All Member Posts

Stream vs. Batch: Leveraging M3 and Thanos for real-time aggregation
Member Post Stream vs. Batch: Leveraging M3 and Thanos for real-time aggregation
Guest post originally published on Chronosphere’s blog by Gibbs Cullen KubeCon North America 2021 – Breakout Session Recap I gave a breakout session at this year’s KubeCon North America titled “Stream vs. Batch: Leveraging M3 and Thanos for...
December 14, 2021 | By Gibbs Cullen

Why you should consider developing a culture of resilience
Member Post Why you should consider developing a culture of resilience
Guest post by Russ Miles, Lead Associate for eSynergy Solutions Speed (of change delivery, i.e. agility) or Reliability, that has been the question. You can go fast, or you can go reliable (and secure), which is it going...
December 13, 2021

Hosted Edge vs Cloud: the battle for latency and security
Member Post Hosted Edge vs Cloud: the battle for latency and security
Guest post originally published on Snapt’s blog by Iwan Price-Evans We talk a lot about the importance of cloud computing and moving infrastructure into the cloud for better performance and availability on a global scale. However, with expectations...
December 8, 2021 | By Iwan Price-Evans

Building a continuous profiler part 1: An intro to app ProfilingPermalink
Member Post Building a continuous profiler part 1: An intro to app ProfilingPermalink
Guest post originally published on Pixie’s blog by Omid Azizi and Pete Stevenson Application profiling tools are not new, but they are often a hassle to use. Many profilers require you to recompile your application or at the...
December 3, 2021 | By Omid Azizi and Pete Stevenson

How to develop a custom provider in Terraform
Member Post How to develop a custom provider in Terraform
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Saravanan Gnanaguru Terraform Introduction and Overview Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code technology and it is used to create immutable infrastructure. It allows infrastructure to be expressed as code in...
December 2, 2021 | By Saravanan Gnanaguru

Is Kubernetes service ownership the key to better container security?
Member Post Is Kubernetes service ownership the key to better container security?
Guest post by Robert Brennan, Fairwinds In the world of software development and Kubernetes, service ownership means development teams take responsibility for supporting the products they deliver, at every stage of the service life cycle. This model gives...
December 1, 2021 | By Robert Brennan

Microservices and cloud native applications vs. monolithic applications
Member Post Microservices and cloud native applications vs. monolithic applications
Guest post originally published on SparkFabrik’s blog by the SparkFabrik Team In a full Digital Transformation logic, today’s IT ecosystems are strongly inclined towards the hybrid and multi-cloud paradigm. In this context, applications implemented based on a microservices architecture can return greater advantages compared to classic monolithic...
November 30, 2021 | By SparkFabrik Team

Giving your legacy applications an API facelift
Member Post Giving your legacy applications an API facelift
Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by David La Motta Let’s face it: In today’s modern world of cloud and containers, there are still thousands of legacy applications that were not written with an API-first approach. Some...
November 29, 2021 | By David La Motta

Kubernetes main attack vectors tree: an explainer guide
Member Post Kubernetes main attack vectors tree: an explainer guide
Guest post originally published on Magalix’s blog by Andrew Zola Kubernetes is a leader in container orchestration. According to Statista, as much as 46% of respondents in a recent survey stated that they used Kubernetes for automating computer application...
November 24, 2021 | By Andrew Zola

How to add observability to your application pipeline
Member Post How to add observability to your application pipeline
Guest post originally published on Snapt’s blog by Iwan Price-Evans In this data-driven world, we capture data for just about everything in our software and hardware. User data, user behaviors, events, data flows, and the inner workings of...
November 23, 2021 | By Iwan Price-Evans