading=h.2lpu4vhkd9b3)
- Kubernetes SIG Storage – CSI Implementation Workgroup 20180228 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoG6Vruwc54)
- Kubernetes SIG CLI 02282018 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnX0jv3fxGc)
- Kubernetes Federation WG sync 20180228 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS132n7z894)
- SIG Contributor Experience 20180228 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21e67PsGpq8)
- Kubernetes SIG Testing 20180227 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySCu7atxoJc)
- Agenda / notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z8MQpr_jTwhmjLMUaqQyBk1EYG_Y_3D4y4YdMJ7V1Kk/edit#heading=h.ukbaidczvy3r)
- Kubernetes SIG Multicluster 20180227 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNRSPPG9qsQ)
- Kubernetes Sig Node 20180227 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD1DTSCP_EY)
- Kubernetes SIG Storage – CSI Implementation Workgroup 20180226 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk1ij2btj5A)
- Agenda / notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WmRYvqw1FREcD1jmZAOjC0jX6Gop8FMOzsdqXHFoT4/edit#)
- Kubernetes SIG Apps 20180226 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl-HOiIBY7g)
- Kubernetes SIG Network 2018-02-22 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrjSG2SvbsY)
- Kubernetes Federation WG sync 20180221 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf8cTL0cnAQ)
- Swift Cloud Workshop – Swift Microservices (https://www.slideshare.net/cnbailey/swift-cloud-workshop-swift-microservices)
- How to deploy Swift micro-services using Docker and Kubernetes, with scaling, monitoring and fault tolerance using the Kitura server side Swift framework. Provided by Chris Bailey (https://twitter.com/chris__bailey) (IBM)
- Implement Advanced Scheduling Techniques in Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/Kublr/implement-advanced-scheduling-techniques-in-kubernetes?qid=320d682a-4e60-4628-9e23-dc351f2c9bff&v=&b=&from_search=1)
- Is advanced scheduling in Kubernetes achievable? Yes, however, how do you properly accommodate every real-life scenario that a Kubernetes user might encounter? How do you leverage advanced scheduling techniques to shape and describe each scenario in easy-to-use rules and configurations? Oleg Chunikhin (https://twitter.com/olgch) (Kublr) addressed those questions and demonstrated techniques for implementing advanced scheduling.
- Kubernetes for .NET developers (https://www.slideshare.net/ShahidIqbal151/kubernetes-for-net-developers-89167346?qid=320d682a-4e60-4628-9e23-dc351f2c9bff&v=&b=&from_search=9)
- Introduction to Kubernetes for .NET developers with discussion around key features and using managed Kubernetes providers such as Azure Container Service (AKS) and serverless containers such as Azure Container Instances (ACI) by Shahid Iqbal (https://twitter.com/shahiddev)
- Kubernetes master (https://www.slideshare.net/marcmurray77/kubernetes-master?qid=320d682a-4e60-4628-9e23-dc351f2c9bff&v=&b=&from_search=43)
- DevOps Meetup Galway 2018. Marc Murray (https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-murray-9239634b/) (EA)
- Hands-on monitoring with Prometheus (https://www.slideshare.net/fractallambda/handson-monitoring-with-prometheus?qid=320d682a-4e60-4628-9e23-dc351f2c9bff&v=&b=&from_search=47)
- Monitoring cloud native apps creates a whole new set of challenges that traditional monitoring systems struggle with. In this Workshop, Brice Fernandes (https://twitter.com/fractallambda) from Weaveworks will take you through installing and using the open source Prometheus monitoring toolkit to monitor a Kubernetes cluster.
