Volcano Releases v1.6.0
Project Post Volcano Releases v1.6.0
Project post by Volcano project maintainers CNCF Volcano 1.6.0 is now available with new features such as elastic job management, dynamic scheduling and rescheduling based on actual resource utilization, and MPI job plugin. Volcano is the  first cloud...
June 17, 2022

Protocol: “What’s the single hardest thing for companies to get right about cloud-native application development?”
Protocol: “What’s the single hardest thing for companies to get right about cloud-native application development?”
The most challenging thing for companies is finding a balanced framework that ensures a certain level of service is provided and also allows for experimentation and testing of new approaches. To get cloud native development right we must...
June 16, 2022

A new perspective on Kubernetes-native target operating model
Member Post A new perspective on Kubernetes-native target operating model
Guest post from IBM Authors: Vishal Anand – Chief Technologist, Cloud Migrations and OpenShift PaaS – IBM Consulting Utpal Mangla – Industry EDGE Cloud – IBM Cloud Platform Atul Gupta – Lead Data Architect – IBM Luca Marchi...
June 16, 2022 | By Vishal Anand, Utpal Mangla, Atul Gupta, Luca Marchi

Kubernetes Operators: what are they? Some examples
Member Post Kubernetes Operators: what are they? Some examples
Guest post originally published on the SparkFabrik blog Kubernetes offers limited initial functionality to ensure flexibility and scalability. K8s Operators are software extensions that make use of Kubernetes APIs to extend behavior. What do we need to know...
June 15, 2022

The top 10 fallacies in platform engineering
Member Post The top 10 fallacies in platform engineering
Guest post originally published on Humanitec’s blog by Kaspar von Grünberg, CEO at Humanitec We spoke to over 1850 engineering organizations last year. Most are planning to or already building an Internal Developer Platform. Here are the hardest...
June 15, 2022 | By Kaspar von Grünberg

Our trip to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Valencia 2022, day by day
Member Post Our trip to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Valencia 2022, day by day
Guest post originally published on the Mia-Platform blog by Giulio Roggero, CTO, Mia-Platform We live in an ever‑changing world where technology plays a key role in evolution. The ultimate expression of this concept is KubeCon Valencia, the flagship event...
June 14, 2022 | By Giulio Roggero

Cloud Native Glossary — the Chinese Version is Live! 
Community Post Cloud Native Glossary — the Chinese Version is Live! 
Community post from the Chinese Cloud Native Glossary team: Chester Cheung, Brian Yan (Rocksnake), Jacob953 Yu, Wen Zhou The Cloud Native Glossary is a project led by the CNCF Business Value Subcommittee. Its goal is to explain cloud native...
June 14, 2022

Know your cloud security acronyms: CWPP, CSPM, CIEM and CNAPP
Member Post Know your cloud security acronyms: CWPP, CSPM, CIEM and CNAPP
Guest post originally published on the Orca Security blog by Ty Murphy and Sarah Smith Acronyms help communicate lengthy phrases, but they can sometimes be confusing. This is especially true in the security industry, which has an alphabet...
June 13, 2022

InfoQ: “CNCF Accepts KubeVirt as an Incubating Project”
InfoQ: “CNCF Accepts KubeVirt as an Incubating Project”
Recently, the CNCF promoted KubeVirt from the sandbox to incubating project level. KubeVirt enables users to run virtual machine workloads on top of Kubernetes in a Kubernetes-native way. KubeVirt can enable the migration of legacy applications by supporting...
June 11, 2022

Docker monitoring tutorial – How to monitor Docker with Telegraf and InfluxDB
Member Post Docker monitoring tutorial – How to monitor Docker with Telegraf and InfluxDB
Guest post published by Cameron Pavey, InfluxDB. How to Monitor Docker with Telegraf and InfluxDB Docker is an increasingly popular choice for businesses dealing with containerized applications. However, as with any new technology, Docker introduces complexities that need...
June 10, 2022 | By Cameron Pavey