All Member Posts

4 tips for maximizing your virtual KubeCon experience
Member Post 4 tips for maximizing your virtual KubeCon experience
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon sponsor guest post from Amanda Katona, Cloud Native Community Engagement Director at VMware We are fast approaching the first ever virtual KubeCon. What started a few years ago with a handful of people in a...
August 3, 2020

Kubernetes RBAC 101: Authentication
Member Post Kubernetes RBAC 101: Authentication
Guest post originally published on the Kublr blog by Oleg Chunikhin Leveraging Client Certificates and Bearer Tokens to Authenticate in Kubernetes In part one of this series on Kubernetes RBAC, we introduced authentication and authorization methods. In this article, we’ll dive...
July 31, 2020

How to avoid the 503 error!
Member Post How to avoid the 503 error!
Guest post originally published on the Cuemby blog  How to avoid the 503 error! The dreaded 503 Service Unavailable error is an HTTP status code that technically means the web site’s server is simply not available at this time. Usually, it...
July 29, 2020

Logging in Kubernetes: EFK vs PLG Stack
Member Post Logging in Kubernetes: EFK vs PLG Stack
Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Anjul Sahu, Solution Architect at InfraCloud With ever-increasing complexity in distributed systems and growing cloud-native solutions, monitoring and observability become a very important aspect in understanding how the systems are behaving....
July 27, 2020

Open application model: carving building blocks for platforms
Member Post Open application model: carving building blocks for platforms
Guest Post from Andy Shi, developer advocate for Alibaba Cloud As a platform engineer, I often feel like a sandwich: Being squashed between the customer and the underlying infrastructure. The complaint I get most from users is about...
July 24, 2020

Which Kubernetes certification is right for you?
Member Post Which Kubernetes certification is right for you?
Guest post originally published on the New Relic blog by Isaac Eldridge, technical content editor at New Relic Since it was open sourced by Google in 2014, Kubernetes has skyrocketed in popularity. Now a graduated project of the Cloud Native Computing...
July 20, 2020

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 101 with DevOps vs SRE
Member Post Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 101 with DevOps vs SRE
Guest post originally published on the MSys Technologies blog by Sunny Raskar Consider the scenario below An Independent Software Provider (ISV) developed a financial application for a global investment firm that serves global conglomerates, leading central banks, asset...
July 17, 2020

Efficient model training in the cloud with Kubernetes, TensorFlow, and Alluxio
Member Post Efficient model training in the cloud with Kubernetes, TensorFlow, and Alluxio
Guest post originally published on the Alluxio Engineering Blog by Rong Gu, associate researcher at Nanjing University, and Yang Che, is a senior technical expert at Alibaba Cloud, feat. the Alibaba Cloud Container Service Team Case Study This...
July 3, 2020

Jenkins and Kubernetes: The Perfect Pair
Member Post Jenkins and Kubernetes: The Perfect Pair
Guest post originally published on the Rookout blog by Liran Haimovitch, co-founder and CTO of Rookout As the world is adapting to new and unforeseen circumstances, many of the traditional ways of doing things are no longer. One significant effect...
July 2, 2020

Kubernetes best practices for monitoring and alerts
Member Post Kubernetes best practices for monitoring and alerts
Guest post originally published on the Fairwinds blog by Sarah Zelechoski, VP of engineering at Fairwinds The truth is Kubernetes monitoring done right is a fantasy for most. It’s a problem magnified in a dynamic, ever-changing Kubernetes environment....
June 30, 2020