- Running Cloudbreak on Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/FutureOfDataMeetup/running-cloudbreak-on-kubernetes-89222451?qid=320d682a-4e60-4628-9e23-dc351f2c9bff&v=&b=&from_search=17)
- This talk is about the challenges of how Richard Doktoris (https://twitter.com/doktoric) & Krisztian Horvath (https://twitter.com/iamnotkrisz) (Hortonworks) scaled the application using Kubernetes on ACS (Azure Container Services (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/container-service/) ) and how handle the hosted service challenge
Upcoming Events
- March 7
- Developing on Kubernetes: Serverless, Istio and more (https://www.meetup.com/Munich-Software-Development-Meetup/events/247512127/) , Munich
- Fantastic chatbots and where to find them | Up and Running with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/GDGJohannesburg/events/246799924/) , Johannesburg
- Kubernetes and Swarm – A Match Made in Heaven (https://www.meetup.com/Nashville-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/247557583/) , Nashville
- March 8
- Let’s Meetup and take Kubernetes for a spin (https://www.meetup.com/DiscoTech-By-Oracle-Denmark/events/247734947/) , Copenhagen
- Runnings mixed workloads on K8s & deployments with Helm (https://www.meetup.com/Hamburg-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/247867978/) , Hamburg
- Building server clusters on Kubernetes GCloud (https://www.meetup.com/Teaching-Code-Meetup/events/242953565/) , Amsterdam
- 010PHP: Kubernetes for non-believers (https://www.meetup.com/010PHP/events/245912840/) , Rotterdam
- From zero to hero: What it takes to run containers in production (https://www.meetup.com/Kontena-Online/events/247771024/) , Helsinki
- After long time!!! Topics:Andrija: Kubernetes & Bruno: Crash-course in HAProxy (https://www.meetup.com/Marbella-Estepona-Developers/events/247867855/) , Estepona
- Workshop: Mastering Microservices Monitoring with Prometheus (https://www.meetup.com/Weave-User-Group-London/events/247121129/) , London
- Kubernetes Cluster from Stratch (https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Underground/events/248272109/) , London
- Getting Started with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Cardiff-Tech-Talk/events/247610020/) , Cardiff
- Kubernetes L.A. – Building an ML Engine from Scratch & Cilium App Aware Security (https://www.meetup.com/Los-Angeles-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/246695439/) , Culver City
- March 8-11
- Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo # 10 (https://k8sjp.connpass.com/event/76816/) , Tokyo
- SCaLE 16X – the 16th annual Southern California Linux Expo (https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/16x/container-days) , Pasadena
- March 12
- Getting Started with Kubernetes (Week 2 of 3) (https://www.meetup.com/NYPluralsightStudy/events/248309776/) , NYC
+ - March 13
- Custom Metric HPA, Managing Helm Chart Repos, Avoiding K8s “Meltdown” in Azure (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Montreal/events/248313060/) , Montreal
- Prometheus Day: Presentation and Demo on Kubernetes monitoring, (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-and-Cloud-Native-Addison/events/245317187/) Addison
- Spinnaker Kubernetes V2, AWS ECS and Community Talks (https://www.meetup.com/spinnaker/events/247754551/) , San Francisco
- March 14
- Deploying Go in Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Belfast-Gophers/events/247589663/) , Belfast
- KUBERNETES – Simplifying Day 2 Operations (https://www.meetup.com/Columbus-Cloud-Native-Meetup/events/248301119/) , Columbus
- Software Architecture – Exploring Kubernetes with Lucas Godshalk (https://www.meetup.com/Denver-IASA/events/247320327/) , Denver
- Denver Software Architecture – Exploring Kubernetes with Lucas Godshalk (https://www.meetup.com/Denver-IASA/events/247320327/) , Denver
- Kubernetes Seattle: Amazon’s Kubernetes Services and Connected Cars with Daimler (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/247781127/) , Seattle
- Microsoft, Heptio and Docker present … (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Seattle/events/247573366/) Seattle
- March 15
- Overview of Kubernetes – David Gageot (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Rennes/events/247865468/) , Rennes
