KubeWeekly #98
Published: August 7, 2017
- Installing Kubernetes on Baremetal via CoreOS Tectonic with Grub Booting (https://www.lonimbus.com/coreos-matchbox-baremetal-grub2?utm_content=buffer753b3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Brad Geesaman (https://twitter.com/bradgeesaman)
- Kubernetes On Digital Ocean With Encrypted VPN Service Mesh With Kubicorn (https://www.nivenly.com/kubernetes-on-digital-ocean-with-encrypted-vpn-service-mesh/)
- By Kris Nova (https://twitter.com/Kris__Nova)
- Helm chart to bootstrap Beanstalkd on Kubernetes (https://github.com/salaxander/beanstalkd-helm)
- Xander Grzywinski (https://twitter.com/XanderGrzy)
- How to automate Kubernetes workflows (https://buddy.works/guides/how-optimize-kubernetes-workflow)
- By Buddy Git (https://twitter.com/BuddyGit)
- Kubernetes: A Little Guide to Install Options (https://blog.openshift.com/kubernetes-little-guide-install-options/?utm_content=buffer7e33d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Michael Hausenblas (https://twitter.com/mhausenblas)
- Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus – outside the cluster! (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/monitoring-kubernetes-prometheus-outside-cluster-steven-acreman)
- By Steven Acreman (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenacreman/)
- Building Our Helm Chart (https://engineering.saltside.se/building-our-helm-chart-e10da063581c)
- By Adam Hawkins (https://twitter.com/adman65)
- How Kubernetes certificate authorities work (https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/08/05/how-kubernetes-certificates-work/)
- By Julia Evans (https://twitter.com/b0rk)
- Kubernetes S01E01: Introduction + Concept (https://medium.com/jitta-engineering/kubernetes-s01e01-introduction-concept-6dbd898e7f2d)
- By (Nut)tapon Pattanavijit (https://twitter.com/nuttt)
- Container resource consumption—too important to ignore (https://medium.com/@mhausenblas/container-resource-consumption-too-important-to-ignore-7484609a3bb7)
- By Michael Hausenblas (https://twitter.com/mhausenblas)
- Gitlab-Docker-Kubernetes Magic: Integrating your microservice with Gitlab CI, Docker & Kubernetes (https://medium.com/running-a-software-factory/gitlab-docker-kubernetes-magic-integrating-your-micro-service-with-gitlab-ci-docker-kubernetes-32486a99f138)
- By Mayank Kapoor (https://twitter.com/mayankkapoor)
- autoscaler/vertical-pod-autoscaler/ (https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/tree/master/vertical-pod-autoscaler)
- By Marcin Wielgus (https://github.com/mwielgus)
- Ajax friendly Helm Tiller Proxy (https://github.com/appscode/wheel)
- By Tamal Saha (https://twitter.com/tsaha)
- Wanna run Rails in Kubernetes? This Kubernetes tutorial will show you how. (http://www.engineyard.com/blog/kubernetes-tutorial-running-a-rails-app-in-kubernetes?utm_content=58619040&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin)
- By Christopher Rigor (https://twitter.com/crigor)
- Kubernetes Autoscaling (http://vikshinde.blogspot.com/2017/08/kubernetes-autoscaling.html)
- By Vikram Shinde (https://twitter.com/vikshinde)
- Announcing CRI-O 1.0.0-beta.0 (https://medium.com/cri-o/announcing-cri-o-1-0-0-beta-0-f593637343b2?_lrsc=628a0e60-421d-4a8e-873c-366856dccf48≻_cid=701600000011zELAAY)
- By Mrunal Patel (https://twitter.com/mrunalp)
- Auto Deployment of SUSI Server using Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform (http://blog.fossasia.org/auto-deployment-of-susi-server-using-kubernetes-on-google-cloud-platform/)
- By Chirag Wadhera (https://twitter.com/chiragw15)
Blogs / Articles
- Connecting to Postgres RDS instances from Kubernetes with SSL (https://paulbellamy.com/2017/07/connecting-to-postgres-rds-instances-from-ecs-with-ssl)
- By Gord Sissons (https://twitter.com/GJSissons)
- Ubiquity is every where for DevOps using Docker and Kubernetes (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ubiquity-every-where-devops-using-docker-kubernetes-richard-swain)
- By Richard Swain (https://twitter.com/thestoragetank)
