KubeWeekly #421

Published: February 21, 2025


KubeWeekly—the newsletter for all things Kubernetes and beyond

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Attending KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe? Don’t miss Open Networking & Edge Summit 2025!

This year, Open Networking & Edge Summit is excited to co-locate with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe in London on 31 March, reflecting the industry’s rapid shift toward cloud-native infrastructure. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and shape the next wave of technological advancements! 

The Open Networking & Edge Summit has been the premier gathering for open networking, edge, cloud, and IoT industries for over a decade. This event unites technical and business leaders in a collaborative environment, fostering in-depth discussions, strategic planning, and innovation to drive the future of cutting-edge technologies.

Register now!  Interested in sponsoring? There’s still time – click here. 


KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2025
1-4 April | London, England
Register | Schedule

June 4 | Virtual
Register | Call for Proposals

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2025
10-11 June | Hong Kong
Sponsor Info | Prospectus


For sponsorship details, email sponsor@cncf.io
For questions about speaking opportunities, email speakers@cncf.io.
For general event inquiries, email events@cncf.io
See you around the globe!

Online programs

Recently recorded programs

Optimizing Kyverno policy enforcement performance for large clusters – February 19 | Cloud Native Live
Khaled Emara & Shuting Zhao, Nirmata

Upcoming programs

Right-sizing Kubernetes workloads with open source tooling – February 25 | Cloud Native Live
Natan Yellin, Robusta

Building a ClickHouse cluster on Raspberry Pis – February 26 | Cloud Native Live
Josh Lee, Altinity

Mastering event sourcing – February 27 | On demand webinar
Kevin Hoffman, Akka

Transforming DevOps: Modern infrastructure management – February 27 | On demand webinar
Cesar Rodriguez, StackGen

Cloud native CI/CD using Tekton and ArgoCD – February 27 | On demand webinar
Arunvel Arunachalam, Infosys

View our Online Programs YouTube playlist here


Leveraging Testkube as a quality gate in multi-stage deployments with Keptn
Atulpriya Sharma, InfraCloud Technologies

Enhancing Kubernetes security: Detecting threats in OVHcloud managed Kubernetes cluster (MKS) Audit Logs with Falco
Aurélie Vache,OVHcloud

KubeVirt live migration mastery: Network transparency with Kube-OVN

Managing secrets at scale: Why we chose SOPS for Terraform and Kubernetes secrets
Teodor J. Podobink, Prewave

Assembling a containerd installation like LEGO bricks
Ivan on the Server Side

Can configuration languages (DSLs) solve configuration complexity?
Brian Grant, ConfigHub

Kubernetes CPU limits: Best practices for Kubernetes CPU management
Rupin Solanki, Devtron

Deploying Squid Proxy on AWS: Dynamic IP rotation and access control with Fargate
Lidor Ettinger

A guide to modern frontend architecture patterns
Shalitha Suranga, LogRocket


Optimizing API governance in a decentralized architectural landscape
Vidura Gamini Abhaya, WSO2

Dynamic linking madness: Solving a bug in go-nvml
Braydon Kains

Grafana Loki 3.4: Standardized storage config, sizing guidance, and Promtail merging into Alloy
Julie Stickler, Grafana Labs

DevOps evolution: From movement to platform engineering in the AI era
Tom Smith

EKS vs. GKE networking. This is the second post in my series…
Jason Umiker

5 Tips for promoting your open source project
Klint Finley, GitHub

Platform engineering on the brink: Breakthrough or bust?
Jennifer Riggins


Attend an upcoming KCD!

KCDs are community-organized events that gather adopters and technologists from open source and cloud native communities for education, collaboration, and networking. You can find Live KCD websites via cncf.io/events.

Special announcements:

KCD Guadalajara (March 29)

KCD New York’s early bird tickets end next Thursday, February 27!

KCD Sofia just opened their early bird tickets!

Sponsor KCD Chennai (April 26, 2025) and see how they will best represent you!

Cloud Native Community Groups

Learn about cloud native and network with like-minded people. Check out this next week’s meetups around the globe!

Going Platform-less in the Era of Building PlatformsDallasFebruary 21
2025: Errores Comunes al Buscar Trabajo en TI y Cómo EvitarlosSan SalvadorFebruary 21
CNCF Hyderabad February MeetupHyderabadFebruary 22
Cloud Native Ayacucho 2025: “Desarrollando una cultura Cloud Native”AyacuchoFebruary 22
GitOps & ArgoCD: from zero to productionSanto DomingoFebruary 22
Cloud Native Chennai – Feb 2025 MeetupChennaiFebruary 22
Unlocking DevOps SecurityBakuFebruary 22
Hello World MeetupDakarFebruary 22
KCNA Exam Preparation Bootcamp Weekly Online Live SessionsLagosFebruary 22
Down Under Cloud Nights: Bi-Weekly BytesMelbourneFebruary 24
Instrumentando apps Go com OpenTelemetryJuiz de ForaFebruary 25
Aachen Meetup, February 2025AachenFebruary 25
Cloud Native OSS Playground in MinutesWashington DCFebruary 25
Auto-updates in the CI/CD and Zero Trust Systems – February 25thLinzFebruary 25
Karpenter Meets Reality: Scaling Kubernetes at Kaltura, Unity & WixTel AvivFebruary 26
Understanding Kubernetes : From basics to real-world use casesDjerbaFebruary 26
February 2025 EditionCluj-NapocaFebruary 26
Cloud Native Stuttgart #2: AI loves Open SourceStuttgartFebruary 26
Bridging the Gap Between IT & OTAarhusFebruary 26
OTEL for dummies & Developer experience on KubernetesAalborgFebruary 27
February 2025GöteborgFebruary 27
CNCF Projects Tour Episode 3: KyvernoAhmedabadFebruary 27
Odesa Cloud Native #41: AI Agents for SREOdesaFebruary 27
Zero to Hero: Open Source Developer with Fedora Linux (CNCF Calgary)CalgaryFebruary 27
Maîtrisez le Chaos : La Gouvernance Cloud Native Simplifiée grâce à KyvernoOrléansFebruary 27
CNCF and GDG Meetup 2025CaliFebruary 27
Cloud Native LA Meetup: Celebrating Our Community, Exploring Open SourceLos AngelesFebruary 28
CNCF Abuja Meetup: Cloud-Native UnpluggedAbujaFebruary 28
Cloud Native Day for StudentsTbilisiFebruary 28
Kubefest 2025 [Evento de CNCF La Rioja]RiojaFebruary 28
Kubernetes Home Lab and Kubernetes Runtime SecurityKubernetes AustinFebruary 28