- DevOps Meetup March 15, 6pm – 8 pm at NCR – Fun with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Kitchener-Waterloo-DevOps-Meetup/events/248409901/) , Waterloo
- Continuous delivery with Jenkins on DC/OS and IoT with Kubernetes and Big data (https://www.meetup.com/Torino-Scala-Programming-Big-Data-Meetup/events/248410186/) , Torino
- Kubernetes SF: Building an Automated Data Pipeline & Cilium App Aware Security (https://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/247778226/) , San Francisco
- March 17
- Kubernetes Fundamental Online Trainings (every 2 weeks) (https://www.meetup.com/kubernauts/events/248232704/) , Online
- March 18
- Azure Event Hub Ingestion at Scale with Python and Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/AzureIsrael/events/248021799/) , Tel Aviv
- March 19
- Advanced Auto scaling and Deployment tools in Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/serverless-Il/events/247282928/) , Tel Aviv-Yafo
- Docker MeetUp – Agenda likely Swarm 101 and Kubernetes Workshop (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Raleigh/events/245444844/) , Cary
- Modernizing the delivery of containerized apps with the new Kubernetes in Azure (https://www.meetup.com/MSCoders/events/247867640/) , Madrid
- Getting Started with Kubernetes (Week 3 of 3) (https://www.meetup.com/NYPluralsightStudy/events/248309910/) , NYC
- March 20
- Kubernetes: An Introduction to the Open Source Container Orchestration Platform (https://www.meetup.com/Cork-OpenTechnology/events/247311400/) , Cork
- PostgreSQL Containerization in Large Scale Deployments with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/postgres-nyc/events/247781614/) , NYC
- Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), AWS Fargate and Beyond. (https://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Amazon-Web-Services-User-Group/events/247962969/) Vancouver
- Deploying Java apps with Microsoft’s Azure Kubernetes Service and CosmosDB (https://www.meetup.com/SoCal-Microsoft-Azure-User-Group/events/248290616/) , San Diego
- March 21
- Distributed Databases & Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/DevOpsATL/events/248303404/) , Atlanta
- Learn the basics of Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Denver/events/248216895/) , Denver
- Kubernetes 101 / Containers in Production – Meetup # 7 (https://www.meetup.com/AWS-Guatemala/events/248279361/) , Guatemala
- Meetup # 1: Introduction to Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Guatemala-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/248235325/) , Guatemala
- March 22
- Microservices, Kubernetes and CI (https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Slovensko/events/247421909/) , Bratislava
- Kops + Terraform + AWS = k8s cluster! + Basic Vault. (https://www.meetup.com/HashiCorp-Skane/events/245880927/) , Malmo
- Azure ACS and Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Azure-Meetup-Frankfurt/events/245803171/) , Frankfurt
- Kubernetes and Cloud Native Meetup Dresden #3 – Dev-Cluster as a cattle (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-and-Cloud-Native-Group-Dresden/events/247504012/) , Dresden
- Introduction to Using PostgreSQL with Docker & Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Postgres-User-Group/events/247654962/) , Toronto
- Modernizing A Legacy App For Docker And Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Detroit-Kubernetes-Docker-all-things-Cloud-Native/events/247640016/) , Detroit
- March 23
- Kubernetes on IBM Cloud (https://www.meetup.com/codeweekend/events/248041340/) , Hyderabad
- March 26
- WCN #11 Kubernetes networking & cluster bootstrapping (https://www.meetup.com/Warsaw-Cloud-Native-Meetup/events/248159305/) , Warsaw
- Explore the basics of Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-and-Cloud-Native-Kansas-City/events/248001199/) , Kansas City
- March 27
- Running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes at scale: Zalando experience (https://www.meetup.com/melpug/events/247976314/) , Melbourne
- Big Data on Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Big-Data-Meetup-Budapest/events/248053604/) , Budapest
- March 28
- Google Cloud Study Jam: GCP Essentials, Docker, and Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Google-Developers-Group-GDG-Chicago/events/246617828/) , Chicago
