All Member Posts

How to setup blue green deployments with DNS routing
Member Post How to setup blue green deployments with DNS routing
Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Atulpriya Sharma The applications that we use today have evolved greatly over the years. The way we write code has improved considerably along with the way we deploy them...
October 17, 2022 | By Atulpriya Sharma

Securing CI/CD pipelines through security gates with Kubescape 
Member Post Securing CI/CD pipelines through security gates with Kubescape 
Guest post originally published on the ARMO blog by Ben Hirschberg DevOps and modern engineering have enabled us to provide higher quality code at greater speeds by introducing guardrails and checks into our automated continuous integration (CI) and...
October 14, 2022 | By Ben Hirschberg

Learn about Kubernetes security best practices for your cloud native application development
Member Post Learn about Kubernetes security best practices for your cloud native application development
Guest post by Deepfactor Given the scalability and flexibility of containers, developers are being encouraged to develop net-new applications—and refactor existing workloads—for Kubernetes. However, the focus on rapid development and deployment presents many security challenges for organizations to...
October 12, 2022

If you are using ‘kubectl’, you are probably doing it wrong
Member Post If you are using ‘kubectl’, you are probably doing it wrong
Guest post originally published on the Nethopper blog by Chris Munford Like many people, I managed my first cluster using the kubernetes cli (aka kubectl). I deployed a handful of ‘objects’ such as deployments, secrets, configmaps, and services...
October 11, 2022

Chaos Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2022
Member Post Chaos Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2022
Guest post by the team at Harness The adoption and need for Chaos Engineering is growing in the cloud native ecosystem. Chaos Engineering will have a larger presence in Detroit, Michigan with an exciting KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA...
October 11, 2022

Building an eBPF-based profiler
Member Post Building an eBPF-based profiler
Guest post originally published on the ContainIQ blog by Matt Lenhard, co-founder & CTO In this blog post, we recap the process and methodology we used to build our eBPF-based profiler. We include techniques and examples for both...
October 10, 2022

KubeEdge: Design and implementation of the next-generation cloud native edge device management standard DMI
Member Post KubeEdge: Design and implementation of the next-generation cloud native edge device management standard DMI
Guest post by Zhao Ran (Huawei Cloud), Wang Zilong (DaoCloud) With the maturity of technologies such as 5G, AI, and distributed cloud, concepts such as Internet of Everything (IoE), digital twin, and ubiquitous compute are extending, bringing innovations...
October 5, 2022 | By Zhao Ran + Wang Zilong

Zero trust for cloud-native workloads
Member Post Zero trust for cloud-native workloads
Guest post originally published on the Tigera blog by Giri Radhakrishnan There has been a huge uptick in microservices adoption in the data analytics domain, primarily aided by machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) projects. Some of...
October 3, 2022 | By Giri Radhakrishnan

An introduction to GitOps and Argo
Member Post An introduction to GitOps and Argo
Guest post originally published on the InfluxData blog by Charles Mahler In an ideal world, developers would be able to release new products and features from development environments into production extremely fast while also not having to stress...
September 30, 2022 | By Charles Mahler

Persistent, distributed Kubernetes Storage with Longhorn
Member Post Persistent, distributed Kubernetes Storage with Longhorn
Guest post initially published on the SUSE blog by Sadequl Hussain Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system that enables applications to run on a cluster of hosts. It’s a critical part of cloud native architecture because it...
September 29, 2022 | By Sadequl Hussain