Cloud native projects & team culture power Allianz Direct’s CI/CD capabilities
End User Post Cloud native projects & team culture power Allianz Direct’s CI/CD capabilities
In 2019, 132-year old European financial services company Allianz SE founded Allianz Direct in response to disruption in the insurance space. To keep up with digital-first competitors, like the big four (GAFA), Allianz Direct developed digital models for...
February 23, 2022

Operating multiple high-density bare-metal clusters in a highly regulated industry
End User Post Operating multiple high-density bare-metal clusters in a highly regulated industry
mTLSing services with Linkerd at scale without impacting developer productivity  Guest post by Christian Hüning, Director Cloud Technologies & Switchkit at Finleap Connect At Finleap Connect, we operate multiple high-density bare-metal Kubernetes clusters with up to 5,000 pods...
February 23, 2022 | By Christian Hüning

Announcing Vitess 13
Project Post Announcing Vitess 13
Project post originally published on Vitess’ blog by Florent Poinsard The Vitess maintainers are pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 13. Major Themes #   In this release, Vitess maintainers have made significant progress in several areas,...
February 22, 2022

Security: The value of SBOMs
Project Post Security: The value of SBOMs
Project post originally published on Flux’s blog by Daniel Holbach Flux – built with security in mind You don’t get to re-architect a successful project very often, but we did about two years ago. The Flux project was...
February 22, 2022 | By Daniel Holbach

A cloud-like on-prem load balancer for Kubernetes?
Member Post A cloud-like on-prem load balancer for Kubernetes?
Guest post originally published on Netris’s blog by Alex Saroyan Everyone knows that using a Kubernetes Load Balancer is a challenge. Back in the day when I was responsible for network operations, the load balancer management was under...
February 21, 2022 | By Alex Saroyan

Introducing Opta: Terraform on Rails
Member Post Introducing Opta: Terraform on Rails
Guest post by Ankur Dahiya, RunX Engineers today work inside a perpetual good news-bad news dichotomy. On one hand, the tools, infrastructure and capabilities at their disposal give them what an engineer ten years ago would probably consider...
February 18, 2022 | By Ankur Dahiya

DevClass: “Break point: Cassandra, Elastic, GitHub, KubeOne, New Relic, and CNCF”
DevClass: “Break point: Cassandra, Elastic, GitHub, KubeOne, New Relic, and CNCF”
Users of Apache Cassandra who haven’t updated their systems in the last couple of days should consider an upgrade, as JFrog identified a high severity remote code execution issue in the database project. The vulnerability affects all teams...
February 18, 2022

Principles for designing and deploying scalable applications on Kubernetes
Member Post Principles for designing and deploying scalable applications on Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on Elastisys’ blog by the Elastisys‘ team Designing scalable cloud native applications requires considerable thought, as there are many challenges to overcome. Even with the great clouds we have today for deploying our applications,...
February 17, 2022 | By Elastisys' team

Increase stability and reliability with Kubernetes + Helm + Flux!
Member Post Increase stability and reliability with Kubernetes + Helm + Flux!
Guest post by Tamao Nakahara, VP of Developer Experience, Weaveworks  The Benefits of Stability and Reliability  If you’ve come to this blog post, you’re probably interested in ways to be able to trust that everything will go well...
February 17, 2022

Container Journal: “CNCF: Rise in Emerging Open Source Tech on K8s”
Container Journal: “CNCF: Rise in Emerging Open Source Tech on K8s”
A new report from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in collaboration with Datadog, New Relic and Slashdata finds a wider range of emerging open source technologies are being deployed on top of Kubernetes. The report, based on...
February 17, 2022