All Member Posts

Resolve chart upgrade issues after migrating to Helm v3
Member Post Resolve chart upgrade issues after migrating to Helm v3
Guest post originally published on Bitnami Docs by Vikram Vaswani Introduction Helm v3 was released a few months ago, bringing with a number of architectural changes and new features – most notably, the removal of Tiller and an...
April 27, 2020

Prometheus and Grafana: the perfect combo
Member Post Prometheus and Grafana: the perfect combo
Originally published on the Epsagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CTO at Epsagon In this post, we talk about two of the most popular open-source monitoring solutions available today: Prometheus and Grafana. Monitoring is a crucial feature for any...
April 24, 2020

Chasing away Kubernetes DaemonSet issues with Prometheus & AlertManager
Member Post Chasing away Kubernetes DaemonSet issues with Prometheus & AlertManager
Guest post by Mohammed Naser, CEO of VEXXHOST As we slowly continue our migration to Prometheus alarms with AlertManager, we took a strategy of building out a vague set of alerts and then building more accurate, narrowed down...
April 21, 2020

What if it was a software bug/virus? Cyber vs. COVID-19: A thought experiment
Member Post What if it was a software bug/virus? Cyber vs. COVID-19: A thought experiment
Originally published on the Rookout blog by Or Weis, CEO and Co-Founder of Rookout The metaphor of software viruses to biological ones is deeply ingrained, easily seen in the fact that biological viruses are at least the namesake, if not...
April 20, 2020

Migrating to Kubernetes
Member Post Migrating to Kubernetes
Originally published on the Sensu blog by Todd Campbell, Developer Advocate at Sensu The reasons to move to Kubernetes are many and compelling. This post doesn’t make the case that you should migrate, but assumes you have already decided that...
April 17, 2020

Serverless Open-Source Frameworks: OpenFaaS, Knative, & more
Member Post Serverless Open-Source Frameworks: OpenFaaS, Knative, & more
Originally published on the Epsagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CTO at Epsagon This article will discuss a few of the frameworks mentioned above and will go deep into OpenFaaS and Knative to present their architecture, main components, and...
April 13, 2020

Cloud native ecosystem empowering new open source deep learning framework
Member Post Cloud native ecosystem empowering new open source deep learning framework
By Zhipeng Huang, open source community manager, Mindspore, Huawei Hello World, MindSpore MindSpore[0] is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework from Huawei that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios. MindSpore is designed to...
April 10, 2020

Deployment Bottlenecks and how to tame them
Member Post Deployment Bottlenecks and how to tame them
Guest post originally published on by Liran Haimovtich is the Co-Founder and CTO of Rookout If you take a long hard look at the DevOps movement, you will find it actually divides neatly into two sub-movements. The...
March 23, 2020

How to setup role based access to Kubernetes cluster
Member Post How to setup role based access to Kubernetes cluster
Guest blog post originally published on Infracloud from Vivek Singh, software developer, Infracloud If you are working on Kubernetes for some time you may have faced a scenario where you have to give some users limited access to...
March 17, 2020

Is IT suffocating your organization? Here’s how to get your contextual data pipelines right
Member Post Is IT suffocating your organization? Here’s how to get your contextual data pipelines right
Guest post originally published on the Rookout blog by Or Weis In a modern organization, the dependency on constant data flow doesn’t skip a single role — already encompassing every function in R&D, Sales, Marketing, BI, and Product. Essentially every...
March 13, 2020