- Introducing Tigera Essentials for Kubernetes (https://blog.tigera.io/introducing-tigera-essentials-for-kubernetes-3c678f9a5604)
- By Andrew Randall (https://twitter.com/andrew_randall)
- Bitnami to Open Source its Mobile Kubernetes Dashboard (https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/bitnami-to-open-source-its-cabin-mobile-kubernetes-dashboard/2017/08/?utm_campaign=sdxcentral&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_source=feedblitz)
- By Dan Meyer (https://twitter.com/meyer_dan)
- Heptio launches two new open source projects that make using Kubernetes easier (https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/03/heptio-launches-two-new-open-source-projects-that-make-using-kubernetes-easier/?ncid=rss)
- By Frederic Lardinois (https://twitter.com/fredericl)
- With new releases, Heptio co-founders continue unfinished mission to make Kubernetes easier to use (https://www.geekwire.com/2017/new-releases-heptio-co-founders-continue-unfinished-mission-make-kubernetes-easier-use/)
- By Tom Krazit (https://twitter.com/tomkrazit)
- Announcing two New Heptio Open Source Projects: Heptio Ark and Heptio Sonobuoy (https://blog.heptio.com/announcing-two-new-heptio-open-source-projects-heptio-ark-and-heptio-sonobuoy-7cef88a06f8)
- By Craig McLuckie (https://twitter.com/cmcluck)
- National Health Service, on Elixir and Kubernetes (https://medium.com/nebo-15/national-health-service-on-elixir-and-kubernetes-b1c2551f0dbb)
- By Andrew Dryga (https://twitter.com/andrew_dryga)
- What’s new in Kubernetes 1.7? (http://www.opcito.com/whats-new-in-kubernetes-1-7/?utm_content=buffercbfff&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Sachin Gade (https://twitter.com/sachinpgade)
- Docker vs. Kubernetes vs. Apache Mesos: Why What You Think You Know is Probably Wrong (https://mesosphere.com/blog/docker-vs-kubernetes-vs-apache-mesos/)
- By Amr Abdelrazik (https://twitter.com/Amr_I_Hamed)
- Why Containers Can’t Solve All Your Problems In The Cloud (https://cloudtweaks.com/2017/08/containers-cant-solve-problems-cloud/)
- By Chris Gervais (https://twitter.com/cgervais)
- Kubernetes and the fine art of scaling – UP! (https://embano1.github.io/post/vpa/)
- By Michael Gasch (https://twitter.com/embano1)
- Kubernetes has a new best friend and it’s called Prometheus (http://techgenix.com/prometheus-monitoring-system/)
- By Twain Taylor (http://techgenix.com/author/twain/)
- GCP Podcast #88: Kubernetes 1.7 with Tim Hockin (https://www.gcppodcast.com/post/episode-88-kubernetes-1-7-with-tim-hockin/)
- Tim Hockin (https://twitter.com/thockin) , one of the engineers that started the Kubernetes project, joins Francesc (https://twitter.com/francesc) and Mark (https://twitter.com/Neurotic) to talk about all of the cool stuff coming up with Kubernetes 1.7.
- Kubernetes Wins at Orchestration Engines, but Still Needs Backup (https://www.cloudtp.com/doppler/hot-topics/kubernetes-wins-orchestration-engines/?utm_content=58661552&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin)
- The guest on the Cloud TP podcast this week is Shannon Williams (https://twitter.com/smw355) , Co-Founder and VP, Sales at Rancher Labs.
- Kubernetes Delivery Pipeline for Golang App (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0pJncb37Kk)
- By Jeff Lindsay; building a proof of concept for a particular Kubernetes delivery pipeline. Once this works he’ll apply it to another project, but leave the source on Github for reference. The demo app is Go, built and packaged in a Docker container using CircleCI. In this setup, he’s using the Google Cloud Container Engine, so he’ll be pushing to the GKE image repo. Then deploying to Kubernetes from CircleCI.
- Using Kubernetes with Azure Container Instances (https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/Using-Kubernetes-with-Azure-Container-Instances)
- By Donovan Brown (https://twitter.com/DonovanBrown) , Rob Caron (https://twitter.com/robcaron) ; Brendan Burns (https://twitter.com/brendanburns) joins them on the Azure Friday Channel 9 broadcast to discuss the use of Kubernetes with Azure Container Instances.
