Ambassador spotlight: Paulo Simoes
Staff Post Ambassador spotlight: Paulo Simoes
“I have a dream to help the Brazilian community reach an outstanding position in CNCF,” says CNCF Ambassador Paulo Simoes. “I want to help increase the participation on projects, directly on the foundation, and TOC. I am not...
October 29, 2020

SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for fine-tuning Kubernetes”
SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for fine-tuning Kubernetes”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation hosts KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America, taking place online November 17-20. CNCF manages the open source Kubernetes project, and offers Kubernetes training and certifications, in addition to KubeCon. Expert Kubernetes users should strive...
October 29, 2020

The Biggest Myths of Multi-Cloud
Member Post The Biggest Myths of Multi-Cloud
Guest post originally published on CloudOps’s blog by the CloudOps Team The IT industry is in a state of deep confusion when it comes to multi-cloud. Against pushback from cloud vendors who sought to monopolize the industry, most...
October 28, 2020

Announcing Vitess 8
Project Post Announcing Vitess 8
On behalf of the Vitess maintainers’ team, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 8. Major Themes In this release, we have continued to make important improvements to the Vitess project with over 200 PRs...
October 27, 2020 | By Alkin Tezuysal

SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for Kubernetes professionals”
SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for Kubernetes professionals”
Some of your applications are containerized, running in production on Kubernetes or a supported distribution thereof. You’re reaping the benefits of a consistent application environment from development to test and production. What’s next? KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America...
October 27, 2020

SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for Kubernetes beginners”
SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for Kubernetes beginners”
While Kubernetes is a relatively young technology, reaching version 1.0 in 2015, many IT organizations run large production workloads with mature Kubernetes and container deployments. For these advanced adopters, the information shared at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon can expand...
October 27, 2020

SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for Kubernetes beginners”
SearchITOperations: “KubeCon 2020 preview: Session guide for Kubernetes beginners”
With more than a dozen technical tracks and hundreds of sessions, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon can prove daunting to a Kubernetes beginner. But as a low-cost virtual event in 2020, the conference presents a unique opportunity for Kubernetes adopters...
October 27, 2020

Announcing the Linkerd Community Anchor Program
Project Post Announcing the Linkerd Community Anchor Program
Open source is all about community! A project is successful because of the people who use it and work with it every day. Talking about the problems you’re solving can help a lot more folks than you may...
October 26, 2020 | By Thomas Rampelberg

Service mesh is still hard
Service mesh is still hard
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Virtual sponsor guest post from Lin Sun, Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM At ServiceMeshCon EU this August, William Morgan from Linkerd and I gave a joint talk entitled service mesh is still hard. ...
October 26, 2020 | By Lin Sun

TechRepublic: “Open source: Why naiveté might be the key to success”
TechRepublic: “Open source: Why naiveté might be the key to success”
In our efforts to uncover the keys to open source success, we may be overlooking the most important attribute of all: Profound naïveté. Talk to Dries Buytaert (Drupal) or Daniel Stenberg (cURL) or [insert name of your preferred...
October 23, 2020