All TAG Posts

A new App Development WG has now been launched!
TAG Post A new App Development WG has now been launched!
TAG post from TAG App Delivery Calling all developers! We’re excited to announce the launch of the new App Development Working Group within the TAG App Delivery. This group is dedicated to bridging the gap between developers and...
July 5, 2024

Policy-as-Code in the software supply chain
TAG Post Policy-as-Code in the software supply chain
TAG post by members of TAG security including Marina Moore, Michael Lieberman, John Kjell, James Carnegie, and Luca Bandini Reviewers: Emily Fox, Andrés Vega, Andrew McNamara, Andrew Block, Jon Zeolla, Andrew Martin Introduction Software supply chain policy describes...
February 14, 2024 | By Marina Moore, Michael Lieberman, John Kjell, James Carnegie, and Luca Bandini

Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023: putting sustainability on the community radar
TAG Post Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023: putting sustainability on the community radar
TAG post by Michel Murabito, Marta Paciorkowska, Kristina Devochko, and Leonard Pahlke For the first time, during the week 9th-15th October 2023, CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability organized a global community event that was aimed to raise awareness for...
January 29, 2024 | By Michel Murabito, Marta Paciorkowska, Kristina Devochko, and Leonard Pahlke

Reduce, reuse, rebase: sustainable containers with Buildpacks
TAG Post Reduce, reuse, rebase: sustainable containers with Buildpacks
TAG post originally published on Cloud Native sustainability’s blog by Joe Kutner Container builds can be very wasteful. Every operating system update, new dependency version, and toolchain upgrade results in copious amounts of energy used to build and...
January 11, 2024 | By Joe Kutner

Navigating success: the power of roadmaps in open source projects
Community Post Navigating success: the power of roadmaps in open source projects
Guest post by Riaan Kleinhans of the TAG Contributor Strategy and Technical Project Manager at Imagine a time before smartphones and satellite navigation, as we recount a remarkable road trip across Europe with little more than a...
September 14, 2023 | By Riaan Kleinhans

Cloud Native Security Whitepaper version 1.0 audiobook release
TAG Post Cloud Native Security Whitepaper version 1.0 audiobook release
Community post from the Security Technical Advisory Group (TAG) In 2020, the Security Technical Advisory Group (TAG) within the CNCF published the initial version of a whitepaper outlining the lifecycle and landscape for cloud native security. The first...
August 12, 2022

Announcing the Secure Software Factory Reference Architecture Paper
TAG Post Announcing the Secure Software Factory Reference Architecture Paper
Community post by Alexander Floyd Marshall from TAG Security Almost a year ago the CNCF published its “Software Supply Chain Best Practices” guide, detailing over 50 ways to improve cloud-native software supply chains. That guide referenced the concept...
May 20, 2022

Evaluating your Supply Chain Security
TAG Post Evaluating your Supply Chain Security
Last December, as we were all counting down the days until 2020 was no more, FireEye posted an announcement that caused various beveragewares across the world to fall and shatter on the floor: some sort of state-sponsored attacker...
May 14, 2021