- TGI Kubernetes 006: kubeadm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yyc2R8yDRo)
- Come hang out with Joe Beda (https://twitter.com/jbeda) as he does a bit of hands on exploration of Kubernetes and related topics. Some of this will be Joe talking about the things he knows well. Some of this will be Joe exploring something new with the audience. Live streamed on August 4
- 15 minutes with Heptio Ark – Kubernetes backup and recovery (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v4jCHsEidw)
- By Lachlan Evenson (https://twitter.com/LachlanEvenson) ; We take a look at Heptio Ark. A Kubernetes backup and recovery tool
- Datadog Autodiscovery on Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tzLlmEZ0uc&feature=share)
- This video by Matt Williams (https://twitter.com/technovangelist) will show you how easy it is to get started with Autodiscovery on Kubernetes with Datadog.
- Kubernetes for Java developers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vM3ORa9_JE)
- This brief session by Rafael Benevides (https://twitter.com/rafabene) will provide your with a basic understanding of what Kubernetes is and how it can help you to run your Linux containers at scale.
- Akka Clustering on Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esd1UKIpvdU)
- From Luke Kysow (https://twitter.com/lkysow) at the Scala Up North Conference
- Kubernetes IDE support with IntelliJ (Video) (https://blog.sebastian-daschner.com/entries/kubernetes_ide_support)
- Sebastian Daschner (https://twitter.com/DaschnerS) uploaded a video in which I show how IntelliJ supports Kubernetes with the Kubernetes and OpenShift Resource plugin and live-templates.
- Kubernetes locally via Minikube | Episode 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v88MOlz0_NY)
- In this video Zeieshan Ahmed (https://twitter.com/ZeieshanAhmed) explains and shows an example of using Minikube to spin up a local Kubernetes cluster on his machine.
- Basic Kubernetes Training and the Challenges of Becoming Cloud Native (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oty0DgE7CyA)
- This is the recording from the 2nd Kubernauts Online Meetup with Ben Hall (https://twitter.com/Ben_Hall) , the creator of the awesome Interactive Technical Learning Platform Katacoda, Ben talks about Kubernetes basics and:
- Autoscaling in Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9CYnjlWKok)
- How many replicas do I need to serve my app? How big my cluster should be? How to make sure that the bill for compute resources is minimal while still be ready to serve all the traffic that can come? This kind of questions bother most of the application owners or cluster administrators. This demo by Maciej Pytel (https://www.linkedin.com/in/maciej-pytel-40001533/?ppe=1) session will show how to forget about such problems. We will do a deep dive into the mysterious of autoscaling in kubernetes and show how it can simplify life of kubernetes users.
- Kubernetes SIG Testing 20170801 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfLxwGy549E)
- Meeting notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z8MQpr_jTwhmjLMUaqQyBk1EYG_Y_3D4y4YdMJ7V1Kk)
- Kubernetes SIG Cluster Lifecycle 20170801 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UokbBYKa47o)
- Highlights:
– kubeadm adoption working group has created of list of blockers
– Certificates and certificate authorities (how many do we need?)
– Cluster API: new breakout meeting will be scheduled
– Should we promote the kubeadm API to v1beta1
– Feature freeze today!
– kops tests failing? - 1 8 Release Team Kickoff (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue1TZYsKoCc)
- Kubernetes 1.8 release team meetings notes Here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TaZkwfiXZBW-CZRD5RKPw_awLl3t7na8fHsqLT4jj9k/edit)
- Continuous Delivery the hard way with Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/lukemarsden/continuous-delivery-the-hard-way-with-kubernetes-78507782)
- This talk by Luke Marsden (https://twitter.com/lmarsden) shows three increasingly advanced levels of continuous delivery with Kubernetes and GitLab (as an example), arguing for a continuous delivery architecture which has an explicit Release Manager component.
