China’s largest retailer and the world’s third-largest Internet company by revenue, serves more than 300 million active customers with its e-commerce business. The company also owns China’s largest e-commerce logistics infrastructure, which covers an incredible 99% of...
August 1, 2019

Ant Financial
Ant Financial
A spinoff of the multinational conglomerate Alibaba, Ant Financial boasts a $150+ billion valuation and the scale to match. The fintech startup, launched in 2014, is comprised of Alipay, the world’s largest online payment platform, and numerous other...
July 31, 2019

China Unicom
China Unicom
With more than 300 million users, China Unicom is one of the country’s top three telecom operators. Behind the scenes, the company runs multiple data centers with thousands of servers in each, using Docker containerization and VMWare and...
April 5, 2019

Its gaming business is the fifth-largest in the world, but that’s not all that NetEase provides consumers. The company also operates e-commerce, advertising, music streaming, online education, and email platforms in China; the last of which serves almost...
March 14, 2019

A leading fintech conglomerate in China, CreditEase provides individual customers, businesses and startups with a large variety of lending and wealth management services. With its stated mission of “Better tech, better finance, better world,” the company is focused...
January 29, 2019

Qihoo 360
Qihoo 360
The search division of the Chinese software giant Qihoo 360 Technology, is the second largest search engine in China, with market share of more than 35%. The company had been using traditional manual operations for deploying environments,...
January 17, 2019

Founded in 2013, Slamtec provides service robot autonomous localization and navigation solutions. In this fast-moving space, the company built its success on the ability of its R&D team to quickly introduce, and continually iterate on, its core products....
January 17, 2019
With more than 300 million active users and $55.7 billion in annual revenues last year, is China’s largest retailer, and its operations are the epitome of hyperscale. For example, there are more than a trillion images in...
January 16, 2019

Since it was introduced in 2015, the open source NewSQL database TiDB has gained a following for its compatibility with MySQL, its ability to handle hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) workloads—and its cloud native architectural design. PingCAP,...
December 10, 2018

Huawei’s Kubernetes journey began with one developer. Over two years ago, one of the engineers employed by the networking and telecommunications giant became interested in Kubernetes, the technology for managing application containers across clusters of hosts, and started...
February 20, 2018