CNCF technical principles and open governance success
CNCF technical principles and open governance success
As CNCF approaches its 4th year anniversary, the community has grown to sustain over 30 projects and 450 members. It has become one of the most successful open source organizations in terms of impact which you can see...
August 30, 2019 | By Chris Aniszczyk

Announcing the CNCF Kubernetes project journey report
Announcing the CNCF Kubernetes project journey report
Today we are very excited to release our first Project Journey Report for Kubernetes. This is the first of several such reports we’ll be issuing for CNCF graduated projects. Here’s the backstory. The largest CNCF-hosted project is Kubernetes....
August 29, 2019

SDxCentral: "CNCF project journey proves Kubernetes is everywhere"
SDxCentral: "CNCF project journey proves Kubernetes is everywhere"
Yes, Kubernetes is everywhere. And a new Project Journey report from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) includes some big numbers showing just how everywhere Kubernetes is in the market.
August 29, 2019

Container Journal: "CNCF highlights Kubernetes progress 5 years on"
Container Journal: "CNCF highlights Kubernetes progress 5 years on"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)’s Project Journey Report, published today, reveals there are now 1,704 companies that have made contributions to Kubernetes. Overall, 24,000 IT professionals have made 1.1 million contributions. In total, the report notes, there...
August 29, 2019

ITOps Times: "CNCF: Kubernetes code diversity indicates a healthy community"
ITOps Times: "CNCF: Kubernetes code diversity indicates a healthy community"
It should come as no surprise that Kubernetes has skyrocketed in popularity. Since joining the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the project has seen widespread adoption and it seems to be all anyone can talk about in the...
August 29, 2019

TechRepublic: "How to use Harbor to scan Docker images for vulnerabilities"
TechRepublic: "How to use Harbor to scan Docker images for vulnerabilities"
Make sure you’re not deploying containers based on vulnerable images by scanning those images with Harbor.
August 29, 2019

How gRPC is enabling Salesforce’s unified interoperability strategy
How gRPC is enabling Salesforce’s unified interoperability strategy
The leader in customer relationship management software, Salesforce supports more than 150,000 organizations with its customer success platform and other products. On the technology side, “the big thing we’re trying to establish is a unified interoperability strategy across...
August 28, 2019

SDxCentral: "How will open source deal with success?"
SDxCentral: "How will open source deal with success?"
Last week’s Open Source Summit in San Diego was a brilliant display of the ecosystem’s well-deserved success, but that was to be expected. You don’t go to an event with that title and not expect some back slapping.
August 28, 2019

InfoQ: "Yuri Shkuro on tracing distributed systems using Jaeger"
InfoQ: "Yuri Shkuro on tracing distributed systems using Jaeger"
Jaeger is an open-source tracing backend, developed at Uber. It also has a collection of libraries that implement the OpenTracing API.
August 28, 2019

CNCF joins Google Summer of Code 2019 with 17 interns, projects for containerd, CoreDNS, Kubernetes, OPA, Prometheus, Rook and more
CNCF joins Google Summer of Code 2019 with 17 interns, projects for containerd, CoreDNS, Kubernetes, OPA, Prometheus, Rook and more
Since 2005, the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program has accepted thousands of university students from around the world to spend their summer holiday writing code and learning about the open source community. This year GSoC accepted 1,276 students from 63 countries...
August 23, 2019