Technology choices during hyper growth
Member Post Technology choices during hyper growth
Guest post originally published on Rookout’s blog by Oded Keret, Product lead at Rookout. Previously in our hypergrowth series, we spoke about the business and cultural aspects of hypergrowth. We highlighted guidelines such as focusing on sales enablement...
October 12, 2020 | By Oded Keret

The New Stack: “The Most Popular Cloud Native Storage Solutions”
The New Stack: “The Most Popular Cloud Native Storage Solutions”
Storage is one of the most critical components of a Containers-as-a-Service platform. Container-native storage exposes the underlying storage services to containers and microservices. Like software-defined storage, it aggregates and pools storage resources from disparate mediums. Container-native storage enables...
October 12, 2020

DevClass: “What’s the point: Rook, Kong, Docker Hub, Elixir, Sumo Logic, and Sonatype”
DevClass: “What’s the point: Rook, Kong, Docker Hub, Elixir, Sumo Logic, and Sonatype”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has gained another graduate project. Accepted into the CNCF in 2018, storage project Rook is now mature enough to fall into one category with cloud native bedrocks Kubernetes and Prometheus.
October 9, 2020

Automating Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Config With Argo CD
Member Post Automating Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Config With Argo CD
Guest post originally published on DoiT’s blog by Mike Sparr, Sr Cloud Architect at DoiT International One of the coolest aspects of Google’s Anthos enterprise solution in my opinion is Anthos Config Management (ACM). You can set up a Git...
October 9, 2020 | By Mike Sparr

Rebuilding Linkerd’s continuous integration (CI) with Kubernetes in Docker (kind) and GitHub Actions
Member Post Rebuilding Linkerd’s continuous integration (CI) with Kubernetes in Docker (kind) and GitHub Actions
Guest post originally published on the Bouyant blog by Andrew Seigner This post is a writeup of a talk Andrew gave at KubeCon EU 2020. Introduction In mid-2019, the Linkerd project’s continuous integration (CI) took 45 minutes, all tests...
October 8, 2020 | By Andrew Seigner

A better faster
Staff Post A better faster
Just over a month ago we released this new version of  We had spent the previous 9 months rewriting the site from scratch to accomplish the following goals: Improve the speed of the site, both for browsing...
October 8, 2020 | By Chris Abraham

SiliconANGLE: “Rook graduates from the CNCF, enabling persistent storage for Kubernetes apps”
SiliconANGLE: “Rook graduates from the CNCF, enabling persistent storage for Kubernetes apps”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which houses the open-source Kubernetes project and other cloud-native technology initiatives, said today that Rook has become its latest project to graduate. Rook is an open-source, cloud-native storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, which is...
October 7, 2020

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Rook Graduation
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Rook Graduation
Cloud native storage tool has grown its contributor base by 260% since joining CNCF  SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – October 7, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced...
October 7, 2020

Quickly Strengthen The Digital Core Banking System With Microservice Technology
Member Post Quickly Strengthen The Digital Core Banking System With Microservice Technology
Guest post by Fred Chien (錢逢祥)from BroBridge Express train for digital transformation of the financial industry: Building a data middle platform Not just the financial industry, almost all companies have their digital core systems in different types. These...
October 7, 2020 | By Fred Chien

Important Helm Repo Changes & v2 End of Support in November
Project Post Important Helm Repo Changes & v2 End of Support in November
Guest post from Dan Garfield, Chief Technology Evangelist, Codefresh and Scott Rigby, Developer Experience, Weaveworks On November 13th, 2020 the Stable and Incubator Helm chart repositories will be deprecated and all Helm-related images will no longer be available...
October 7, 2020 | By Dan Garfield