All Community Posts

Rust + WebAssembly: building infrastructure for Large Language Model ecosystems
Community Post Rust + WebAssembly: building infrastructure for Large Language Model ecosystems
Community post originally published on Second State’s blog by Sam Liu, Second State Engineer, CNCF’s WasmEdge Maintainer and Miley Fu, CNCF Ambassador, DevRel at WasmEdge This is a talk at the track “The Programming Languages Shaping the Future...
October 30, 2023 | By Sam Liu and Miley Fu

Announcing the Kubernetes policy based governance risk and compliance paper
Community Post Announcing the Kubernetes policy based governance risk and compliance paper
Guest post by Jim Bugwadia The CNCF Kubernetes Policy Working group (WG) has just released a new paper on policy based Governance, Risk, and Compliance to help educate the community about how cloud native best practices can be...
October 19, 2023 | By Jim Bugwadia

Only one label to improve your Kubernetes security posture, with the Pod Security Admission (PSA) — just do it!
Community Post Only one label to improve your Kubernetes security posture, with the Pod Security Admission (PSA) — just do it!
Community post originally published on Medium by Mathieu Benoit In Kubernetes 1.25 as stable (and since 1.23 as beta), the Pod Security admission (PSA) controller replaces PodSecurityPolicy (PSP), making it easier to enforce predefined Pod Security Standards (PSS) by simply adding a label to...
October 12, 2023

Reducing your environmental impact with the Linkerd service mesh
Community Post Reducing your environmental impact with the Linkerd service mesh
Community post by Catherine Paganini Overview Since its inception, Linkerd has always focused on having the smallest possible resource footprint. That makes it not only the most efficient and cost-effective service mesh on the market, but also the...
October 10, 2023

Welcome to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community Post Welcome to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community post by Michel Murabito Today, on the 9th of October, the CNCF Cloud Native Sustainability Week kicks off with a series of global events organized by the cloud native community, dedicated to highlighting the importance of environmental...
October 9, 2023 | By Michel Murabito

From inception to success: organizing KCD Sri Lanka 2023
Community Post From inception to success: organizing KCD Sri Lanka 2023
Guest post by Chamod Shehanka Perera KCD Sri Lanka 2023 took place on September 9th at Trace Experts City, Colombo. It was a one-day conference with learning and networking with Cloud Native enthusiasts from across the Sri Lanka....
October 2, 2023 | By Chamod Shehanka Perera

Jaeger with Opentelemetry in an easy way
Community Post Jaeger with Opentelemetry in an easy way
Guest post originally published on Afzal Ansari’s Blog by Afzal Ansari What if you didn’t find the information by searching through the documentation when you didn’t understand it beforehand in a complex environment? You’d get stuck. You are right,...
October 2, 2023 | By Afzal Ansari

Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Community Post Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023
Guest post by Leonard Pahlke and Kristina Devochko The CNCF Technical Advisory Group for Environmental Sustainability (TAG ENV) is excited to announce the Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023 and YOU are invited! Cloud Native Sustainability Week is a...
September 19, 2023 | By Leonard Pahlke and Kristina Devochko

Navigating success: the power of roadmaps in open source projects
Community Post Navigating success: the power of roadmaps in open source projects
Guest post by Riaan Kleinhans of the TAG Contributor Strategy and Technical Project Manager at Imagine a time before smartphones and satellite navigation, as we recount a remarkable road trip across Europe with little more than a...
September 14, 2023 | By Riaan Kleinhans

Introducing the Wasm landscape (in English and Chinese)
Community Post Introducing the Wasm landscape (in English and Chinese)
By Chris Aniszczyk, Vivian Hu and Michael Yuan “Containers are the new normal, and WebAssembly is the future.”   — CNCF Annual Survey 2022 key findings. Originally created as a secure sandbox to run compiled C/C++ code in...
September 6, 2023 | By Chris Aniszczyk, Vivian Hu. and Michael Yuan