- Kubernetes: Orquestrando o maior e-commerce alimentar do Brasil (https://www.slideshare.net/RodrigoFiorKuntzer/kubernetes-orquestrando-o-maior-ecommerce-alimentar-do-brasil)
- Palestra sobre a Orquestração com Kubernetes do ambiente produtivo dos maiores e-commerces alimentares do Brasil. Apresentado no DevOps Day Porto Alegre em 05/08/2017 by Rodrigo Fior Kuntzer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuntzer)
- Kubernetes best practices (https://www.slideshare.net/BillLiu31/kubernetes-best-practices)
- Cloud+Data NEXT Conference 2017 Silicon Valley by Bill Liu (https://twitter.com/billliu_seattle)
- Istio: An Open-Source Platform to Connect, Manage, and Secure Microservices (https://www.slideshare.net/VadimSolovey/an-opensource-platform-to-connect-manage-and-secure-microservices?qid=32b44dc7-061b-4694-9ff9-cd52e7e66cc3&v=&b=&from_search=22)
- Istio uses Envoy as its runtime proxy component and provides an extensible intermediation layer which allows global cross-cutting policy enforcement and telemetry collection. By Vadim Solovey (https://twitter.com/vadimska) & Yoram Ben-Yaacov (https://twitter.com/YoramBenYaacov)
- Creating Highly Available MongoDB Microservices with Docker Containers and Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/mongodb/creating-highly-available-mongodb-microservices-with-docker-containers-and-kubernetes?qid=32b44dc7-061b-4694-9ff9-cd52e7e66cc3&v=&b=&from_search=4)
- In this webinar recording Marco Bonezzi (https://twitter.com/marcobonezzi) explored how to successfully define our database infrastructure with MongoDB running on Docker containers, how to orchestrate MongoDB containers with Kubernetes in multiple environments, considerations and strategies for managing stateful MongoDB containers, and how to manage high availability and resiliency in a distributed system while running on a container technology such as Kubernetes.
- Bitbucket Pipelines – Powered by Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/NathanBurrell1/bitbucket-pipelines-powered-by-kubernetes?qid=32b44dc7-061b-4694-9ff9-cd52e7e66cc3&v=&b=&from_search=6)
- This talk by Nathan Burrell (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathan-burrell-954b8979/) covers how pipelines uses Kubernetes to power its builder infrastructure and shares some tips on running Kubernetes at scale in a secure way. This presentation was presented to the sydney Kubernetes meetup on the 3rd of August 2017.
- Kubernetes Workshop (https://www.slideshare.net/walterliu7/kubernetes-workshop-78554820?qid=32b44dc7-061b-4694-9ff9-cd52e7e66cc3&v=&b=&from_search=7)
- Kubernetes Workshop slides in GCPUG.
POD, Deployment, Service - by Walter Liu (https://www.linkedin.com/in/walter-liu-1024/)
- Serverless technologies with Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/Provectus/serverless-technologies-with-kubernetes?qid=32b44dc7-061b-4694-9ff9-cd52e7e66cc3&v=&b=&from_search=11)
- Stas Ivaschenko (https://twitter.com/StasIvaschenko) talks about recent experience with Kubernetes-centric Serverless technologies. Concepts, overview of 2 frameworks: funktion from RedHat’s Fabric8 and Kubeless.
- Kompose (https://www.slideshare.net/SurajNarwade/kompose?qid=32b44dc7-061b-4694-9ff9-cd52e7e66cc3&v=&b=&from_search=20)
- Suraj Narwade (https://twitter.com/red_suraj) talks about moving from Docker compose to K8s
Upcoming Events
- Kubernetes Meetup #6 (https://k8sjp.connpass.com/event/60324/)
- August 8, Tokyo
- Kubernetes 101 – Make deployments boring (https://www.meetup.com/GDGCloudVancouver/events/241312926/)
- August 8, Vancouver
- Slack bots on Kubernetes – Building the future (https://www.meetup.com/GDGCloudVancouver/events/241312926/)
- August 8, Vancouver
- Kubernetes 101: The Basics (https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Online-Meetup-Boston/events/241892603/)
- August 9, Boston
- First gathering of the NZ cloud meetup. (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-NZ/events/241259535/)
- August 9, Tauranga
- Securing Kubernetes on GKE (https://www.meetup.com/Google-Cloud-Platform-User-Group-GCPUG-Austin/events/242179922/)
- August 9, Austin
- Ben Hall & Basia – Big Data/Tensorflow + Containers/Kubernetes -Last Meetup Ever (https://www.meetup.com/Expert-Talks-Cambridge/events/236100300/)
- August 9, Cambridge
- Kurious About Kubernetes? (https://www.meetup.com/Google-Developers-Group-Columbia-GDG/events/242074930/)
- August 10, Columbia
- GDG Bogota & Wizeline Academy Workshop: Introduction to Kubernetes and Protobuf (https://www.meetup.com/gdgbogota/events/241818782/)
- August 10, Bogotá
- Creating a CI-CD pipeline with Kubernetes & Jenkins on Container Services (https://www.meetup.com/cloudzone-academy/events/241951845/)
- August 10, Herzeliyya
- Multi-Cloud Deployment with Kubernetes Federation (https://www.meetup.com/OpenShift-Sao-Paulo/events/242257664/)
- August 10, São Paulo