- Kubernetes and the Google Container Engine (https://www.meetup.com/Lincoln-Code/events/246714770/) , Lincoln
- March 29
- Introduction to Kubernetes: CI/CD pipeline (https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Online-Meetup-Colorado/events/248426237/) , Denver
- April 4
- Kubernetes – Pivotal Container Service (South Bay) (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Foundry-Users-San-Francisco-Bay-Area/events/248251909/) , Palo Alto
- DevOps with Kubernetes and Helm (https://www.meetup.com/SoCal-DevOps-Users-Group/events/247967919/) , SoCal
- April 5
- Pittsburgh Kubernetes Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Pittsburgh-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/247900512/) , Pittsburg
- Introducing Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller & Kong 0.13 (https://www.meetup.com/Kong-SF/events/248351871/) , San Francisco
- April 9
- JAX DevOps (https://devops.jaxlondon.com/) , London
- April 10
- JAX DevOps (https://devops.jaxlondon.com/) , London
- April 11
- JAX DevOps (https://devops.jaxlondon.com/) , London
- April 12
- JAX DevOps (https://devops.jaxlondon.com/) , London
- May 23-25
- Container Days (https://2018.container.camp/au/) , Melbourne
Job Openings
- Solutions Engineer (https://jobs.lever.co/heptio/9b6c7578-b696-4468-859b-a39d58fa0eb8)
- Heptio; Seattle or remote; full-time
- Golang / Go Job: Devops engineer (Go, Kubernetes, microservices) (http://www.golangprojects.com/golang-go-job-bti-Devops-engineer-(Go-Kubernetes-microservices)-Rotterdam-Housing-Anywhere.html)
- Housing Anywhere; Rotterdam (relocation compensation available) Full-time
- Senior Software Engineer – Backend (https://www.remotey.com/vacancy/2254?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=August17&utm_medium=Post)
- Close.io | United States | All Time Zones; fully remote, full time
- Principal Software Engineer – Envoy/OSS (https://angel.co/datawire-io/jobs/265354-principal-software-engineer-envoy-oss)
- Datawire; Boston, San Francisco, New Hampshire, Remote · Full time
- Software Engineer (https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/157985/software-engineer-skimlinks)
- Skimlinks; London (Relocation offered)
- Kubernetes Solutions Engineer (m/f) (http://www.visaok.in/job/1220-kubernetes-solutions-engineer-m-f-giant-swarm-gmbh/)
- Giant Swarm GmbH; Cologne, Full time
- Senior Systems / Devops Engineer – Linux Devops Kubernetes – Fi | UAE (http://hiringuae.com/2017/09/29/senior-systems-devops-engineer-linux-devops-kubernetes-fi-uae/)
- Aston Carter; United Arab Emirates
- Senior Back End Developer (https://www.teamwork.com/jobs/seniorbackenddev?utm_content=buffer09316&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- Teamwork.com; Cork, Ireland or remote, Full Time
- Kubernetes Support Engineer (m/f) (http://www.visaok.in/job/1377-kubernetes-support-engineer-m-f-giant-swarm-gmbh/)
- Giant Swarm; Angola, Full time
- Cloud Solutions Architect (https://boards.greenhouse.io/mirantis/jobs/759034?gh_src=i6nxb51#.Wfdc8hOPKqA)
- Mirantis; Austin, Full time
- Kubernetes Specialist (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=ZWQuNTA1MjkudHdpQG1ici5hcGxpdHJhay5jb20)
- One of the largest companies in the world; Hampshire, £500/d
- Senior DevOps Engineer – Kubernetes,Dock (https://jobs.utah.gov/jsp/utjobs/single-job?j=3636317)
- SaaS Company; Sandy City, Full time
- Solutions Architect- Docker, Kubernetes, AWS (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=dmlra2ltaWxsZXIuMjMwMTcudHdpQGhhcnJpbmd0b25zdGFyci5hcGxpdHJhay5jb20)
- London; Full time
- Senior Product Manager, CI/CD (https://jobs.lever.co/gitlab/209de58a-4d9f-47a0-85d2-f2afbfb4fa93)
- Gitlab; Remote, Full time
- Kubernetes DevOps CI/CD pipeline (GCP) (https://www.freelancer.com/projects/python/kubernetes-devops-pipeline-gcp/)
- ARCUS Global Inc; Irvine, Full time
- Sr. Manager – Open Source Kubernetes (https://careers.vmware.com/job/-/-/1567/6194100?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social_post&utm_campaign=VMware_social&source=LIPJ)
- VMware PKS; Palo Alto, Full time
- Software Engineer (http://rss.cm/job/1330/65?utm_content=buffera3e60&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- Synthace; London, Full time
- SENIOR SITE RELIABILITY / DEVOPS ENGINEER (https://fraugster.com/jobs/berlin-senior-devops)
- Fraugster; Berlin, Full time
