KubeWeekly #133
Published: May 16, 2018
The Headlines
Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.
How the Kubernetes Security Response Team Works (https://www.esecurityplanet.com/applications/how-the-kubernetes-security-response-team-works.html)
Sean Michael Kerner, eSecurityPlanet
Container security is a big issue these days, and keeping Kubernetes secure involves multiple aspects. So how are security vulnerabilities in Kubernetes code handled? In this video interview, Brandon Philips, former CTO of CoreOS, now at Red Hat, and a member of the volunteer team that handles Kubernetes security reports, details how security reports are handled and how the CVE-2017-1002101 issue was managed.
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Recap: Particle Accelerators, Operators and Legos, Oh My! (https://www.esecurityplanet.com/applications/how-the-kubernetes-security-response-team-works.html)
Kristen Evans, CNCF
More than 4,300 people gathered in Copenhagen May 2-4 for the biggest KubeCon + CloudNativeCon yet. Over three-plus days, attendees were engaged in more than 300 sessions, including four rounds of keynote addresses. Check out some highlights from those talks.
Building Container Images Securely on Kubernetes (https://blog.giantswarm.io/deep-dive-into-kubernetes-networking-in-azure/)
Roman Sokolkov, Giant Swarm
When building their Azure operator, Giant Swarm ran into the challenge of networking architecture. After evaluating multiple possible architectures, they’re sharing this deep dive for others who are setting up their own Azure clusters. This will walk you through available options for Kubernetes networking in Azure and why Giant Swarm chose the option they’re using.
New Kubernetes Podcast from Google (http://www.kubernetespodcast.com/)
Craig Box and Adam Glick, Google
The Kubernetes Podcast from Google is a weekly news and interview show with insight from the Kubernetes community. Hosts Craig Box and Adam Glick have an exciting line-up of guests for 2018 and look forward to bringing you both community insight and insider access to key Google and ecosystem contributors. Their first three episodes talk about: Kubernetes Community with Paris Pittman, Kubeflow with David Aronchick, and gVisor with Nick Lacasse and Yoshi Tamura.
New Webinar: Monitoring Microservice Applications Is About Visibility — And It Isn’t
Pavlo Baron – Founder and CTO, Instana
May 22 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
REGISTER NOW » (https://www.cncf.io/event/webinar-monitoring-microservices/)
The Technical
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Kubernetes the Hard Way (Updated) (https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way)
Kelsey Hightower, Google
Kubernetes Secrets in Plain Text (https://itnext.io/secrets-in-plain-text-13a98f54ef97)
Ashley Schuett, ContainerShip
How to setup CI/CD workflow for Node.js apps with Jenkins and Kubernetes (https://medium.com/containerum/how-to-setup-ci-cd-workflow-for-node-js-apps-with-jenkins-and-kubernetes-360fd0499556)
Anas El Barkani, Containerum
April/May Updates in Kubernetes Deployment (https://codeburst.io/april-may-updates-in-kubernetes-deployment-eb37f388d4c6)
Michael Douglass, Codeburst
Using Kubernetes Custom Resources for Microservices IPC (https://blog.openebs.io/using-kubernetes-custom-resources-for-microservices-ipc-bb786085b667)
Ganesh Kumar, AT&T
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation with Chris Aniszczyk and Dan Kohn (https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/2018/05/14/cloud-native-computing-foundation-with-chris-aniszczyk-and-dan-kohn/)
Jeff Myerson, Software Engineering Daily
The Kubernetes startup ecosystem is (kind of) an illusion (https://architecht.io/the-kubernetes-startup-ecosystem-is-kind-of-an-illusion-f89368ddcd44)
Derrick Harris, ARCHITECHT
Exploring container security: Isolation at different layers of the Kubernetes stack (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/05/Exploring-container-security-Isolation-at-different-layers-of-the-Kubernetes-stack.html?m=1)
Tim Allcair & Maya Kaczorowski, Google
Kubernetes for Edge Computing: The Microsoft Azure Approach (https://thenewstack.io/kubernetes-for-edge-computing-the-microsoft-azure-approach/)
Marty Branscombe, The New Stack
The future of Kubernetes’ holistic commitment to community (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/08/the-future-of-kubernetes-holistic-commitment-to-community-kubecon/)
Liz Rice, The Linux Foundation & Janet Kuo, Google
What I Learned at KubeCon (As a VC) (https://medium.com/blossom-capital/what-i-learnt-at-kubecon-as-a-vc-5eefdf73e987)
Imran Ghory, Blossom Capital
KubeWeekly is curated by ** Ryan Quackenbush (https://twitter.com/RSQuackenbush)
and ** Kaitlyn Barnard (https://twitter.com/kaitlyn_barnard)