All Member Posts

Monitoring ADCs the Cloud Native Way With Prometheus and Grafana
Member Post Monitoring ADCs the Cloud Native Way With Prometheus and Grafana
Guest post by Dave Blakey, CTO Snapt Cloud Native computing has fundamentally shifted the paradigm for how applications are built and run. Built around concepts of ephemeral compute and immutable infrastructure based on Containers, Cloud Native computing focuses...
September 28, 2020 | By Dave Blakey

You can handle pods, but what about clusters?
Member Post You can handle pods, but what about clusters?
Member Blog Post Guest post originally published on DoiT International’s blog by Joshua Fox Kubernetes makes it easy to orchestrate the pods that run your applications. But what about the clusters that the pods run on? These need...
September 25, 2020 | By Joshua Fox

With Kubernetes, It’s Not All About Horsepower
Member Post With Kubernetes, It’s Not All About Horsepower
Member Blog Post Guest post originally published on Carbon Relay’s blog by Brad Ascar Sr. Solutions Architect, Carbon Relay I make my living in the software business. I started out as a software developer, moved up to systems engineering...
September 23, 2020 | By Brad Ascar

Container Attached Storage is Cloud Native Storage (CAS)
Member Post Container Attached Storage is Cloud Native Storage (CAS)
Guest post by Evan Powell, CEO at MayaData Or, how can cloud services not be cloud-native? KubeCon EU was great in many ways. One pleasant surprise is that because KubeCon was a virtual event, this led to me...
September 22, 2020 | By Evan Powell

5 Problems with Kubernetes Cost Estimation Strategies
Member Post 5 Problems with Kubernetes Cost Estimation Strategies
Guest post originally published on Fairwinds blog by Robert Brennan Estimating how much you are spending (or wasting) on a particular Kubernetes workload is hard. The good news is that there are some reasonable strategies for estimating how...
September 18, 2020 | By Robert Brennan

How to Create Ephemeral Environments using Crossplane and ArgoCD?
Member Post How to Create Ephemeral Environments using Crossplane and ArgoCD?
Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Suraj Banakar What if you could just spin up a temporary cluster to test your application and set it to delete it after a certain time period automatically, all...
September 18, 2020 | By Suraj Banakar

Simplify Kubernetes Resource Access Control using RBAC Impersonation
Member Post Simplify Kubernetes Resource Access Control using RBAC Impersonation
Guest post originally published on Bitnami by Juanjo Ciarlante Introduction Kubernetes, like any other secure system, supports the following concepts: Authentication: Verifying and proving identities for users and groups, and service accounts Authorization: Allowing users to perform specific...
September 17, 2020 | By Juanjo Ciarlante

Un-Distance your Web-App!
Member Post Un-Distance your Web-App!
Member Post Guest post originally published on the Volterra blog by Pranav Dharwadkar, VP of Products at Volterra This blog describes a key challenge of web application performance faced by online enterprises around the world. This blog describes...
September 16, 2020 | By Pranav Dharwadkar

Top 7 challenges to becoming cloud native
Member Post Top 7 challenges to becoming cloud native
Guest post originally published on the CloudOps blog Cloud native applications take full advantage of the cloud’s operational model, driving business value by being auto-provisioning, scaling, and redundant. By breaking down monolithic applications into independent but connected containers,...
September 15, 2020

Leaving the Swarm: The Road to Kubernetes
Member Post Leaving the Swarm: The Road to Kubernetes
Guest post by Kevin Crawley, Developer Advocate for Containous In order to tell this story, we have to go back a little over three years ago, when I was asked to join Single as an investor, implement a...
September 14, 2020 | By Kevin Crawley