CNCF to host Open Policy Agent (OPA)
CNCF to host Open Policy Agent (OPA)
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced acceptance of the Open Policy Agent (OPA) into the CNCF Sandbox, a home for early stage and evolving cloud native projects. The Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source,...
March 29, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

CNCF to host the SPIFFE Project
CNCF to host the SPIFFE Project
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation accepted SPIFFE into the CNCF Sandbox, a home for early stage and evolving cloud native projects. Also known as the Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone, the SPIFFE project is an open-source...
March 29, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

SiliconANGLE: "Latest Kubernetes update sets stage for KubeCon in May"
SiliconANGLE: "Latest Kubernetes update sets stage for KubeCon in May"
With the release of Kubernetes 1.10 in March, developers and users familiar with the project will have plenty to discuss when the community gathers in Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 2 through 4 for KubeCon, the Cloud Native Computing...
March 28, 2018

InfoWorld: "What’s new in Kubernetes containers"
InfoWorld: "What’s new in Kubernetes containers"
The latest version of the container orchestration system Kubernetes, 1.10, moves some storage, DNS, and authentication features to beta status. Released in late March 2018, Kubernetes 1.10 is also the first release under a new life cycle management...
March 28, 2018

Light Reading: "ONAP, CNCF come together on Containers"
Light Reading: "ONAP, CNCF come together on Containers"
ONAP and Kubernetes, two of the fastest growing and in demand open source projects, are coming together at Open Networking Summit this week. To ensure ONAP runs on Kubernetes in any environment, ONAP is now a part of...
March 27, 2018

CNCF launches Cross-Cloud CI Project & Adds ONAP networking project to dashboard overview
CNCF launches Cross-Cloud CI Project & Adds ONAP networking project to dashboard overview
CNCF Demos Kubernetes Enabling ONAP Running On Any Public, Private, or Hybrid Cloud at Open Networking Summit This Week To ensure CNCF projects work across all cloud providers, the CNCF CI Working Group has been working on the Cross-cloud CI...
March 27, 2018 | By Sarah Conway

CNCF survey: China is going native with cloud
CNCF survey: China is going native with cloud
By Swapnil Bhartiya, Founder & Writer at TFiR: The Fourth Industrial Revolution Swapnil is a journalist and writer who has been covering Linux & Open Source for 10 years. He is also a science fiction writer whose stories have...
March 26, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

Kubernetes 1.10: Stabilizing storage, security, and networking
Kubernetes 1.10: Stabilizing storage, security, and networking
Editor’s note: today’s post is by the 1.10 Release Team Originally posted on We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.10, our first release of 2018! Today’s release continues to advance maturity, extensibility, and pluggability of...
March 26, 2018 | By Kaitlyn Barnard

eWeek: "Envoy CNCF project completes security audit, delivers new release"
eWeek: "Envoy CNCF project completes security audit, delivers new release"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has begun a process of performing third-party security audits for its projects, with the first completed audit coming from the Envoy proxy project. The Envoy proxy project was created by ride-sharing company...
March 23, 2018

How to benefit from the Container approach
How to benefit from the Container approach
By Jason McGee, Fellow, IBM Jason McGee, IBM Fellow, is VP and CTO of the Container and Microservice Tribe. Jason leads the technical strategy and architecture across all of IBM Cloud, with specific focus on core foundational cloud...
March 22, 2018