- Dev Ops Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/joinhandshake/jobs/862837#.WlK5G1Q-egQ)
- Handshake; San Francisco, Full time
- Senior Software Developer – Toolchain (https://jobs.lever.co/bitnami/e1101427-a6a3-43e3-a9bf-a10367594b5c)
- Bitnami; Sevilla or remote, Full time
- Kubernetes Architect (https://snaprecruit.com/job/Kubernetes-Architect-1515005747.html)
- Detroit, contract
- DevOps Engineer (CI Automation,Cloud,Docker) (m/f) (https://www.epages.com/career/jobs/?jh=yh9sa5545lniif5q8f0oqlsmssytutc&utm_content=buffer7efbc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- epages; Hamburg, Full time
- Software Engineer – Compute (http://grnh.se/ns1jr31)
- Datadog; Boston, New York, Paris, Remote, Full time
- OSS Software Engineer – Container Ecosystems (http://grnh.se/e8ifyc1)
- Datadog; Boston, New York, Paris, Remote, Full time
- Senior DevOps Engineer (https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/cap/view/559046674/?pathWildcard=559046674&trk=job_capjs)
- Caissa Global; Berlin, Full time
- DevOps Engineer With Hadoop (http://itjobpro.com/job/devops-engineer-with-hadoop?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)
- Averity, NYC, Full time
- Kubernetes Architect (https://www.talentvana.com/jobs/5707702298738688)
- Large Brand Automaker, Remote, Full time
- Staff Site Reliability Engineer, Observability (https://www.stackpair.com/zendesk/san-francisco/staff-site-reliability-engineer-observability)
- Zendesk, San Francisco, Full time
- Sr. Software Engineer – Cloud / Kubernetes / Python (http://jobs.jobvite.com/careers/tenable-network-security/job/o3rN6fw7?__jvst=Tenable%20Employee&__jvsd=sT9ITgwo&__jvsc=Twitter&bid=n8fWkDwL)
- Tenable, Dublin, Full time
- DevOps Engineer, Ansible, Docker, AWS, Kubernetes, Jenkins (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=d3N3aWZ0LjU4NzY4LnR3aUB0ZWtzeXN0ZW1zLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ)
- Multinational Company, London, Full time
- Presales Solutions Architect Storage Linux Docker Kubernetes (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=bmVpbC40MzM3OC50d2lAbWlsbHNoaWxsLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ)
- Software Defined Storage Vendor; London, Full time
- Software Engineer (Distributed Systems) (https://kasten.breezy.hr/p/1728c0f3cea3-software-engineer-distributed-systems?popup=true)
- Kasten; Los Altos, Full time
- Senior Education Engineer (https://jobs.lever.co/heptio/7cc31e2a-e194-4eec-97a5-9619ec768bfb)
- Heptio; Seattle/remote, Full time
- Senior DevOps Engineer – Kubernetes (https://www.roberthalf.com/job/new-york-ny/senior-devops-engineer-kubernetes/44211326)
- Well known entertainment company; NYC, Full time
- PAAS Cloud Architect – Kubernetes – Cloud Foundry – BOSH (http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=Y25pY2hvbHMuMTQxNTkudHdpQGFhcDMuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t)
- Fast expanding software company; London, Full time
- Senior DevOps Engineer – AWS | Docker | Kubernetes | CI/CD | Linux (http://jobfeeds.info/devops/content/senior-devops-engineer-aws-docker-kubernetes-cicd-linux)
- Financial services industry; UK, 6-12 month contract
- Senior DevOps Engineer – Kubernetes (https://www.roberthalf.com/job/new-york-ny/senior-devops-engineer-kubernetes/44211326)
- Entertainment Company; NY, Full time
- Site Reliability Engineer (https://www.stackpair.com/meteor/remote/site-reliability-engineer)
- Meteor; Remote, Full time
- Platform Operations Engineer – (Kubernetes / Docker) (http://www.bubble-jobs.co.uk/job/234020/Platform-Operations-Engineer-Kubernetes-Docker-Leeds-Leeds)
- Sky Betting & Gaming, Leeds, Full time
- DEVOPS ENGINEER: (AWS, AZURE, KUBERNETES, AUTOMATION) (https://www.technojobs.co.uk/jt/smc?ID=2489173&dfmid=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)
- Global business and technology leader, UK, 6-12 contract
- Cloud Native Infrastructure (http://www.cnibook.info/)
- This book by Kris Nova (https://twitter.com/Kris__Nova) and Justin Garrison (https://twitter.com/rothgar) will teach you when you should architect your systems to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud. It will give examples of pitfalls to avoid and show you the patterns to embrace to be successful. Running cloud native infrastructure requires different skills and has many benefits over traditional data centers.