- Machine Learning, Apache Beam, Serverless + BigQuery by Google Dev Advocates (https://www.meetup.com/GDG-Cloud-Brisbane/events/241812900/)
- August 11, Brisbane
- Virtual Class #1: Get Started with Kops FastStart (https://www.meetup.com/kubernauts/events/242031902/)
- August 12, Berlin
- Herding Cattle with Azure Container Services (ACS) (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Atlanta/events/241833081/)
- August 14, Atlanta
- Architecting for operational sustainability with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/ContainerNetworking/events/242062874/)
- August 15, Santa Clara
- ElasticSearch, Kibana & Fluentd w/ Helm +On-Demand PostgreSQL Streaming Replicas (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Colorado/events/242174781/)
- August 15, Boulder
- Whats new in kubernetes 1.7? (https://www.meetup.com/Minneapolis-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/241878324/)
- August 15, Minneapolis
- Security in a Kubernetes Cluster (https://www.meetup.com/Frankfurt-am-Main-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/242120147/?eventId=242120147)
- August 16, Frankfurt
- Kubernetes focused event! demo from Apprenda and how Kubernetes is used @ GitHub (https://www.meetup.com/Google-Developer-Group-of-the-Capital-Region/events/242208699/)
- August 16, Ballston Spa
- Kubernetes Augusts: Oracle and Openshift (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240802368/)
- August 16, Seattle
- August Kubernetes Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Atlanta-Meetup/events/241793793/)
- August 16, Atlanta
- August Meeting: Istio Demo (https://www.meetup.com/sddevops/events/241892500/)
- August 16, San Diego
- Kubernetes – Ray Tsang of Google (https://www.meetup.com/Utah-Java-Users-Group/events/238812522/)
- August 17, Salt Lake City
- Let’s talk about Calico (https://www.meetup.com/Saint-Louis-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/242272377/)
- August 17, Saint Louis
- Kubernetes Chennai Meetup 2017 (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Chennai-Meetup-2017/events/242090116/)
- August 20, Chennai
- Kubernetes Office Hours (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lxv0leuiN0)
- August 23, Online
- Kubernetes Meetup #4 (https://www.meetup.com/Sampa-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/241986038/)
- August 28, São Paulo
- Demo / Kubernetes har landat (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Goteborg/events/241821276/)
- August 30, Göteborg
- #8 Kubernetes on Azure (https://www.meetup.com/Azure-Taiwan/events/242115943/)
- August 30, Taipei
- Open Source Summit North America 2017 (https://ossna2017.sched.com/)
- September 11-14, Los Angeles
- Seminar invitation: IBM Cloud private (http://cloudprivate-sthlm.mybluemix.net/)
- September 12, Kista Alléväg
Job Openings
- DevOps Engineer – Kubernetes Docker Hashicorp – L (https://weworkcontract.com/contracts/devops-engineer-45bf116b-9937-4aab-bf81-22ce107baa48)
- Hashicorp, London; £550 – £650 a day
- Developer Advocate (https://jobs.lever.co/linuxfoundation.org/90a50f2a-1d41-47de-afbe-44ce7540124e)
- CNCF, San Francisco; full-time
- Kubernetes Upstream Engineer (https://hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/coreos/view/P_AAAAAACAAADHnKGNS-to6b)
- CoreOS, Remote, full-time
- Kubernetes Developer (https://connect.att.jobs/job/-/kubernetes-developer/117/5033403)
- AT&T; El Segundo; Full-time
- Dev Ops Engineer- Kubernetes, Linux, Jenkins CD, Elasticsearch. (https://www.cv-library.co.uk/job/206253849/Dev-Ops-Engineer-Kubernetes-Linux-Jenkins-CD-Elasticsearch?s=100818)
- Global Gaming Giant; London, Full-time, £50,000 – £65,000/annum Benefits
- Container Architect (http://www.experisjobs.us/Container-DesignerDeveloper-St-Louis-MO-63101-FOX-11248339-1501611187.htm)
- Experis; St Louis, Full-time
- Working Student (f/m) – Kubernetes in SAP Cloud Platform Job (https://app.work4labs.com/list/424790094303848/standalone?app_data=job%2F99598462&from_job_alert=0&data=slashref___network%2Ftwitter%2Flanguage%2Fen%2Fpost_id%2Fc833b227c44b82a7a76fb7eb9cf341360cbea27d%2Fjob_distributor_id%2F45419%2Fmethod%2Ffront_office%2Fuid%2F100000749109710&ref=distributor_share)
- SAP; Walldorf/St. Leon-Rot; Limited part time
- Golang / Go Job: Devops engineer (Go, Kubernetes, microservices) (http://www.golangprojects.com/golang-go-job-bti-Devops-engineer-(Go-Kubernetes-microservices)-Rotterdam-Housing-Anywhere.html)
- Housing Anywhere; Rotterdam (remote NOT possible, relocation compensation available) Full-time
- Free eBook: Deploying and Scaling Kubernetes with Rancher (http://info.rancher.com/deploying-scaling-kubernetes-ebook?utm_content=bufferfdaa4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Vishal Biyani (https://twitter.com/vishal_biyani) & Girish Shilamkar (https://twitter.com/shilamkar) ; guidebook provides a detailed introduction to using Kubernetes with the Rancher container management platform.
- Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications (https://www.amazon.com/Architecting-Scale-Availability-Growing-Applications-ebook/dp/B01IAK49FS%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01IAK49FS&zpy=1)
- By Lee Atchison (https://twitter.com/leeatchison) ; provides basic techniques for building applications that can handle huge quantities of traffic, data, and demand without affecting the quality your customers expect.
- Kubernetes Definitive Guide: Keys from Docker to Kubernetes Practice (2nd Edition) – Kubernetes权威指南 (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Definitive-Guide-Docker-Practice/dp/7121299410%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D7121299410&zpy=1)
- Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920043874.do)
- By Kelsey Hightower (https://twitter.com/kelseyhightower) ; This practical book will prepare you to take advantage of everything the Kubernetes platform has to offer.
- Kubernetes Microservices with Docker (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Microservices-Docker-Vohra-ebook/dp/B01FXJ9OB8%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01FXJ9OB8&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; This book on Kubernetes, the container cluster manager, discusses all aspects of using Kubernetes in today’s complex big data and enterprise applications, including Docker containers.
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS (https://www.amazon.com/Deploying-Rails-Docker-Kubernetes-ECS/dp/1484224140%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1484224140&zpy=1)
- By Pablo Acuña (https://twitter.com/pabloacunar) ; shows you how to set up the project, push it to DockerHub, manage services and set up an efficient continuous integration environment.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; The atomic unit of modular container service in Kubernetes is a Pod, which is a group of containers with a common filesystem and networking. The Kubernetes Pod abstraction enables design patterns for containerized applications similar to object-oriented design patterns. Containers provide some of the same benefits as software objects such as modularity or packaging, abstraction, and reuse
- Technical Guide to Creating and Accessing a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack (https://content.mirantis.com/Kubernetes-on-OpenStack-eBook-Landing-Page.html?utm_campaign=Kubernetes&utm_content=39244676&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)
- As Kubernetes gains popularity, many people are asking: “How can Kubernetes and OpenStack be used together?” In this eBook, get a technical walkthrough on how to deploy Kubernetes on OpenStack and start running containerized apps on your Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms 1st ed. Edition (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- Take container cluster management to the next level; learn how to administer and configure Kubernetes on CoreOS; and apply suitable management design patterns such as Configmaps, Autoscaling, elastic resource usage, and high availability. Some of the other features discussed are logging, scheduling, rolling updates, volumes, service types, and multiple cloud provider zones.
- Mastering CoreOS (https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-CoreOS-Sreenivas-Makam/dp/1785288121%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1785288121&zpy=1)
- By Sreenivas Makam (https://twitter.com/srmakam) ; This book covers the CoreOS internals and the technologies used in the deployment of container-based distributed applications. It starts with an overview of CoreOS and distributed application development while sharing knowledge on related technologies. Critical CoreOS services and networking and storage considerations for CoreOS are covered next.
- DevOps with OpenShift (https://www.openshift.com/promotions/devops-with-openshift.html)
- For many organizations, a big part of DevOps’ appeal is software automation using infrastructure-as-code techniques. This book presents developers, architects, and infra-ops engineers with a more practical option.
- Kubernetes Cookbook: Building Cloud Native Applications (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1491979682/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BUwczb09YK4P5)
- By Sebastien Goasguen (https://twitter.com/sebgoa)
- Kubernetes SWAG Via CNCF (https://store.cncf.io/collections/kubernetes)
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- Get your RUN K8S Shirt (https://teespring.com/runk8s#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front)
- If you want to motivate other people to run Kubernetes, this is your Shirt!