All Project Posts

Kyverno moves to the CNCF Incubator
Project Post Kyverno moves to the CNCF Incubator
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Kyverno as a CNCF incubating project.  Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes. Policies provide security and automation and simplify managing Kubernetes configurations across developers, operators, and...
July 12, 2022

OSTIF’s audit of KubeEdge is complete. Multiple security issues found and fixed.
Community Post OSTIF’s audit of KubeEdge is complete. Multiple security issues found and fixed.
Community post originally published on the OSTIF blog Open Source Technology Improvement Fund ( is thrilled to report the results of a security audit of KubeEdge. KubeEdge is an edge computing framework built on top of Kubernetes and...
July 11, 2022

KubeVirt + Kube-OVN: Networking for cloud native virtualization 
Project Post KubeVirt + Kube-OVN: Networking for cloud native virtualization 
Guest post by Mengxin Liu, Kube-OVN Founding Engineer, Alauda Senior Engineer. As cloud native technologies converge to data centers and the infrastructure, more and more enterprises are using Kubernetes and KubeVirt to run virtualized workloads and manage both...
July 11, 2022 | By Mengxin Liu

OpenTelemetry roadmap and latest updates
Project Post OpenTelemetry roadmap and latest updates
Project post originally published on Dotan Horovits’ blog TL;DR Key updates: OpenTelemetry has reached RC for Metrics Logs specification is stable, Logs Beta plans Adding Real User Monitoring support to OpenTelemetry Adding Continuous Profiling to OpenTelemetry Ease of...
July 7, 2022 | By Dotan Horovits

Zen and the art of application dashboards
Project Post Zen and the art of application dashboards
Guest post originally published on the Elastisys blog Image the following. It’s 9.00. You just finished the daily stand-up. Time to get into deep focus mode and build that next feature. Or perhaps Huddle with your backend buddy...
July 6, 2022 | By Elastisys team

LitmusChaos June 2022 Update
Project Post LitmusChaos June 2022 Update
Project post by the LitmusChaos maintainers The Chaos Engineering community is growing exponentially day by day and the LitmusChaos community is grateful to be receiving massive participation and immense engagement in recent times to help the Chaos Engineering...
July 5, 2022 | By LitmusChaos Maintainers

LitmusChaos at KubeCon EU 2022
Project Post LitmusChaos at KubeCon EU 2022
Guest post by Prithvi Raj, Community Lead for LitmusChaos “One of the best things KubeCon offered was the opportunity to meet several contributors, maintainers, and users of LitmusChaos in person. I can vouch for the fact that the...
July 1, 2022 | By Prithvi Raj

Why Spark chooses Volcano as built-in batch scheduler on Kubernetes?
Project Post Why Spark chooses Volcano as built-in batch scheduler on Kubernetes?
Guest post by Volcano Maintainers On June 16, 2022, Apache Spark released its new version, v3.3. The highlight of this version is that it provides framework support for customized Kubernetes schedulers and, for the first time, uses Volcano...
June 30, 2022 | By Volcano Maintainers

Announcing Vitess 14
Project Post Announcing Vitess 14
Project cross-post by the Vitess Engineering Team We are pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 14. Major Themes # In this new release, major improvements have been made in several areas of Vitess, including usability and reliability. Usability #...
June 28, 2022

Announcing the completion of Linkerd’s 2022 Security Audit
Project Post Announcing the completion of Linkerd’s 2022 Security Audit
Linkerd project cross-post by William Morgan Today we’re happy to announce the completion of Linkerd’s annual security audit, conducted by Trail of Bits and funded by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. As part of Linkerd’s commitment to openness, transparency, and security...
June 28, 2022 | By William Morgan