All Ambassador Posts

After the inauguration in Chicago, MultiTenancyCon now heading to City of Light in 2024
Ambassador Post After the inauguration in Chicago, MultiTenancyCon now heading to City of Light in 2024
Ambassador post by Saim Safdar Implementing Multi-tenancy patterns is becoming increasingly prominent helping drive maximizing resource utilization, reducing operational overhead , and enabling seamless collaboration—all while ensuring the isolation and performance required by each tenant.  Unwavering support for...
January 19, 2024 | By Saim Safdar

Optimizing the construction of the VM ecosystem with KubeVirt
Ambassador Post Optimizing the construction of the VM ecosystem with KubeVirt
Ambassador post by Zou Nengren Two months ago, we were thrilled to share insights in the article “Best Practices for Migrating VM Clusters to KubeVirt 1.0.” As previously mentioned, we have selected AlmaLinux and Kubernetes 1.28 as the...
January 8, 2024 | By Zou Nengren

Platform engineering maturity at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023
Ambassador Post Platform engineering maturity at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023
Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Mathieu Benoit Platform Engineering was a huge theme at KubeCon NA 2023 in Chicago. More than ever before. More and more companies have initiatives to streamline platform engineering best practices and...
January 3, 2024 | By Mathieu Benoit

My KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Chicago 2023 Experience
Ambassador Post My KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Chicago 2023 Experience
Ambassador post originally published on Social Maharaj’s blog by Atulpriya Sharma I’m sure that by now most of you reading this already know that I was attending KubeCon Chicago in person – my first KubeCon in person! But if you...
November 28, 2023 | By Atulpriya Sharma

Recapping KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023
Ambassador Post Recapping KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023
Member post originally published on’s blog by Dotan Horovits, CNCF ambassador If you missed KubeCon North America 2023 in Chicago, or you were there and spent more time in the “hallway tracks,” you may have missed some...
November 22, 2023

Using GitHub apps with ArgoCD
Ambassador Post Using GitHub apps with ArgoCD
Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Mitch Connors In preparation for my upcoming talk with Christian Hernandez, I’m setting up an ArgoCD instance which pulls config from a private GitHub repository. While this is my first time using Argo...
October 27, 2023 | By Mitch Connors

From non-tech to CNCF Ambassador: transforming my career journey
Ambassador Post From non-tech to CNCF Ambassador: transforming my career journey
Guest post by Julia Furst Morgado, Global Technologist at Kasten by Veeam The pandemic has brought significant changes in our lives, prompting many of us to reevaluate our career paths and make bold decisions. For me, it was...
October 19, 2023 | By Julia Furst Morgado

Best practices for transitioning VM clusters to KubeVirt 1.0
Ambassador Post Best practices for transitioning VM clusters to KubeVirt 1.0
Ambassador post by Zou Nengren The KubeVirt community is thrilled to announce the highly-anticipated release of KubeVirt v1.0! This momentous release signifies the remarkable achievements and widespread adoption within the community, marking a significant milestone for all stakeholders...
September 22, 2023 | By Ambassador post by Zou Nengren

KCD Italy 2023: results, hurdles and emotions
Ambassador Post KCD Italy 2023: results, hurdles and emotions
Ambassador and KCD post by Annalisa Gennaro, CNCF Ambassador, on behalf of and together with the KCD Italy Team What are KCDs? Kubernetes Community Days (KCDs) are events supported by the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) and organised...
September 20, 2023 | By Annalisa Gennaro

Policy management in Kubernetes is changing
Ambassador Post Policy management in Kubernetes is changing
Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Emin Alemdar, CNCF Ambassador The Kubernetes API Server is one of the core components of the Kubernetes Control Plane. This component exposes the Kubernetes API and acts like a front end...
September 14, 2023