- Kubernetes Patterns: Patterns, Principles, and Practices for Designing Cloud Native Applications (https://leanpub.com/k8spatterns)
- A minimalistic and focused guide with common use cases, patterns, principles and practises for developing Cloud Native applications on Kubernetes by Bilgin Ibryam (https://leanpub.com/u/bibryam) and Roland Huß (https://leanpub.com/u/rolandhuss)
- Free eBook: Deploying and Scaling Kubernetes with Rancher (http://info.rancher.com/deploying-scaling-kubernetes-ebook?utm_content=bufferfdaa4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Vishal Biyani (https://twitter.com/vishal_biyani) & Girish Shilamkar (https://twitter.com/shilamkar) ; guidebook provides a detailed introduction to using Kubernetes with the Rancher container management platform.
- Kubernetes Patterns (https://leanpub.com/k8spatterns)
- By Bilgin Ibryam (https://twitter.com/bibryam) & Roland Huß (https://twitter.com/ro14nd) ; A minimalistic and focused guide with common use cases, patterns, principles and practises for developing Cloud Native applications on Kubernetes.
- Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications (https://www.amazon.com/Architecting-Scale-Availability-Growing-Applications-ebook/dp/B01IAK49FS%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01IAK49FS&zpy=1)
- By Lee Atchison (https://twitter.com/leeatchison) ; provides basic techniques for building applications that can handle huge quantities of traffic, data, and demand without affecting the quality your customers expect.
- Kubernetes: Up and Running (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920043874.do)
- Authors Kelsey Hightower (https://twitter.com/kelseyhightower) , Brendan Burns (https://twitter.com/brendanburns) , and Joe Beda (https://twitter.com/jbeda) —who’ve worked on Kubernetes at Google—explain how this system fits into the lifecycle of a distributed application. You will learn how to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems, whether it is for online services, machine-learning applications, or a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.
- Kubernetes Definitive Guide: Keys from Docker to Kubernetes Practice (2nd Edition) – Kubernetes权威指南 (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Definitive-Guide-Docker-Practice/dp/7121299410%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D7121299410&zpy=1)
- Kubernetes Microservices with Docker (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Microservices-Docker-Vohra-ebook/dp/B01FXJ9OB8%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01FXJ9OB8&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; This book on Kubernetes, the container cluster manager, discusses all aspects of using Kubernetes in today’s complex big data and enterprise applications, including Docker containers.
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS (https://www.amazon.com/Deploying-Rails-Docker-Kubernetes-ECS/dp/1484224140%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1484224140&zpy=1)
- By Pablo Acuña (https://twitter.com/pabloacunar) ; shows you how to set up the project, push it to DockerHub, manage services and set up an efficient continuous integration environment.
