All Member Posts

Monitor Cloudflare workers using Prometheus Exporter
Member Post Monitor Cloudflare workers using Prometheus Exporter
Member post originally published on Last9’s blog by Aniket Rao Here’s a detailed blog post on monitoring Cloudflare Workers using Prometheus Exporter. We discuss the data flow of how Prometheus Cloudflare Exporter fetches metrics from your Cloudflare account; then, by scraping the...
February 21, 2024 | By Aniket Rao

Securing OpenTofu with Nirmata powered by Kyverno
Member Post Securing OpenTofu with Nirmata powered by Kyverno
Member post originally published on Nirmata’s blog by Anusha Hegde As Infrastructure as Code (IaC) continues to gain popularity among DevOps practitioners for its efficiency and scalability, the recent Terraform license ambiguity has prompted the emergence of alternative...
February 21, 2024 | By Anusha Hegde

Analysis of Xline Jepsen tests
Member Post Analysis of Xline Jepsen tests
Member post by DatenLord Table of Contents Abstract In this article, we will mainly introduce the application of Jepsen in the testing of a distributed KV storage Xline. This includes an introduction to the chaos engineering framework Jepsen,...
February 19, 2024 | By DatenLord

Anatomy of a CVE
Member Post Anatomy of a CVE
Member post originally published on SighUp’s blog by Simone Ragonesi and Sara Trappetti Introduction In this article, we will conduct an in-depth exploration of an impactful vulnerability affecting various container runtimes. A few days ago, the email inbox of Snyk’s partners...
February 13, 2024 | By Simone Ragonesi and Sara Trappetti

When do you need attributes in fine-grained authorization?
Member Post When do you need attributes in fine-grained authorization?
Member post originally published on Aserto’s blog by Omri Gazitt, CEO, Aserto Fine-grained authorization is the process of verifying that a subject (typically a user) has permission to perform an action on a specific resource (for example, a...
February 12, 2024 | By Omri Gazitt

The need for speed: optimizing Kyverno’s performance
Member Post The need for speed: optimizing Kyverno’s performance
Member post originally published on Nirmata’s blog by Jim Bugwadia and Khaled Emara About Kyverno Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes and cloud native workloads. Policies can be managed as Kubernetes resources, and no new language...
February 9, 2024 | By Jim Bugwadia and Khaled Emara

Data migration using AWS DMS with Terraform IAC
Member Post Data migration using AWS DMS with Terraform IAC
Member post by Msys Technologies Abstract So, everybody loves using the word “migration”. Migrate this, automate that. Just dump it out and automatically migrate it to that <insert-cool-new-cloud-acronym>. Is it that simple, though? Well, let’s find out in...
February 7, 2024 | By Msys Technologies

What’s happening to standard RIs?
Member Post What’s happening to standard RIs?
Member post originally published on Zesty’s blog by Pini Ben-Nahum When it comes to AWS discount plans, management approaches vary greatly. The often overlooked (Standard Reserved Instance) SRI has a lot to offer on further review. The deeper discount...
February 6, 2024 | By Pini Ben-Nahum

Autoscaling simplified: how to scale your applications in Kubernetes
Member Post Autoscaling simplified: how to scale your applications in Kubernetes
Member post originally published on Devtron’s blog by Kamal Acharya TL;DR: In containerized environments where application are broken down into smaller, manageable components autoscaling plays the vital role in optimising performance, resource utilisation and provides a seamless experience...
February 5, 2024 | By Kamal Acharya

What is a developer self-service platform and why does it matter?
Member Post What is a developer self-service platform and why does it matter?
Member post originally published on’s blog Speed is critical in the tech world. Organizations want to ship code quickly to gain a competitive edge. However, developers often need more time for essential infrastructure, environments, and access from...
February 2, 2024