Spiceworks: “Kubernetes Celebrates 10th Birthday in Paris with Biggest KubeCon”
Spiceworks: “Kubernetes Celebrates 10th Birthday in Paris with Biggest KubeCon”
This year, Kubernetes, the cloud native technology on which most current applications, cloud services and major online platforms are based on, is turning ten. And unlike my tenth birthday, Kubernetes started its celebration off in great style with...
April 5, 2024

Membership change source code interpretation
Member Post Membership change source code interpretation
Member post originally published on Medium by DatenLord Background In distributed system application scenarios, it is inevitable to add or delete nodes or replace nodes, the simplest solution is to temporarily shut down the cluster, then directly modify...
April 4, 2024 | By DatenLord

A 2024 K8s Benchmark Report: the latest trends in workload reliability
Member Post A 2024 K8s Benchmark Report: the latest trends in workload reliability
Member post originally published on Fairwinds’ blog by Joe Pelletier According to Gartner, cloud computing will become an essential component of maintaining business competitiveness by 2028. Indeed, in 2024 spending on public cloud services is projected to reach $679...
April 3, 2024 | By Joe Pelletier

Gödel Scheduler open-sourced: a unified scheduler for online and offline workloads
Member Post Gödel Scheduler open-sourced: a unified scheduler for online and offline workloads
Member post by ByteDance Background Since its open-source release in 2014, Kubernetes has rapidly become the de facto standard for container orchestration. The infrastructure team at ByteDance adopted Kubernetes early on to build our private cloud platform. Over...
April 2, 2024 | By ByteDance

Elevating system resilience: leveraging LitmusChaos and Backstage integration
Project Post Elevating system resilience: leveraging LitmusChaos and Backstage integration
Project post by Namkyu Park, Maintainer of LitmusChaos (LinkedIn | GitHub) This blog post provides step-by-step instructions for injecting chaos using LitmusChaos and managing it with Backstage. Table of Contents Chaos Engineering, LitmusChaos, and Backstage As cloud-native technologies, including Kubernetes,...
April 1, 2024 | By Namkyu Park

Generating Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies from Kyverno policies
Project Post Generating Kubernetes ValidatingAdmissionPolicies from Kyverno policies
Project post originally published on Kyverno’s blog by Mariam Fahmy In the previous blog post, we discussed writing Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions in Kyverno policies for resource validation. CEL was first introduced to Kubernetes for the Validation rules for CustomResourceDefinitions,...
March 29, 2024

SiliconANGLE: “CNCF’s Notary Project evolves container signing for enhanced supply chain security”
SiliconANGLE: “CNCF’s Notary Project evolves container signing for enhanced supply chain security”
The software supply chain can be challenging to maintain for companies across the chain, causing potential bottlenecks delaying software deployment, which can hurt businesses deeply in the long run.
March 29, 2024

InfoQ: “KubeCon EU Highlights: CloudEvents & Falco Graduate, Beta Tetragon , Linkerd Meshes Legacy Systems”
InfoQ: “KubeCon EU Highlights: CloudEvents & Falco Graduate, Beta Tetragon , Linkerd Meshes Legacy Systems”
As highlighted at the recent KubeCon and CloudNatveiCon EU 2024 conference, the count of CNCF graduated projects has reached twenty-six, as Cloud Events and Falco joined the “boring, but safe project list”.
March 29, 2024

The 2024 trends on cloud computing by Kelsey Hightower and Alex Saroyan
Member Post The 2024 trends on cloud computing by Kelsey Hightower and Alex Saroyan
Member post originally published on Netris’s blog Public clouds have basically become identical. Most companies are paying way more for cloud infrastructure than they should. In a nutshell, these statements summarize the key takeaways about the state of cloud computing...
March 28, 2024

Missed KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024? Here’s everything you need to know
Staff Post Missed KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024? Here’s everything you need to know
Over 12,000 people joined us in Paris for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 and while we talked about everything from artificial intelligence to sustainable computing, the biggest takeaway was the incredible power of community. The community made Kubernetes...
March 28, 2024