All Project Posts

Flux: March 2023 Update
Project Post Flux: March 2023 Update
Project post originally published on the Flux blog by Daniel Holbach As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are...
April 14, 2023

Volcano Engine: distributed image acceleration practice based on Dragonfly
Project Post Volcano Engine: distributed image acceleration practice based on Dragonfly
Project post by Gaius, Dragonfly Maintainer Terms and definitions Term Definition OCI The Open Container Initiative is a Linux Foundation project launched by Docker in June 2015 to design open standards for operating system-level virtualization (and most importantly...
April 13, 2023

Stability and scalability assessment of KubeVela
Project Post Stability and scalability assessment of KubeVela
Guest post by Da Yin, infra engineer at Alibaba Cloud and KubeVela maintainer Background With the release of v1.8, KubeVela, the OAM-based application delivery project, has been continuously evolving for over 3 years. It is now being adopted...
April 12, 2023 | By Da Yin

Meet LitmusChaos at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023!
Ambassador Post Meet LitmusChaos at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023!
Project post by Prithvi Raj, Community Leader, LitmusChaos KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2023 kicks off in Amsterdam a couple of weeks from now from April 18-21.  After a fantastic couple of days at Chaos Carnival 2023, the LitmusChaos...
April 7, 2023 | By Prithvi Raj

Helm completes fuzzing security audit
Project Post Helm completes fuzzing security audit
Project post originally published on Helm blog by Adam Korczynski, David Korczynski, and Martin Hickey In the past year, the team at Ada Logics has worked on integrating continuous fuzzing into the Helm core project. This was an effort focused on...
March 31, 2023

KubeVela: the road to cloud native application and platform engineering
Project Post KubeVela: the road to cloud native application and platform engineering
Guest post by Da Yin, engineer at Alibaba Cloud and maintainer of KubeVela Background Dating back to year 2019, Kubernetes is gradually being widely adopted as the de facto standard for deploying and managing infrastructures. More and more...
March 31, 2023

Dragonfly v2.0.9 is released!
Project Post Dragonfly v2.0.9 is released!
Project post originally published on Github by Dragonfly maintainers Dragonfly v2.0.9 is released! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Team, Volcano Engine Team, and Baidu AI Cloud Team for helping Dragonfly integrate with their public clouds....
March 20, 2023

Linkerd and ingress controllers: bringing the outside world in
Project Post Linkerd and ingress controllers: bringing the outside world in
Guest post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by Flynn This blog post is based on a workshop I recently delivered at Buoyant’s Service Mesh Academy. If this seems interesting, check out the full recording! No matter what you’re working on...
March 15, 2023

Istio ambient service mesh merged to Istio’s main branch
Project Post Istio ambient service mesh merged to Istio’s main branch
Guest post originally published on Istio’s blog by John Howard and Lin Sun Istio ambient service mesh was launched in Sept 2022 in an experimental branch, introducing a new data plane mode for Istio without sidecars. Through collaboration with the...
March 14, 2023 | By John Howard and Lin Sun

Flux2 migration: how we dropped our CPU usage by nearly 40x
End User Post Flux2 migration: how we dropped our CPU usage by nearly 40x
Guest post originally published on TrueLayer’s blog by Surya Pandian, Senior Software Developer The sun is setting on Flux1. With a carefully planned migration to Flux2, we’ve been able to cut costs and speed up reconciliations. Kubernetes is...
March 9, 2023 | By Surya Pandian