KubeWeekly #138
Published: June 20, 2018
The Headlines
Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.
Scaling Kubernetes for 25M users (https://medium.com/@brendanrius/scaling-kubernetes-for-25m-users-a7937e3536a0)
Brendan Rius, MEE6
MEE6 grew from 0 to 25M users in about 18 months with the CEO also serving as the sole developer. Such a rapid growth meant accumulating technical debt quite fast. So they made the choice to rewrite the bot from the ground up to make it easier to fix the most important issues they were facing using Kubernetes to orchestrate containers over a cluster of servers.
Kubernetes Best Practices — Season One (https://medium.com/google-cloud/kubernetes-best-practices-season-one-11119aee1d10)
Sandeep Dinesh, Google
Kubernetes is complicated and is getting more complicated each day. If you are getting started with Kubernetes or if you have been running it in production for a while, its hard to keep up with the rapid pace of development that’s going on. This series, Kubernetes Best Practices, is based on questions and feedback Sandeep has received and split into seven episodes to help you and your team quickly ramp up on Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Package Manager Helm Now Hosted by the CNCF (https://medium.com/@alluri.prithvi/application-logs-from-kubernetes-to-s3-and-elasticsearch-using-fluentd-2f1b09a9872e)
Daniel Bryant, InfoQ
Earlier in the month the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Helm as an incubation-level hosted project. Helm is a package manager that provides an “easy way to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes.”
New Webinar: Setting up the Heroku git-push workflow on your Kubernetes cluster in 60 seconds with Gitkube
Tanmai Gopal – Co-founder, Hasura
June 26 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
REGISTER NOW » (https://www.cncf.io/event/webinar-gitkube/)
The Technical
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Keep your Kubernetes cluster balanced: the secret to High Availability (https://itnext.io/keep-you-kubernetes-cluster-balanced-the-secret-to-high-availability-17edf60d9cb7)
César Tron-Lozai, Convendia
Docker and Kubernetes Hints-Based Autodiscover with Beats (https://www.elastic.co/blog/docker-and-kubernetes-hints-based-autodiscover-with-beats)
Carlos Pérez-Aradros, elastic
AWS Cost Savings by Utilizing Kubernetes Ingress with Classic ELB (https://akomljen.com/aws-cost-savings-by-utilizing-kubernetes-ingress-with-classic-elb/)
Alen Komljen, Sematext
Deploy a Multicluster Ingress on Google Kubernetes Engine (https://thenewstack.io/deploy-a-multicluster-ingress-on-google-kubernetes-engine/)
Janakiram MSV, TheNewStack
Extending Kubernetes to Windows Server with Docker Enterprise Edition (https://blog.docker.com/2018/06/kubernetes-on-windows-server-with-docker-ee/)
Jenny Fong, Docker
Modernize your old JPetStore app with containers, Kubernetes and AI (https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/2018/06/modernize-apps-containers-kubernetes-ai/)
Van Staub, IBM
Kubernetes Day 2 Operations: AuthN/AuthZ with OIDC and a Little Help From Keycloak (https://medium.com/@mrbobbytables/kubernetes-day-2-operations-authn-authz-with-oidc-and-a-little-help-from-keycloak-de4ea1bdbbe)
Bob Killen, University of Michigan
Application Logs from Kubernetes to S3 and Elasticsearch using Fluentd (https://medium.com/@alluri.prithvi/application-logs-from-kubernetes-to-s3-and-elasticsearch-using-fluentd-2f1b09a9872e)
Mrithvi Raju Alluri, DarwinBox
How I got started with Kubernetes on GKE (https://medium.com/@MaximeHeckel/how-i-got-started-with-kubernetes-on-gke-5f829eca98bc)
Maxime Heckel, Docker
How-to deploy a Highly Available JBoss cluster on Kubernetes with dynamic node discovery — part 1 (https://medium.com/@ltearno/how-to-deploy-a-highly-available-jboss-cluster-on-kubernetes-with-dynamic-node-discovery-part-1-23cc6cede88c)
Arnaud Tournier, Stack Labs
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
The New York Times: From Print to the Web to Cloud Native (https://www.cncf.io/blog/2018/06/18/the-new-york-times-from-print-to-the-web-to-cloud-native/)
Kim McMahon, CNCF
Nvidia makes Kubernetes on GPUs available (https://www.zdnet.com/article/nvidia-makes-kubernetes-on-gpus-available/)
Stephanie Condon, ZDNet
Kubernetes and Scylla: 10 Questions and Answers (https://www.scylladb.com/2018/06/14/webinar-questions-kubernetes/)
Eyal Gutkind, Scylla
Contain yourselves: Kubernetes for Azure unleashed on world+dog (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/06/14/azure_kubernetes_service_general_availability/)
Richard Speed, The Register
Q&A with Kubernetes co-founder Brendan Burns (https://open.microsoft.com/2018/06/13/brendan-burns-co-founder-kubernetes-aks-interview/)
Stella Lin, Microsoft Open Source Blog
Why Kubernetes Is Winning? (https://medium.com/@leonidlm/why-kubernetes-is-winning-864c113eaf81)
Leonid Mirsky, OpsFleet
GitLab CEO on competing with Microsoft, betting on Kubernetes and learning to scale (https://architecht.io/gitlab-ceo-on-competing-with-microsoft-betting-on-kubernetes-and-learning-to-scale-a13d5139d268)
Sid Sijbrandij , GitLab & Derrick Harris, ARCHITECHT
How to waste $5M on containerized infrastructure (https://www.infoworld.com/article/3280951/containers/how-to-waste-5m-on-containerized-infrastructure.html)
Khash Sajadi, InfoWorld
KubeWeekly is curated by ** Ryan Quackenbush (https://twitter.com/RSQuackenbush)
and ** Kaitlyn Barnard (https://twitter.com/kaitlyn_barnard)