KubeWeekly #176
Published: July 17, 2019
The Headlines
Editor’s picks from the past week.
Last Week in Kubernetes Development
Stay up-to-date on Kubernetes development in 15 minutes a week.
kube-rclone is a rclone mount solution for Kubernetes
Zee Ahmed
kube-rclone is a rclone mount solution for Kubernetes. It allows you to sync files and directories to and from different cloud storage providers i.e Google Drive. It creates a Daemonset across the Kubernetes cluster which mounts a volume on the hostPath that can be used with other services such as kube-plex
The Technical
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Kubernetes at DH: A journey from YAML headaches to Helm bliss
Max Williams, Delivery Hero HQ
How to Set Up a Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Monitoring Stack on DigitalOcean Kubernetes
Hanif Jetha
How To Set Up the code-server Cloud IDE Platform on DigitalOcean Kubernetes
Dusko Savic
How To Do Canary Deployments With Istio and Kubernetes
Kathleen Juell
Kubernetes Policy Management with Kyverno
Jim Bugwadia, Nirmata
Kubernetes Pods 101: The Cluster Sailors
Mohamed Ahmed, Magalix
Fire Up Your VMs with Weave Ignite
Alexis Richardson, Weaveworks
Deploy Your Machine Learning Models with Kubernetes
Itay Ariel, crvg.io
Internal and external connectivity in Kubernetes space
Rastko Vukasinovic
Kubernetes, etcd and disk throughput
Ricard Bejarano
Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Kubernetes Backup and Migration Strategies using Project Velero
Tom Spoonemore, Product Manager @VMware and Steve Kriss, Senior Member of Technical Staff @VMware
July 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am PDT
What’s New in Kubernetes 1.15
Kendrick Coleman Kubernetes 1.15 Enhancements Lead @VMware
July 23 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
Announcing Linkerd 2.4: Traffic Splitting and SMI
William Morgan, Buoyant
33 Kubernetes security tools.
Mateo Burillo, Sysdig
How to work with container backups
Evan Koblentz, TechRepublic
Preserve Kubernetes API Objects While They Are in Use
Mike Spreitzer, IBM
Demystifying Containers – Part II: Container Runtimes
Sascha Grunert
Tweets of the Week
KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kim McMahon and Michael Hausenblas