- Everything Kubernetes; The ultimate guide to deploying, managing and scaling Kubernetes (https://www.stratoscale.com/resources/ebook/everything-kubernetes-5/?utm_medium=social)
- Kubernetes provides a complete set of building blocks that allow the automation of many operations for managing development, test, and production environments. This simple yet comprehensive guide offers you and your team everything you need to know on deploying, managing and scaling Kubernetes. It’s great for those experimenting with Kubernetes for the first time but also for Kubernetes rockstars.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; The atomic unit of modular container service in Kubernetes is a Pod, which is a group of containers with a common filesystem and networking. The Kubernetes Pod abstraction enables design patterns for containerized applications similar to object-oriented design patterns. Containers provide some of the same benefits as software objects such as modularity or packaging, abstraction, and reuse
- Technical Guide to Creating and Accessing a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack (https://content.mirantis.com/Kubernetes-on-OpenStack-eBook-Landing-Page.html?utm_campaign=Kubernetes&utm_content=39244676&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)
- As Kubernetes gains popularity, many people are asking: “How can Kubernetes and OpenStack be used together?” In this eBook, get a technical walkthrough on how to deploy Kubernetes on OpenStack and start running containerized apps on your Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms 1st ed. Edition (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- Take container cluster management to the next level; learn how to administer and configure Kubernetes on CoreOS; and apply suitable management design patterns such as Configmaps, Autoscaling, elastic resource usage, and high availability. Some of the other features discussed are logging, scheduling, rolling updates, volumes, service types, and multiple cloud provider zones.
- Mastering CoreOS (https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-CoreOS-Sreenivas-Makam/dp/1785288121%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1785288121&zpy=1)
- By Sreenivas Makam (https://twitter.com/srmakam) ; This book covers the CoreOS internals and the technologies used in the deployment of container-based distributed applications. It starts with an overview of CoreOS and distributed application development while sharing knowledge on related technologies. Critical CoreOS services and networking and storage considerations for CoreOS are covered next.
- DevOps with OpenShift (https://www.openshift.com/promotions/devops-with-openshift.html)
- For many organizations, a big part of DevOps’ appeal is software automation using infrastructure-as-code techniques. This book presents developers, architects, and infra-ops engineers with a more practical option.
- The Kubernetes Book (https://leanpub.com/thekubernetesbook)
- By Nigel Poulton (https://twitter.com/nigelpoulton) ; Containers are here and resistance is futile! Now that people are getting their heads around Docker, they need an orchestration platform to help them manage their containerized apps. Kubernetes has emerged as one of the hottest and most important container orchestration platforms in the world. This book gets you up to speed fast!
- Kubernetes for Java Developers (http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/kubernetes-for-java-developers.csp)
- Author Arun Gupta (https://twitter.com/arungupta) —Principal Open Source Technologist at Amazon Web Services—demonstrates how Kubernetes orchestration simplifies the plumbing needed to get containers up and running at all times. Although the examples in this report use Java, the concepts are applicable for anybody interested in getting started with Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes for Serverless Applications (https://media-glass.es/kubernetes-for-serverless-applications-2e1c8a24e0e3)
- This book by Russ McKendrick (https://twitter.com/russmckendrick) will initially start by introducing serverless functions. Then you will configure tools such as Minikube to run Kubernetes. Once you are up-and-running, you will install and configure Kubeless, your first step towards running Function as a Service (FaaS) on Kubernetes. Then you will gradually move towards running Fission, a framework used for managing serverless functions on Kubernetes environments. Towards the end of the book, you will also work with Kubernetes functions on public and private clouds.
- Kubernetes Cookbook: Building Cloud Native Applications (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1491979682/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BUwczb09YK4P5)
- By Sebastien Goasguen (https://twitter.com/sebgoa)
- Introduction to Kubernetes Using Docker (https://www.skillwise.com/sales/introduction-to-kubernetes-using-docker?aid=a-jydho314&utm_content=bufferbf967&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- Docker is a transcendent tool for those who transfer, install, and manage software applications on a regular basis. The advent of Kubernetes, however, has somehow made containerizing and automating applications even easier. In this course designed for students of all skill levels, you’ll learn Docker, the world’s leading software containerization platform, and become a master of automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications using Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Cookbook (https://www.packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning)
- Learn how to automate and manage your Linux containers and improve the overall performance of your system
- Mastering Kubernetes (https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mastering-kubernetes-gigi-sayfan/1125338721?ean=9781786469854&st=PLA&sid=NOK_DRS_NOOK+EBooks_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP75008&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwMPC2q_Y2AIVmEwNCh1N2QbCEAkYAiABEgIudfD_BwE)
- Master the art of container management utilizing the power of Kubernetes, by Gigi Sayfan (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gigisayfan/)